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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Bamafarmchick

  1. Surgery was 4/23 at 196 lbs and 5'2"- and I am Finally considering myself a true lightweight! im down 57 pounds weighing in at 139 and a size 6! 5 months ago this felt like some unrealistic fantasy but today I tried on my wedding dress that I wore 15 years ago and it fits perfectly! I can't explain the feeling.

    It isn't all fairydust though- the hair isn't fairing so well, the reflux truly sucks, also never realized just how many stretchmarks I have ALL over my body- but I'm managing. Small prices to pay!

  2. I've been losing hair since week 8 and I'm almost 16 weeks out. Im hoping i have made it At least halfway thru this Hair loss stage. It's hard to imagine that i still have hair left to fall out. Ive been in a stall for 5/6 weeks now and I've also noticed that my hair isn't growing either. Not sure any of it is connected of course! But I normally can only go about 5 weeks in between coloring my hair from root growth. My last color was 6 weeks ago and no roots showing. Oh and I went ahead and cut mine too- I just did it since I figured it grows so fast and here it is not growing!

  3. I'm 5-3 and was 195 day of my surgery which makes me a lower BMI but i felt more like a staypuff marshmallow girl. Tomorrow is 5 weeks and I'm down 27 pounds. I just zipped up what i considered my skinniest jeans- size 8 and cried like a baby. They are a little tight but my rear was in them and thrilled!! 11 years ago, I was a size 6 at 140 pounds on the day I found out I was preggo and I haven't been under 175 pounds since that baby was born. Today I was 168! I have fought tooth and nail to stay under 200 so this is amazing to me! Still in the fat is fat club- I am seeing some angel wings on the arms and my stretchmarks are looking crazy different to me! I don't recognize myself and that's a good thing!

  4. I was 4 weeks out last Tuesday. I have 60 pounds total to lose. I lost 9 the first week and a total of 25 pounds this month. Also- I was on 1 week of Clear Liquids post op, 2 weeks of full liquids and 2 weeks of soft diet. So I'm not on a normal diet yet- I'm not sure if that matters! I also see the scale go up and down- I'll lose 4 pounds and gain back 2 the next day ect. Gotta toss the scales before I go crazy!

  5. Add me to the list- Sleeved 4/23 and have lost 18 pounds. I had hit 20 pounds lost by day 14 but gained 2 pounds back this week even though I started exercising. I guess this stall in normal. I did measure today and my waist has decreased 5 inches- a total of 17 inches overall (neck, chest, arm, waist, hips, thigh)! I'll take that. I dropped off some papers the week before surgery and I never returned for pick up. I went today to get them and the lady (whom I've met several times) had no clue who I was! I almost kissed her! Hoping that gives me the boost to ride this stall out.

  6. I HATE to be the party pooper! I too felt great from day 3-13. I was back to my old activities and then some. I was at a baseball tournament on day 5. Days9-12 I helped my sister run her dance academy recital which is a a ton of work- early mornings, Long nights, lots of people and lots of stress. I felt awesome though! I was bragging- "look at me- I'm doing sooooo great" Karma got me. On day 14, I had my first problems and havent gotten over it in the last 4 days. Back to Clear Liquids and the reflux is horrible! I think I overdid it. So My warning is don't go crazy like me and prayers for you that your continue to feel great!

  7. I'm 2 1/2 weeks post-op and I have problems with Water as well. I still drink even though it's so painful. However I'm just about to stop since I'm learning my lesson- water equals pain. I can drink thicker things almost pain free now. But I have burps which omg make me want to pull my hair out. I still have the rumbling and have just started with the reflux. I also think i had some energy store that i have finally depleted -because this is my first week to crash and feel like blow drying my hair is too much work! Also- no hunger or appetite. So you sound exactly like me. I had 1 week of Clear Liquids and was anxious to start my 2 weeks of full liquids. Now that I'm almost ready for soft foods and i thought i would be so ready to chew! I'm freaking out because I don't feel ready at all! I know I don't have to eat, of course but this week was harder than the previous one in terms of pain eating.

  8. @bamafarmchick glad to hear everything is going well. I have been curious as to how long it would take to be out and about after surgery. Keep us posted! Best wishes!

    Day 5 and I felt well enough to go watch both of my boys play doubleheaders at the ball field. I sat drinking my Water and ensure clear and got a little sunburned and sweaty. Actually, while at the park, my steristrips sweated off my incisions which look better than expected. I was exhausted by the end of the day but I felt really well otherwise!

  9. I was sleeved on 4/23 too and it still feels surreal. I'm with you all- that first day was terrible. I woke up thinking "i have made a huge mistake!" i figured i could handle it with no problems after 3 csections- but those gas pains are no joke. It is getting better each day. I was sent home on Thursday and today my mind feels clear for the time since surgery if that makes any sense. I am still finding it uncomfortable

    to swallow anything. Today I have managed to drink 1 ensure clear and a bit of Water. I was told 1 week of clear fluids too. Hoping it goes by easily and quickly!

  10. Thank you for your detailed story. I have an appointment with Dr. Borland on Monday 3/26/13. I see you had your surgery a month after your initial visit.

    Can you tell me more about the Pre-op process (testing, costs, scheduling surgery ect?). I'm from LA but living in Alabama right now so I wondered how often I'll have to get myself to New Iberia before and after. Also, I'll self pay as well- when did you have to finalize your payment?

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