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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by LapBandFan

  1. Just thought I would drop by since I have not been on these boards in quite some time. To see my backgound and before after pics click this link within this site:


    In February, it will be 3 years for me since my surgery and I have been blessed with my wt loss but have been on a major plateau forever now (months) and need support and was wondering if any of you know of any support group meetings I can start attending locally?

    I live in Sweetwater, TN so anything Cleveland, Chattanooga or Knoxville would be fine for me to travel to.

    Yes, I still need support after all this time postop but hey, I still got lots to lose and the band is doing it's job but I slack up on my eating habits.

    Any meeting times and dates would be appreciated.

    p.s. I had my surgery by Dr Walter Rose at Memorial

    Good luck to all of us!

  2. well, I know I have not posted in a while since starting this thread so here I am..... since starting back on WW 3 weeks ago taking it seriously, I have lost 6 pounds - Wooo Hooo! Finally got in the habit of writing every bite down that goes in..... I am however, struggling to get all my Water in and get to exercising more regularly.

    I don't have any problem in getting my Protein in I just try to make Protein my first choice at meals and keep up with the count of protein grams along with my points. I follow the bandster rules as far as protein first, veggies next and carbs last. The only carbs I do are generally fresh fruit.

    I have told my WW group I have the band and how God blessed me to lose the 140 pounds (which I have gained a little back since that loss) with it and they were all okay with it and did not Bash me in any way. They are all encouarging folks in my WW meeting and the leader is too.

    Good luck to all of you who are on your way to wonderful bandland and doing this WW with me....

  3. MelodyJ - that is such a great example of how to eat with that question.... I will share that with 2 of my friends who have had lapband and who do not come to these boards. That is a great way of thinking about it. I

    Sallyjo - thanks for your encouarging words and compliments, you made my day. I will try to get some new updated photos of before /after to the before and after thread soon.

    Good luck to you all!

    God Bless, Brenda

  4. I think it was Letha from this board that said somewhere that our goal should be to not try to see how much we can eat but to see how little we can get by with and still be SATISFIED not FULL. It is a mind game with me, I have head hunger all the time and I am over 2 years out. Try to make it a habit to say to yourself "am I satisfied with this little amout then if I am STOP eating! There will be more food available later if you get hungry then! " I know, I should not talk to myself, but hey - Whatever works!! Thanks letha for your good advice - it works for me!

  5. jenmomto3 - thanks for the reassurance. I hope I start losing again and that in fact it is the medication , but I just find it hard to believe I never had high BP at my highest weight and now, start having problems. Heredity I guess, but I am gonna try my very hardest to lose down and get off BP meds, I hate taking meds.

    Just say a prayer for me because I hope my surgeon realizes the gain is from the meds, but he is very tough person and he will complain about it and jump me making me feel bad, so do pray that God keeps his arm around my shoulder and his hand over my mouth that day. I will need it!! Thanks for your response.

  6. I have recently been diagnosed with mild hypertension (even though I have recently lost 140 pounds with my lapband - go figure) I never had hypertension (high blood pressure) even at my highest weight of 365, but it runs in my family.....long story short, I recently started on lisinopril about 2 months ago and have had a weight GAIN of 15 pounds!!! I have been doing the lap band diet rules and still have gained. I do realize I need another adjustment/fill but I honestly had been "holding my own" or maintaining before the blood pressure pill (lisinopril).

    Has anyone ever taken it and noticed a weightgain? I am VERY frustrated and have an appt for a fill/adjustment in couple of weeks and so dread my doctor because he will fuss about the gain. Any suggestions? Thanks

  7. Just my 2 cents worth.... It is very normal not to feel restriction after only one fill. They don't normally put in very much the first time and you have to realize the Fluid they do put in might very well be just in the tubing going to the band and it takes several fills sometimes to get the much wanted restriction. I have the VG band and it took about 4 fills for me to finally start feeling restriction, so hang in there, you are perfectly normal. You probably won't ever feel "full" on the liquid and mushies part of the diet. That is normal too. Hang in there, this band is the best thing in my life and I would do it again in a heartbeat.

  8. Just my stats.... I finally got back to getting my adjustments/fills last Tuesday....YEAH! found me a new lapband doc, so I am a happy camper once again. Got restriction back and hopefully will be on my way to breaking my plateau. Still struggling in getting ALL my Water in, but doing way better than I was. Now I need to get faithful in my daily exercise. That is where I am struggling now! Have a good week to all!


    Goal weight for June 30th - 225 pounds

    4-10 - Weight 243 lbs

    4-17 - Weight 243

    4-24 - Weight 240

    5-1 - Weight 242

    5-8 - Weight 246

    5-15 - Weight 241








  9. Dody, I too have had revision due to a slippage and am a little over one year out from the revision. I have not lost hardly anything since the revision, I however had maintained with the new band up until middle of last month when I got food stuck and had to go for an emergency unfill. So currently I have had no restriction and had gained almost 10 pounds since the unfill. :eek: I got all worried and thought " I have not come this far with a loss of 133 pounds to start gaining now!" So I rejoined weight watchers to have a guideline to go by and someone to report to every week and for the support group meetings. I go for my fill again next week, had to wait a month. Right before gettting the food stuck, I had finally gotten to a wonderful restriction and was starting to steadily lose again and then that happened. So all in all, I think you have never gotten good restriction back and need more fills/adjustments. Just be patient. My doc told me that with revision it takes longer to get going on the weight loss because it is not put around what he called a virgin stomach and would take longer, who knows if that is a bunch of crap or what he told me, but he also said once you have lost the majority of weight needed, your body tends to hang on to what fat is left, therefore hitting a plateau. I had to just accept the fact that I have lost the majority of my weight and that now the last 70 pounds is up to me with the help of my band once I start getting fills and get a good restriciton back. In other words, once you get close to goal weight you gotta try harder, exercise more and be more conscious of every bite. That is where Weight Watchers is helping me....weekly weighins, accountability, etc. Good luck to you!

    p.s. Been on Weight watchers for 2 weeks and have lost 4.5 pounds of the 10 I had gained,:clap2: so I NEEDED them for accountability.

  10. BIG OL HUGE CONTRATS TERESITA!!!! THAT IS GREAT! I am doing the happy dance for you while we speak. YOU GO GIRL.

    You are an inspiration, thanks for posting so often to give us a good example to follow!

    Sarge- we will miss you, but have fun in getting your R&R.

  11. Great post! I agree 1000% with you on that, it is not a fact of "feeling full" anymore, but just satisfied. I think it was Lovely Leetha who made the statement in another post that it is not to eat until you feel full but to eat the very least amount you can get by with.

    Nope you don't want to overstuff or ever feel full, that is way to close to pouch packing which over time can lead to slippage of the band or as one doctor puts it prolapse of the stomach up over the band lapping over top of the band.

    Good advice on using a saucer for Portion Control and resolving to no seconds. It all depends how bad you want to keep your band as to how you follow the rules.

    Good luck to all.

  12. Sorry Sarge, I was confused on how to post my weight weekly. It is now updated. Thanks for the reminder. GOOD JOB ON YOUR LOSS!! :huggie: :clap2:

    My goals this week:

    • Exercise at least 30 minutes EVERY day.
    • Get in 123 oz of Water every day, no exceptions.
    • Stay on the Weight watchers points program
    • Stop snacking after supper before going to bed.


    Goal weight for June 30th - 225 pounds

    4-10 - Weight 243 lbs

    4-17 - Weight 246 :grouphug:

    4-24 - Weight 243 :clap2:

    5-1 -










  13. Morning fellow soliders, just reporting in...well stats for the past week. Even though my weight stats here in my sig line show a gain, here's the lowdown of my week....I was up and down on the scales, Monday last week weigh in was 240, then I was up to 246 by Thursday (YIKES!:angry ) I went to my regular doc and he kicked butt as I assumed he would and gave me a tough-love talk, put me on blood pressure pills and said "it is up to you what happens next" telling me that I can get back off the BP pills if I lose the weight and keep a REGULAR exercise plan in place and he suggested that while I do not have any restriction right now and am waiting on getting my fills started again that I re-join weight watchers for the accountability and support meetings. So....there was a meeting that very night and I went and rejoined and have been sticking to the WW program since Friday and my scales are down 4 pounds!!! :clap2: :clap2: It might be Water weight but at least it is a loss! :eekB: I even survived WW over the weekend without cheating! Weekends are hardest for me. So now to revamp my goals for this week they are:

    • Exercise at least 30 minutes EVERY day.
    • Get in 123 oz of water every day, no exceptions.
    • Stay on the Weight watchers points program
    • Stop snacking after supper before going to bed.
    • Get in my 123 oz of water every day, no exceptions.... Did I say that already. I have to keep repeating it in my head maybe it will stick if I say it enough!!!

    Sorry for the long post, thanks for listening and for your encouragement. Good luck to all of you!! We can do this TOGETHER!!


    Goal weight for June 30th - 225 pounds

    4-10 - Weight 243 lbs

    4-17 - Weight 243

    4-24 - Weight 240

    5-1 - Weight 242 (up 2 pounds :faint: :think )










  14. Well, I went back to my regular doc for a 6-month check up on my Migraines yesterday, my blood pressure has been up the last 4 times I have gone to him and he put me on a pill for it. It is so weird when I weighed my highest weight at 365 my blood pressure stayed normal and on the low side, but now that I have lost the weight, it is high?!?! :grouphug: It is in my family history and he said that is part of it. :( Anyway he said to try to increase my exercise and keep at it, not keep starting and stopping like I have been in the habit of doing, he said I had to make it top priority of I want to lose my last 50 pounds and to get off these pills. So yet another incentive to try harder.

    He also suggested I re-start weight watchers mainly for the accountability every week and for the support meetings. He said these last 50 lbs will be the hardest to lose ever and that I will need to go to someone once a week and be confronted about my weight:omg: - which is so true.

    I can't wait till my first fill on May 9th to get started getting my restriction back but in the meantime, I am gonna FOCUS on the exercise and Water more.

    Thanks for listening to me whine and for all your encouargement....

  15. Hey all, long time not talk to..... life gets so busy.... well I got over my allergy symptoms and no more drainage, but as some you already know, I had to go for an emergency complete unfill on April 10th. It has been horrible! I have absolutely no restriction and stay hungry all the time, my scales are up and down, I am so frustrated. I have gained 7 pounds for sure since the unfill. It is amazing how much I depend on the restriction! I am trying to focus on low carb, more Water and more exercise, but my work schedule don't allow for much of the exercise part....I get to get my first fill/adjustment week after next. Please pray for me that I don't gain anymore before then! Thanks for all your support!

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