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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LapBandFan

  1. LapBandFan

    Me Me Me Me Meeeeeee

    Teresa, I have been watching your threads lately and you are losing and doing so good. I need daily motivation, accountability and support in the exercise department..... I love that you ahve your stats and how the numbers are going down for you... having been banded for 2 years now, having lost up to 140 pounds, you would think I don't need motivation to keep moving, but I do.....I feel stuck, been stuck without a regulare steady weight loss for over 5 months now. I go for another fill in 2 weeks which will make my band a little over half full so hopefully the increased resitriction will help me start losing again. Please post daily. I need to see your success and that will inspire me to keep on.... I see you joined TOPS is that motivation for you? Do you meet once a week and weigh in? I think I need to join our local TOPS or Weight watchers or something where I have to check in at least weekly to weigh.... Just want you to know you are an inspiration.... keep up the good work.....
  2. LapBandFan

    Out of CONTROL!!

    Kim, I just now read your post and it sounds like you have been living with me and watching me on one of my bad days. I have done the exact same thing before and beat myself up over it 1000 times for doing it. I think we ALL slip up and eat stuff we don't need and that just proves you are human and normal. When I read your post I thought back to this past weekend, I bought hershey kisses to give to our kids at church in sunday school, well I thought, I will have a couple of those and before the day was over the entire bag was gone, inside me making me feel like such a loser and failure and feeling as big as I ever was. I know we can do this and overcome these binges. It don't happen often to me but it does happen. My new rules are I don't even let myself purchase those things and if I do it to give to someone else I make a big deal out of telling my husband there is candy in the house and to be my candy police!! He don't have a problem at all, he is diabetic and lucky for him he has never been a big sweets eater. So, stop beating yourself up and move on...today is a new day.....even if you slip once today, don't let it turn you into the candymonster all day, just throw the candy away or give it to someone else. I know it sounds crazy but get it out of your site however you can. I will pray for you as you deal with these demons everyday and I want you to pray for me. I am just vowing to not even have it in my presence and not purchase it at all. I cannot be trusted with it!! heck, I cannot even be trusted with the sugarfree chocolate either, same thing happens if I have it. What I started doing after my last "binge" was not allowing me to have any chocolate or treat until once on the weekend in the presence of someone else, as I feel guilty if I eat more than I should in the presence of someone else. Especially since everyone knows I have lost 140 pounds and I feel like they are "watching" me to see if I mess up. That is the safest answer to my problem, wait till weekend to treat myself and then only with one serving of the treat. Well, wake up now, I know I put you to sleep with such a long post, but I know where you are coming from....take it a day at a time.... you can do it you have not come this far to fail now! You have done a great job with your band on your wt loss. Take care.....
  3. LapBandFan

    Hidee from Tennessee

    Welcome to bandland here at lapband talk. I live in Sweetwater TN about halfway between Chattanooga and Knoxville, I used Dr Walter Rose and had my band surgery 2 years ago at Memorial Hospital. Feel free to send me a private message for any questions. I will be happy to help in anyway I can. Best advice I can give you both is to TRULY and HONESTLY follow all the advice your surgeon gives you about following the diet and exercising. The Lord and my band has helped me lose 140 pounds so far and I have followed the rules to the letter. Good luck on your new journey..... Secrets to my success: My biggest pointer to my success I guess would be I really stick to the bandster diet as close as possible, followed a relatively low-carb diet, drinking lots of Water, exercising 30 minutes at least 4x per week and praying really hard! The Lord has helped me more than I could have done on my own. I really wanted to lose the weight and I guess that was motivation enough for me to stick to the rules better. Plus, why pay out all that money and not do it? I was very blessed that my insurance paid for my surgery (thank goodness). The bandster diet rules to really follow religiously are: No drinking with meals No carbonated beverages - ever No breads and pastas (they get stuck on me, some people can eat them but not me) Drink at least 84 oz water per day No snacking between meals (slip on that one occassionaly:phanvan ) Increase exercise (still struggle doing this, busy schedule prevents me doing it like I need to:rolleyes: ) Good luck on your new journey of life! You will love the confidence you get after losing weight. Although I had slippage and had to have another band put in, I would do it all over again. Having lost 140 pounds really has helped me to feel so much better and hopefully live longer than I would have before the band. I truly am a Band Fan and would highly recommend it. I will pray for you! Take care. Please join us in the USA board for Tennessee, at http://www.lapbandtalk.com/forumdisplay.php?f=63 there you will post with other members of this board who are from Tennessee. :confused: p.s. My doctor has almost told me he thinks my first band slipped due to it being to small for my stomach (I had a 4 cc then and second band is a 10 cc band) so therefore it was too tight around my stomach. Still would do it all over again.
  4. LapBandFan

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    Susan, thanks you are too kind. There are other NSV I am sure but I don't have time to post a lot right now as I am at work afterall.... hee hee... I have more pics of me at a photo website at www.picturetrail.com/befain go to wt loss album, you will need the password which is 1968loser. Thanks for looking. Jenna - Yes, you are right We are both happier now. DH has gained a little bit of weight he found out he is diabetic and the medicine he is on made him gain some weight. Thanks for your kind words.
  5. LapBandFan

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    How has loss of 100 pounds changed my life? Here are just a few off top of my head..... I can go out in public and not be embarrassed. I can wear bluejeans comfortably. I can fit into booths at resteraunts and movie theaters without problems. My legs don't rub together catching my pants on fire....:nervous My nieces and nephews can sit on my lap, I never had one before. I have more confidence in myself to get up in front of crowds now. I can wear a seatbelt in the vehicle now (before it would not fit) I don't suffer from severe depression anymore. I have energy to exercise and do more outdoors things with my husband. I can shop for clothes in my hometown instead of ordering everything from plus size catalogs. The JOY I get if I pass someone I know who has not seen me in a long time and they don't recognize that it is me!!! :clap2: My favorite...My husband tells everyong he got a new wife and did not even have to get a divorce.:kiss2: See attached photo of how it looks.....
  6. LapBandFan

    Banded 3-08-06...Chattanooga

    Hello neighbors, just checking in. I would like to start a thread in this forum for exercise and eating accountability? Anyof you in? Although I have lost 132 pounds, I still hit plateaus and have days I don't want to exercise or eat right..... so we could post here and encouarge one another. I know some of you have not been banded yet, but you could go on and post daily too. Nancy, How are you feeling? Hope the soreness is getting better daily. Try to move some as much as you can to work the soreness out. Please post and tell us how you are. Have a blessed night!
  7. LapBandFan

    Who Wants to Walk

    Teresa, WOO HOO 4 pounds gone, you go girl!!!! Happy Dance in progress for you! How long you ben faithfully walking regularly? Is there somewhere here that you post your daily intake too? Just curious. Great job on the loss!
  8. LapBandFan

    Who Wants to Walk

    Ok, I walked 1.5 miles yesterday in 30 minutes and walked 2 miles today in 45 minutes. Just checking in. See ya!
  9. LapBandFan

    Who Wants to Walk

    Thanks ladies for explaining, I realized after I had posted that the thread was part of a Maryland state forum (oops sorry for not noting that before) Thanks for the invite. I will post here with you all as I need all the extra encourgment I can get as I have been plateaued for SOOOOO long now. In case you want to, you can check out how far I am walking daily, (Link is below),There is a "walk across America" map site where I log on every time I walk and the goal is to Walk across America with the map starting in San Francisco CA, and ends in Washington DC, covering a total of 2,830 miles. As I enter your workouts, check back to this map to see how far I have traveled! Let's hope I don't make any detours on the way to Washington! I really need silly stuff like this to keep me motivated! Hey whatever helps I say.....sad I gotta play mind games with myself... Walk across America Log - Daily Walking chart http://www.fitnessjournal.org/map/?see=scrappyethel
  10. LapBandFan

    Banded 3-08-06...Chattanooga

    Nancy, yes darling, the pain is normal after surgery. :phanvan Take the pain meds they gave you and take it easy. Walk as much as you feel like you can to help get the soreness out, and I slept in my recliner for the first 2 weeks just because I was too sore to lie down in the bed. :notagree I promise the pain will get better. Do drink lots of fluids right now and do everything they suggest. Secrets to my success: My biggest pointer to my success I guess would be I really stick to the bandster diet as close as possible, followed a relatively low-carb diet, drinking lots of Water, exercising 30 minutes at least 4x per week and praying really hard! The Lord has helped me more than I could have done on my own. I really wanted to lose the weight and I guess that was motivation enough for me to stick to the rules better. Plus, why pay out all that money and not do it? I was very blessed that my insurance paid for my surgery (thank goodness). The bandster diet rules to really follow religiously are: No drinking with meals No carbonated beverages - ever No breads and pastas (they get stuck on me, some people can eat them but not me) Drink at least 84 oz water per day No snacking between meals (slip on that one occassionaly) Increase exercise (still struggle doing this, busy schedule prevents me doing it like I need to) Good luck on your new journey of life! You will love the confidence you get after losing weight. Although I had slippage and had to have another band put in, I would do it all over again. Having lost 140 pounds really has helped me to feel so much better and hopefully live longer than I would have before the band. I truly am a Band Fan and would highly recommend it. I will pray for you! Take care. p.s. My doctor has almost told me he thinks my first band slipped due to it being to small for my stomach (I had a 4 cc then and second band is a 10 cc band) so therefore it was too tight around my stomach. Still would do it all over again.
  11. LapBandFan

    Banded 3-08-06...Chattanooga

    Ladies, Welcome to bandland here at lapband talk. I live in Sweetwater TN about halfway between Chattanooga and Knoxville, I used Dr Walter Rose and had my band surgery 2 years ago at Memorial Hospital. Feel free to send me a private message for any questions. I will be happy to help in anyway I can. Best advice I can give you both is to TRULY and HONESTLY follow all the advice your surgeon gives you about following the diet and exercising. I will post on my next post here what I have done to be successful. The Lord and my band has helped me lose 132 pounds so far and I have followed the rules to the letter. Good luck on your new journey.....
  12. LapBandFan

    Who Wants to Walk

    I have been reading some of this thread are you all posting here to each other when you walk or are you actually meeting in person and walking together? I would love to have a virtual walking partner here to report to daily. I walk on the treadmill on cold days but am starting to go to our local walking park. Any one interested in being my online virtual walking partner? We could report to each other when we walk and encourage each other. I live in East TN so I was not sure if you all were meeting in person to walk or just in cyberspace.
  13. Susan, sure steal away! I got the exercise smileys from Smiley Central.com they are free. They are supposed to be moving, something must be wrong with their site right now, as they were moving when I first put them in my signature line. I will look for exercise posts in the different forums too. Take care!
  14. Am I just missing this? Is there a board/forum here dedictated to exercise? Thanks for any info.
  15. Hey ya'll, I just have a PRAISE! Today is the 2 year anniversary of my lapband surgery and I just had to share some before/after pics. God has been so good to me and allowed me to lose 140 pounds to date. I still have a ways to go, but He will help me I just know it! I have to give all the credit to HIM because without HIM I could do nothing. See ya! Have a great day!
  16. LapBandFan

    I Did It!!! (50 Pounds Gone Guys)

    YOU GO GIRL!!! I know you are so proud of yourself. Keep up the good work, we need to see some before/after pics now.....
  17. LapBandFan

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    Just checking in. I am still working out, did 30 minutes on treadmill yesterday and 20minutes of weight machines at the YMCA. 60oz water. GOAL FOR TODAY: I plan walking again today 45 minutes Stationary bike 15 minutes 90 oz water. Thanks for all your support. Good luck to all of us...
  18. LapBandFan

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    Hey ya'll, I have not gone awall I promise. I have just been embarrassed because when I first joined bootcamp, I weight 233 and then in the weeks following had gained up to 242, so I was ashamed to post, but last week got serious about my diet again and am now back down to 234. I really need you all and your posts, so please keep em coming. I appreciate you all more than you know! current weight: 234 on 2/27/2005
  19. I have bought the books for the south beach diet and was wondering if any of you are following that diet plan? My question for you if you are banded is this..... How do you get all the food required in per day? THere is no way I can eat my requrired amount of protein and get in 2 cups of veggies per meal....would you just use the veggies as your snack? Please enlighten me if you will. Thanks for any suggestions.
  20. LapBandFan

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    Well, its me checking in. I HATE MY SCALES! On Saturday morning I weighed and had lost 2 pounds last week, well, I weighed Monday morning and they were back, and I really watched my intake last week and exercised 4 times last week and drank my water. I get so frustrated, seems like I am not ever gonna lose any more. I have been at this plateau for 4 months now and am about to resolve that I will stay at 233 forever now. I will watch it again this week and exercise, but get so tired of trying when the scales don't move and stay going down. I will resolve to do it all over again this week, although I am a day behind I got so discouarged with it yesterday I did not exercise. Please keep the tough love going here, I promise to post and check back daily.....
  21. LapBandFan

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    Well, I got my 1 hour workout covered this morning at the YMCA. I walked 1.5 miles in 30 minutes and then did stationary bike for 15 minutes and then did weight machines. Still working on my daily water intake. I need to really get going on that because I tend to retain fluid very badly making my scales crazy. I am trying to eat lowcarb this week, wish me luck on that! I did the low-carb diet when I first had my surgery and it worked great for me, so I am going back to square one and trying that again. I have about 85 more pounds to lose and it seems to be a long, winding road.... Hope I can get over my plateau soon. Thanks for letting me vent....
  22. LapBandFan

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    Just me checking in - got 2 workouts in for the week already and will add another one this evening; trying to get my water in , struggling with that part, NO ICECREAM out of the carton so far this week :clap2: , although I did have one sugarfree klondike bar both Monday and Tuesday. I am now logging my daily food intake at fitday.com to keep me focused. I need to get my measurements and post them, maybe will do that tonight. Thanks for letting me post and for all your encouragement. Today's food log so far: Foods Eaten Today: 1 cup oatmeal with splenda 1.5 tbsp light margarine jello lime sugar free 1 serving Hot Tea, with splenda and carnation creamer 24 oz String Cheese Borden Double Twist 1 serving Cucumber, raw 1 cup, sliced Hidden Valley Light ranch dressing 2 tablespoon FRUIT WATER sugarfree ingles 33.8 oz Chicken, breast no skin 0.5 cup, cooked, diced 1 Tbsp peanut butter Small banana 1 can slimfast high protein lowcarb shake
  23. LapBandFan

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    Desi80 and Jessibear.... Glad to see your posts Congrats on your losses!!! I think I needed this thread ( I just joined yesterday) I need to get my measurements and post them for a start status. Keep up the good work!!
  24. LapBandFan

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    Sorry about the triple post (oops) I don't know what I did to do that, but anywho....I am committed, maybe it took me saying it three times for it it so sink into my thick skull!!! I got the IM - loved it and needed it! Thanks so much. I vow to drink 96 oz water per day Exercise at least 30 minutes 5 x this week. NO ICECREAM until the weekend and then only one serving!!! No snacking between meals!!
  25. LapBandFan

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    Ok, I am joining in with you fellow boot camp soldiers. I need your help and I need accountability. I have been at a plateau for months now, only losing the same 5-10 pounds back and forth and I am very mad at myself. January 1 I resolved to get off my tush and get to exercising and not being as lazy with my band program. I have to realize it will only work if I do my part. Here is my pitfalls: I like to snack between meals, eat too much sugarfree ice cream (although it is sugarfree I still eat too much) I had made a habit of getting this SF icecream every night before going to bed (an old before the band bad habit) telling myself because it is sugarfee that it was not that bad, but hello! There is so much fat in each serving, I don't need it every night. Just a bad habit of mine. I will resolve to commit to the program that "Sarge" posted in the beginning. Here are my stats today: Food eaten: 1 Low Carb Slimfast shake 1 medium banana 1 Tbsp peanut butter Exercise: Walked for 30 minutes 1.5 miles Worked out on weight machines 20 minutes Stationary bike for 15 minutes Water intake: 32 oz hot tea with splenda 23 oz bottle of Propel Sarge, please PM me if I don't post, I need the accountability, thanks for your future help and support!

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