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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by takingbackcontrol

  1. thanks for your input ladies. I am not speaking from experience yet at 7 mos, just hoping:) I would like to hear more from others who have not gone down to 0-2-4. I don't even think my BONES are size 2-4, so I really don't think I would ever get there, but quite happy if I get to 10/12. I was just hoping maintaining would be easier there, but maybe not.

  2. My question is, do you think the struggle to maintain is the same for those of you who have chosen to go down to a really low weight/size, like 4 to 6, vs. those who have decided that a 10/12 is fine for them?

    I am in the minority I'm sure, but I really don't have a burning desire to be a size 4, I would be very happy being a 10/12. I'm hoping , maybe deluding myself, that maintainence will be easier when I'm not constantly forcing my body to be smaller than it wants to be. Is it possible that striving for that 4/6 is what makes the maintainence so much of a struggle??

    I mean, our bodies all have a "sweet spot" where our metabolism wants us to be, right? If we are destined to be a 12 and we force ourselves to maintain a 4, then are we just setting ourselves up for a lifetime of weight struggle?

    For myself, I'd rather be a 12 and not have a lifetime of struggle. Does anyone who in in maintainence have experience with how this plays out?

  3. Op, it's about moderation. I knew going into this surgery that I was not going to be able to say "never again" to my favorite foods, I think that's a setup for failure and bingeing. As long as you follow the rules and get your Protein in first, you are allowed to have a bit of bread, rice, rtc. Your capacity will be so much less that you really can't do much damage.

    I have pizza when my family orders pizza, but I have one piece and often leave half of the crust. I have a piece of toast on occasion, with a piece of chees on it. It's all about moderation, this surgery was supposed to greatly help Portion Control and that's what it will do, you will have far less opportunity to overheat carbs if you are following the "protein first" rule.

  4. I am getting so fed up and really low. I am 3+ months out and still having chronic diarrhea whenever I eat much of anything. Cant do whey or soy without diarrhea and nausea. NUT has taken me off almost all dairy due to lactose intolerance. So pretty much leaves me meat, meat, and more meat!!

    I get 60g a day of Protein and try to keep up on my Water but so tired of diarrhea and so tired of meat! Breakfast is really hard because I'm not a morning eater anyway, but there's not much choice that's breakfast-like, and whatever I do eat generally causes tummy distress. NUT recommended Weight Control oatmeal but you've gotta mix it with something, and soy milk and 1% milk causes the diarrhea. Can't even think about eggs early in the am.

    I'm starting to wonder if all the Vitamins are contributing. I can't seem to get a handle on the diarrhea even though I've cut like EVERYTHING out. So tired of this and really hope the lactose intolerance goes away like many here have said.

    Anyone have any ideas what else I can do? BTW, on top of all that, losing VERY slowly!! :(

  5. I am the same. I'm 12 weeks now and just saw my NUT. Se took me off all yogurts and cottage cheese because I've been trying to gag down shakes made with them to get the Protein in. Said they have very high lactose. I've had diarrhea and loose stools from day one and still do, so now it's no more than 2 "milky" things per day, some Fiber supplements, and more meats and nuts for my Proteins. It's just not worth feeling crappy all the time.

  6. I was sleeved June 18 and I'm down 38 pounds, guess I'm a slower loser but that's ok. Starting to get lots of comments from people which feels amazing!

    Got to onederland, into NON plus size jeans, and buying larges in tops, so life is good. I had a lot of digestive issues at the beginning and still dealing with some of them, but it's improving. I see my doc on Friday for my three month, hope he is happy and encouraging about my wt loss. I've always had a hard time losing, never been one to lose then regain... Just never could loose... So guess I'm not surprised that I'm a bit slower. But I feel good and can really see a difference so it's all good.

  7. Fiddle is right as usual. Walking is my primary exercise at this point, 9 weeks out. I felt like crap with very low energy up til about 7 weeks, but I was walking as much as I could. I had digestive issues/lactose intolerance. Some days I couldn't even get out, some days I walked 10 minutes, some days I could do almost a half hour. It's going to vary, and actually my energy still varies from day to day. Do what you can do and be easy on yourself, it will come with enough time:)

  8. I was doing fine so my surgeon took me off at 6 weeks... I immediately started feeling the acid and the "fake hunger" feeling that comes from not being on it, and I went back on it, just 20mg a day. I think it really helps and am in no hurry to be off of it.

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