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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by MaDunx

  1. Hope you are feeling better. I had pain in a similar area, more over my sternum through to my back. My doc thought costochondritis and gave me strong NSAIDs.

    Misdiagnosis, it was oesophagitis and possibly beginning s of an ulcer (meds made it much worse!)

    Stopped all my nsaids (have never taken them since) started omeprazole.

    I got such a fright that i have never taken anti-inflamatory meds since (had knee and foot pain) and was amazed to discover that I could get by without, partly due to "walking through the pain"

    Since i was sleeved knee and foot pain almost completely gone.

    Good luck!

  2. I am 2 months po today!

    I've lost just about 50 lbs--- sad thing is u can't tell! I was 319 now I'm 268.2! I can tell a LITTLE on my face in person and a LIL on my upper tummy--- it's hard to have lost that much but not look like it!



    Sent from my iPhone using VST

    Have you tried lifting 50lbs!

    Believe me if you strap that to your back and walk about for a while you'll realise how amazingly well you are doing. Also it's Goodbye Forever to these lbs, we won't be seeing them again, Hooray!

    :) Well done you!

  3. Good idea to visit the pharmacist for advice. Hydocortisone may well help if the rash is an allergic like reaction to adhesives or other surgical materiels. you say your belly button is itchy? This could be the result of a fungal infection and hydocortisone might actually make that worse. Best seek professional advice from pharmacist or Doc.

    Good luck!

  4. I know this conversation took place weeks ago, but THANKS everyone.

    I have been stressing out big time about not being able to stomach the Protein Shakes. I have spent lots of money trying various brands, only to ditch them or pass them to my athletic son!

    My nutritionist has never recommended Protein supplements and has always advised protein from food. I though this was due to the difference in me being in the UK system.

    Reading all the comments from US sleevers, it is apparent that protein shakes are a big part of the recovery plan.

    This discussion has been really helpful and illustrates that there are many routes to the same end and so I'm going to stop stressing!

    I am now 9 weeks out and get my protein from yoghurt, milk (not too much), lentils, chicken, cheese and nuts. I can cope well with a small handful of blanched almonds for Snacks between meals.

    Thanks everyone.

  5. Lara,

    How long you need to stay is dependant upon your surgeons assessment of your specific health needs and so cannot really be compared with someone else. Discuss this with your surgeon, I know it might seem to be a pain having to stay in a few more days but better that than developing problems without that specialist medical support on hand.

    Also, best check that your travel/health insurance is valid if you travel against medical advice.

    Good luck!

  6. Jen, Second thoughts are understandable at this stage, you are taking an irevesible step. I had my doubts too, in fact I almost bolted the morning of surgery!


    It is really important to reflect on why you are doing this.

    For me, I had come to a stage in my life where the future was one of very increased risk of diabetes, stroke, heart attack, disability and poor quality of life.

    It was time to accept that all previous weight loss attempts had failed to sustain a healthy weight.

    I did it to save my own life.

    Good luck.

    Do it or don't do it, but be sure to base your decision on facts not fear and be ready to accept responsibility for your decision.

    Good Luck!

  7. I'm sad to hear that you are having a tough time, it's really hard at first dealing with the discomfort and trying to do everything you are told to do.

    The good news is that this will pass!

    That's not to say that there will not be challenges ahead, but you have taken a really brave and positive decision which will ultimately change your life.

    For now: take a breath! Just do your best to stay focused on getting in the fluids, you don't need to do everything at once, build up the Protein over the next days and weeks.

    I am 8 weeks out and really the first 2-3 weeks were just about taking time to recover from surgery.

    I was not able to take Vitamins until a couple of weeks ago.

    You have the support of this community, we are here for you, you are not alone!

    Hang on in there, believe in yourself, you can do this.

  8. I was sleeved the 18 too and went for my 6 week check up and only lost 21lbs. I completely understand your frustration. BUT I know you're like me... Your clothes are soooo much looser and you're fitting into clothes you've not been able to, etc... I am 17 pounds from being under 200 and it's been decades since I've been there! I didn't have this surgery to follow a super strict diet, but to eat a lot less and lose weight! I still have a cookie now and then or something fried, but I only have one cookie not 6! I am 50 years old and know that I won't lose like a 25 year old. I can't set my expectations by comparing myself to others. I am excited about losing more and getting under 200! I will be there in a few weeks! How exciting! I still get discouraged and when I do, honestly, I don't come on here! I see too many people who had surgery near my date and have lost 50lbs! I see people being hateful and rude and to me that's more discouraging then my slow weight loss! Keep your chin up and know that you will get there! Sometimes on a slow journey you see the beautiful things that people going quickly miss!


    I was sleeved on the 19th and my loss has been slow too but miraculously I am losing inches! I don't really understand why this is, my Dietician (think you Yanks call them Nutritionists) calls it "weight re-distribution". Well, whatever it is I don't much care, I only know that I am steadily working my way back into my collection of clothes from previous weight loss!

    You are so right, it's not good to compare. I am only 5ft tall and 200lbs, so not going to lose like someone 5ft 10 inches and 300lbs.

    The most important thing for me is the belief that this time, as I say goodbye to each and every pound, it's for good! No more yo-yo ing.

    Good luck folks.

  9. Thanks for comments. I've tried eggs scrambled and boiled then mashed but unfortunately they just sit like lead in my tummy. I find each day is a bit of an experiment, some things work, some don't! Like Lindanack I do rather crave a lovely crunchy salad. I have managed to eat fresh apple which is nice, I just have to remember to chew lots!

    How are folks managing with Vitamin supplements?

    I tried the soluble Vitamins by Berocca but they have a really strong flavour and made me feel nauseous for next few hours.

  10. Hi everyone. I have been browsing this site for a few months prior to my surgery, looking for information and getting a feel for other people's experiences. My surgery was originally planned for December 20th 2012 but unfortunately I developed pneumonia in November and was not fully recovered. was a bit of a blow as I had planned carefully to be off work at a quiet time. Finally sleeved on 19th February 2013 so now 4 weeks post-op. My biggest issue is eating enough! I have no hunger or drive to eat whatsoever and have to make a concious effort eat! I have tried numerous Protein Shakes and find them all pretty unpalatable. I'm surprised that eggs are so hard to take, I used to love eggs and now cannot tolerate them.

    This aside, I am otherwise pretty amazed at how well I feel and looking forward to seeing the "old me" re-emerge from under the flab!

    Would love to hear from other folk in the UK, but also happy to meet fellow sleevers from across the globe.


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