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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by jmendezrn

  1. Ok I'm 2 mth out and for week 5-8 I've stalled. And then I was dehydrated so I had some iv Fluid put in. Ok I've lost all that extra Water the next week. Now I relize Im not loosing like I did in the first two mths. I would loose 1-3 lbs per day now its like 1-2 PER WEEK IF IM LUCKY. Does that mean in going to be a slow looser?? but I am happy of what I have lost 49 lbs. And u can realllllly see it. So I guess ill be happy with what I've got. Cause with out the sleeve I onow I would not have been able to be this far.

    I'm two months out and down 40. I think ur doing great.

  2. All right. So I'm due back at work next week and I'm definitely ready to get out of the house!

    My question is' date=' what did you guys tell people when you didn't want to reveal the real surgery?

    I'm at a loss. Some coworkers can be inquisitive. I won't say "nosey" because they're all very nice, but I'm sure they'll ask where I've been for 3 weeks and notice the ~15 lbs lost!

    My thoughts were to say something about stomach ulcers. Or maybe something about my PCOS. I DO have PCOS and that's a major cause of my weight gain, so it's not a huge lie.

    And then part of me wants to just tell the truth... Worded in a way like "my PCOS was bad and my insulin was skyrocketing (all true!) so I had this surgery to help me lose weight and fix the issues."

    I'm sure I'm worrying over nothing but was just interested in what you guys told others. I'm a "lightweight" so I feel like this may confuse some of them or even insult some of the ladies who are larger than me.

    Any tips?[/quote']

    If you decide to flat out lie to those that inquire, that is totally your perogative and should be judged by NO ONE.

    After much research, I decided to tell those that were bold enough to flat out ask that I had a fundoplication done for persistent reflux. This procedure entails wrapping a portion of the stomach around the esophagus, therefore, creating a smaller stomach and resulting in weight loss (although unintended). The post op diet for that procedure is also pretty similar to what we have to follow. Has worked out for me thus far.

    Hope this helps. Best of luck to you.

  3. So we all heard' date=' she removed her boobies (and planning on removing her ovaries) because she's high risk for breast and ovarian cancer. I think it's absolutely brilliant, my grandma and my mom both suffer from breast cancer, my grandma is doing well, my mom on the other hand not so much. The cancer has spread to her bones, she's constantly in pain, her bones always break doing simple things like tying her shoelaces. It's crazy, she's had radiation daily, chemo 2 or 3x per week and all sorts of other doctors appointments. Also she has lost her vision as a side effect of one of her meds. So yes, I applaud Angelina Jolie for avoiding a life like my mom's. Who in the right mind would want to go through this if it could be prevented?!?

    So here I am, I want to have 80% of my stomach removed because I am at a high risk for diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity related cancers and about a cazillion other things.

    What makes Angelina Jolie better than me? We both wants to lower our risks for diseases.....why is society praising her and criticizing us? Yes, I can lose weight and yes she can overcome cancer, what the hell is the difference?



    Amen! I never thought about that when I heard the news about her but your so right!

  4. Definitely! And you're talking to someone who had several HUGE panic attacks the first week. I was full of regret and feeling so depressed. I had no energy. Now I'm back to work' date=' walking an hour a day, eating pretty regular food. It gets better fast![/quote']

    Thank u so much for sharing. I feel so much better.

  5. I remember feeling similarly. Scared to put anything in my mouth in case I threw it back up or had it get stuck.

    Just start slow with whatever you're comfortable with. Some apple sauce? Yogurt? Soup? Something that will slide down easy. Then slowly progress to the things like mashed veggies' date=' egg salad, etc.

    I'm 3 weeks out as of Monday and I'm eating fish and chicken, potato salad, egg salad, cooked veggies, lots of low fat cheese! Life is feeling normal again.[/quote']

    Yay. Nice to know there's some sort of normalcy to come. :0)

  6. Thanks for the words of encouragement everyone. It's insane that our circumstances can be compared to an alcoholic or other addiction but it is so very true.

    Well, I made 2oz of egg salad with one large egg and low-fat mayo. I mashed the hell out of it with a fork then chew, chew, chew until it felt like applesauce and it went down ok. A lot of tummy noises (I'm so hoping that dies down a bit).

    I couldn't even finish it (left maybe a teaspoon). My body told me exactly when to stop. That has NEVER happened to me...or maybe I just never listened.

  7. I'm supposed to start purees today and, at almost noon, I have yet to eat anything. I had my surgery 5/7/13. Going in I had already lost over 10 pounds on my pre-op diet and, as of today, I'm down a total of almost 25. I've followed all instruction to the tee and things have worked out beautifully so far so why am I scared today? Ugh. I feel like it's a showdown with my arch nemesis. lol

  8. I've decided' date=' without a doubt, that I want the sleeve and that I am going to follow through with the surgery. I have researched for months all aspects of the surgery, more so the negative comments, side effects, etc., and I still believe that this surgery is right for me. However, I am frustrated with cheap comments, and the one that upset me the most was: “You are taking the easy way out.”

    Excuse me? Just because I am utilizing a technology that aides a person in losing weight when all other avenues have failed, means that I am taking the easy way out? I am sorry, but a person utilizing a vehicle to make it EASEIR for them to get somewhere; or an agriculturist utilizing specialized tractor equipment to make it EASIER and hasten the planting and coming of their crops; or a person using a defibrillator to aide them and make it EASIER for cardiac survival; or a person taking cholesterol, hypertension, or any other medication to make it EASIER for them to stay healthy does NOT give them less integrity. All of the afore mentioned are a means to an end; a tool utilized as a means to an end. Technology is created to make things easier for us to survive, to get around, to stay healthier, and to accomplish tasks easier and quicker. So, YES…maybe I am taking the easier route because all other forms of technology have failed me…and in the end, this “easy way out” is a tool; a means for me to survive and preserve my life for a longer period of time. I AM taking an easier route, just like billions of people across the globe do every day as they utilize all the technology that is available to them.

    SORRY! I had to vent!!![/quote']

    I agree with ur post 200%. Unfortunately that's why I've chosen to tell just a handful of people that I knew would be supportive. Some people just don't get it.

  9. I must have left as you got there! I agree' date=' my pre-op was a piece of cake compared to some. Some days lunch was my "meal" Sometimes dinner. It flew by. Hope it went well!![/quote']

    I met with Meredith yesterday. Supernice. She was so informative. I'm relieved that even the post-op diet looks better than some of the things I've read on here. lol. When was ur surgery? How's ur progress?

  10. Best of luck to you today! I'm heading there in about an hour.

    My pre-op was 3 weeks and consisted of 2-3 Protein shakes a day and one low fat/low carb meal.

    Post op' date=' went in stages, I left the hospital on full liquids - Protein Shakes, cream Soups, sugar free pudding, fat free yogurt and was on that for 2 weeks until my first follow up. Then moved on to pureed foods for 2 weeks, soft foods for 2 weeks then cleared for all.[/quote']

    Thanks! Omg. I'm so nervous. My appt. Is at 5:30. That post op diet sounds muuuuuch better than some of the things I've read on here. Lol.

  11. I had an appointment with her but cancelled. She came highly recommended by my regular doctor who was the head of his department at Columbia Pres in NY' date=' she also works out of there. Everyone is different but it does make a difference you know someone else that have used that surgeon. Good Luck.

    P.S. I was rejected by the insurance company thats why I ended up with a different surgeon.....[/quote']


  12. Hi Jess:

    I only just saw this post this morning. I am a patient of Dr. Schrope and I had my surgery at Valley on December 11. I could not be happier with Dr. Schrope or Valley. I did a bunch of research prior to surgery and watched some video on You Tube to try and get a sense of the doctor prior to my initial seminar. I was immediately comfortable with Dr. Schrope. Her personality as well as professionalism only bolstered my feeling of comfort prior to surgery. The staff was another bonus for me. Very' date=' very helpful, patient and knowledgeable for my particular case. It always seemed we were all on the same page and again, that was a comfort.

    I know some people were "assigned" a surgeon after the seminar, but I went into the seminar wanting Dr. Schrope.

    Meredith, the nutritionist is also a great resource. I feel they prepared me prior to surgery for what to expect, I never felt overwhelmed and have been feeling and doing very well since my surgery. I actually go for a followup on Wednesday afternoon 3/20,

    Valley hospital was also a great experience, Every aspect of my stay was as pleasant as I could have imagined. All surgical patients are given private rooms, which was very nice and enabled me to get some rest while I was there. I stayed one night and was home by late afternoon the next day.

    I had surgery on Tuesday and was back in my office on Monday. My job is pretty easy physically, and I felt my energy level was fine for the office. Everyone is different, I bounced back pretty quickly and haven't had a bad day at all.

    Please feel free to ask me any speficic questions you have and I would be happy to share my experience.[/quote']

    I actually have my initial consult on that same day. Thank u for posting your experience as I did find it helpful. I'm meeting with the nutritionist on Thursday and I'm sure I'll get all the details from her but, of course, I'm a bit anxious so thank u for allowing me to pick your brain. Lol.

    Pre-op diet?

    Post-op diet? (How long in each phase?)

  13. I understand. I work in an office with 6 other women. I told them I was having surgery for female issues because I know how katty they are and have heard them talking negatively about someone else who had weight loss surgery' date=' so I don't even want to get their opinions. I have told them they I started going to a nutritionist to try and lose weight, so I figure when I start losing big time they won't question it as much. My parents know, but none of my friends know at this point. I am going to tell them this weekend. My surgery is Tuesday 3/19. Good luck to you![/quote']

    Good luck to u as well.

  14. I may eventually feel differently about telling people' date=' however, right now this is something I'm pretty emotional about and I'd rather keep it private because not everyone will understand.

    I need an interrogation and opinions from every Tom, d**k and Harry like I need a hole in the head.

    Thanks for all ur input. U guys are great.[/quote']

    Omg. They censored that second name. Lol. It's a name, people! Lol

  15. I may eventually feel differently about telling people, however, right now this is something I'm pretty emotional about and I'd rather keep it private because not everyone will understand.

    I need an interrogation and opinions from every Tom, d**k and Harry like I need a hole in the head.

    Thanks for all ur input. U guys are great.

  16. Yes. I believe if not EVERYONE' date=' most of us do. The science behind it: the surgeon seals the stomach, staples/sutures. He can clean out the cavity (outside portion) of where part of your stomach was. He can't clean the inside of the stomach because its sealed.

    It is more like a "blob" that comes up. Not a continual retching. (Sp?)

    Hope this helps.[/quote']

    Thanks. That does help. Kinda grosses me out a bit but, hey, it is what it is.

  17. I am going to be "sleeved" on my actually birthday April 22nd! I have always made a big deal out of celebrating my birthday & this is going to be an unusual way to to it. I'll be 54 & a brand new me is about to emerge. I am nervous' date=' excited & scared. I would of never thought of doing this but I am Type 2 Diabetic now on 2 kinds of insulins. When I tell people I weigh 231 lbs they say, "You do?" I am not ashamed of being large. I just want to get healthy again. I don't want to lose toes, eyesight etc... I have a good surgeon & team in Cambrigde,MA. I also have this website to help me. So that is part of my story for now. My biggest fear is can I do it. Will I see the difference. So I am going to take 4 weeks off from work....me time. I worked hard to save my time to get paid for it. And so on my b'day I will be under anesthesia & comfortably numb waiting for that new beginning that I deserve again.[/quote']

    A rebirth on ur birthday. Congrats.

  18. I'm saying I am having a hiatal hernia repair and using the healing time to jump start a liquid diet with my doctor--IF anyone has the nerve to ask. Post-op hernia repair looks about the same anyway--liquids and soft foods for a month or so. It shouldn't be too strange. I don't eat out with anyone except one friend infrequently so it shouldn't be an issue. I'm sure people will talk when the weight falls off but big deal. By that time I will be healed and not as worried about negativity.

    Ur post helped me make up my mind about my "story" (lol). Thanks a bunch

  19. It sounds like I work in an office similar to yours, I basically told them I am really watching my diet and using Portion Control and working out (which is all true), No one has questioned me at all... They have only told me how awesome I am doing... Honestly I dont think people pay as much attention as you would think to what you're eating... As for ordering out, just bring your food to work and tell them you are cutting back to save for a new wordrobe after you lose weight

    Tell them your diet must change since your surgery and that you can no longer eat the same foods,because they cause you too much GI distress!

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