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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by SlimDreams

  1. On 10/08/2019 at 07:07, LadyVS said:

    Hi there. Getting pregnant and gaining weight totally sucks! I recall my first pregnancy, I gained 50 pounds! It was mostly Fluid. My second pregnancy, I think I gained 30-32lbs. Anyway, I'm assuming since no one has responded that they do not have any experience with this particular doctor, nor flying after two days after surgery. Thanks for sharing the podcast as it was quite informative. Good luck on your journey.

    Thanks LadyVS I was beginning to think the boards had gone dead! I’m 15 days post and all is going well so far. Luckily the flight back was no problem at all :)

  2. Could use some insights from anyone who had a similar process/ experience: 6 years post VSG and 14 days post 2nd stage loop DS with a hiatal hernia repair. I’m currently on the soft food stage and have been eating on plan. Sometimes while eating I get an intense pressure behind my sternum- stops me dead in my tracks. It can be uncomfortable to very painful. It’s not like the restriction I felt following my original VSG. But it makes me not want to eat. Sometimes it occurs as a stand-alone, other times it is followed by a dull ache in my abdomen above my belly button. I’m not sure if it is just the healing process from the hernia repair (never had reflux or stricture/ pain or even knew about the hernia before the EDG) or if it is the healing process from the Loop DS. Has anyone else experience anything similar? Does it have a name? Does it resolve with time or is it permanent? I have a follow up call with Doc’s office on Monday, but would appreciate any tips you could share in the meantime- thanks!

  3. Hi All! I’m scheduled for a VSG to Loop DS revision next Thursday 9/26/19 with Dr. Walter Medlin In UT. I had VSG in SD with Dr. Takata In 2013, insurance covered it. It was successful and without complications. Pre VSG I was 297+... at my lowest I was at 180, With time and two pregnancies I lost restriction and gained. I was able to lose weight after both pregnancies but was not able to maintain it, or return to the post VSG pre pregnancy low. Despite maintaining a medium level of activity (depending on the week spin class/ triathlons/ 5ks/ 18-30 mi relaxed bike rides on the weekends/ lots of walking), I hovered around 235, now with low activity I’m at 250.

    I’m in my 2 week preop diet for the revision which is just as tough as I remember it the first time, maybe more. Little nervous for this surgery-more than I remember being for the VSG. This time I’m going in self pay. Confident in my decision but nervous about the immediate aftermath, toilette issues/ rate of loss/ nutrient deficiencies- the usual.

    Dr doesn’t plan to touch the sleeve, unless any problems are seen in the EDG. I’m loading up on Vitamins and supplements now To get ahead of any deficiencies caused by malabsorption in the long run. Dr will determine Common Channel length at time of surgery at the moment it looks like it will be ~300 cm. Has anyone else had Dr. Medlin for their revision? Any tips for immediately after surgery? I’ll be flying back to SD the following Saturday-Anyone have to fly 2 days after surgery? Tips on flying post op, any general post op tips for this specific Bariatric surgery would be appreciated. I plan on updating this thread as I go along, and hope others might find it helpful in their research too. Thanks!

  4. On 08/21/2019 at 07:36, Peggy D said:

    I am 3 years 8 months out from revision of the sleeve & SA-DS & still wish I could have done it sooner - actually about 30 years sooner! :lol:

    I did, finally, hit my lowest adult weight of 162.8 a few weeks ago and generally stay about 165. About a year ago I did regain 25 lbs or so but then lost it, losing 13.6 lbs during a trip to Europe, the rest has just gradually come off. Of course, being older, the distribution of weight is a lot different than it was 40+ years ago. The only way I'm going to get rid of the stubborn fat on my abdomen & thighs is with liposuction.

    My co-morbidities did finally resolve for a couple of years after the revision but the diabetes & hypertension have returned. They are no where near what they were, though. I do still get episodes of diarrhea & have to be very careful about what I eat.

    All that being said, I would not have had the revision if I hadn't still had the co-morbidities.

    Thank you for responding! Have you had to deal with any Vitamin deficiency during this time? Curious also at this point aside from the occasional diarrhea has the bathroom returned to normal? Any foods that you must stay away from? Also did the Dr. do the revision without touching the sleeve? That’s what my Dr. is talking about doing. Finally differences between your self care/ tips for post Revision life for SIPs versus our original sleeve surgery? Thank you again for responding- I’ve only found one other actively posting person on this board with a VSG to sips revision that did not have the sleeve touched. :)

  5. On 03/07/2016 at 20:13, Peggy D said:

    If I had it to do over & the single-anastomosis duodenal switch had been available when I had my sleeve in 2013, I hope I would have done that rather than the sleeve. The amount of malabsorption with the classic DS scared me then & still does. I did lose close to 100 pounds after the sleeve & then a panniculectomy but regained about 20 pounds. I had a revision of the sleeve & then the SA-DS on December 29, 2015, & am now down 115 pounds from my pre-sleeve starting weight. I’d like to get down to the goal weight I have on my ticker, 155, because that would put me in the “normal” BMI range. But I’d be thrilled to get down to 163 which was my lowest adult weight about 43 years ago. With this SA-DS, I just might make it!

    Peggy now that your 4.5 years out from the VSG to sips revision how is everything going? I haven’t seen anyone else on these boards that far out from revision. Any updates on lifestyle, weight loss or regain, bathroom antics. Curious bc I am considering a VSG to sips revision. Thank you!

  6. You can do it! I am currently 24 weeks pregnant and I have been freaking out about the weight gain. I've gained 10 pounds so far. I know that isn't a lot for a baby, but I know more is to come. I am trying to still stick to the basics as well. I am still working out 6 days a week, but not near the intensity I was before.

    Ana you'll be fine don't worry about the gain while your pregnant- just follow your drs orders and eat healthily, gain within the range your doc gives you and you can take it off once baby arrives :)

  7. Wow!!! Great thread. Thanks for doing this. So glad I found it!!! My story is pretty similar to everyone else's. Had surgery in December, 2014. Did well, but never got to goal. I gained about 12 pounds in the last year and really don't know how. I never went back to chips, sweets, Pasta, bread, or any of that and have eaten pretty well since surgery. Have continued to exercise. The weight crept back anyway! I am so afraid of regaining all that I lost. I would like to lose the 12 pounds I gained plus the additional 10 to get me to my goal. I found a No Regain program that says to drink four Protein Shakes per day and then eat a healthy dinner. Today was my first day, and it is HARD!! Today's weight is 167.... hoping to get to 145!

    That's the BOT program with the inspire shakes right? I just received my order and am going to do it this weekend and see how I react to it

  8. Been 3 years & 4 months for me and I'm just starting to regain & not liking it..my lowest 150..everyone told me I was too skinny..now I'm up to 168 ugg.. and now I'm to chunky....I need to get off 18 lbs..but I eat everything in site.. I have to get back to 3 shakes a day & 1 meal with no snacks...I also started drinking the diet cola again...(hate water).. I need help!!

    Oh yeah I remember that point where people told me to stop losing.... I wish I hadn't listened to them and stayed more strict with my intake.... good for you for joining us -- cut out that soda now!

  9. Monday Check in-- small loss of .08 weight is holding at 226.0 now-- that's 12lbs since I started refocusing. I certainly have not been perfect in my eating- especially on the weekends! Now that summer is over I will spend the next 4 weeks focusing on tracking EVERYTHING I eat, ESPECIALLY on the weekends, which I believe is where I have been getting into trouble, and adding in more cardio to my workouts.

  10. Monday Check in-- small loss of .08 weight is holding at 226.0 now-- that's 12lbs since I started refocusing. I certainly have not been perfect in my eating- especially on the weekends! Now that summer is over I will spend the next 4 weeks focusing on tracking EVERYTHING I eat, ESPECIALLY on the weekends, which I believe is where I have been getting into trouble, and adding in more cardio to my workouts.

  11. Good Sunday morning to all of you .
    It's been a struggle lately. Since surgery (12/2014) I have been struggling with hormonal fluctuations more than I ever had before.
    I have 2 good weeks where I can take over the world, then 2 horrible ones. I have PMDD anyway, so it's been rough.
    Since I've been on here with all of you and checked in with a weight of 168, I've gone to 164-171. It's hard, but we're doing it!

    It's sounds like you have it rough, medical issues outside of ones control are the absolute worst. Good job keeping at it and checking in!

  12. Hi all been a minute since I've checked in myself here... I am doing well still lifting weighs 4 days a week and staying pretty good with food. I'm down to 226.6 so I am seeing slooow loss. I'm going to call it a win since I think my body composition may be changing and we've had the little cousins visiting, which means trips to knotts and Disneyland...still plugging away someday s food choices are better then others though.... how's everyone else doing?

  13. I am so frustrated!!!! I followed everything last week. Was under in calories, worked out at least 45 min a day and did weights and I lost 2.5 lbs then bamb gained it back in one day and I did not even overeat. Kept my food planner got disheartened and mad so instead of digging deep I sabotaged myself with a damn sprite (well lets be honest thats all I drank for 2 days with some water) and now I am right back where I started. Now behind on my goals and disgusted with myself. I am wondering what else I can do! I am getting back on track. Does anyone know how pre menopause effects us? I have new insurance so I asked if I can just go see a Bariatric dr to have a check up and my insurance said only for surgery. I dont need surgery just an damn appointment. Sorry but thanks for the vent!

    Maybe your insurance will cover a meeting with a nutritionist?

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