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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by magpie30

  1. I have PCOS and i have a 6 year old, we tried for 4 years to have another baby before i had my surgery with no luck. ^ months out from my surgery, and on BC i got pregnant. I am currently 24 weeks along. my doctor said that they are trying to get the sleeve surgery passed as a treatment for PCOS because it is so effective. I wouldn't be at all surprised if you got pregnant quite quickly after you have lost some of the weight.

  2. I got pregnant 6 months after surgery, i was on BC and also have PCOS, so it was a surprise ( albeit a good one, previous to surgery we had tried for 4 years with no luck)! I am currently 24 weeks along, but i keep losing weight. I was 195 when i got pregnant and i'm now about 178. I keep losing weight, about a lb a month. I've increased my eating and added an extra Protein Shake into the mix for extra nutrition, but nothing seems to help. I am already forcing myself to eat more than what i'm comfortable with, but i'm still losing. My nutritionist doesn't think there is a problem, as i'm getting about 2,000 calories a day, but my doctor is starting to talk about putting me on high calorie shakes. Thus far baby is measuring just perfect and he's very active. I am just wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience and can offer any advice or ideas?

  3. I was diagnosed with PCOS and couldn't get pregnant for the life of me. even though we tried. But now, nearly 7 months out from surgery, i'm 5 weeks pregnant! I do have a 6 year old son, but we didn't really want so much time between children, but it happened, and he is very excited about the baby. Just stop the BC and give it a try for a few months. Good luck!

  4. I'm not sure it is all Protein. I get on average 70grams a day, and i'm still losing my hair like crazy. I'm kind of enjoying it because i've always had super thick hair, so right now while it's so thin, it actually looks nice and not like a giant poof ball when i wear it down. But whatever the reason, it will stop and your hair will grow back. Don't sweat it. =)

  5. The only people i told were very close friends and family. I don't think it's anybody elses business. When people ask how i'm losing the weight i tell the truth, eating healthier, and less and exercising. or your are on a medically supervised diet, which is also the truth. Like you i'm not ashamed of the surgery, it is the best thing i've ever done! I only wish i had been able to do it sooner! But the negativity, and the stereotypes that you are to lazy to lose it the "traditional" way, or took the easy way out ( what a laugh!) i don't need that negativity. Good luck on your journey!

  6. I also go with full fat. I try to keep all processed and artificial ingredients to a minimum as well. I find that with the small amount i can eat the full fat foods help me reach calorie goals. I also feel much more satisfied if i eat a few bites of a full fat food rather than a low or no fat food. I'm 4 months out and my calorie goal is 800 a day, and i struggle to meet that. Just remember moderation to all things!!

  7. I did my sleeve more as a preventative thing. I had pre diabetes, my bp was borderline, my family has a history of heart problems, high cholesterol etc. I am only 30 and i didn't want these things to become full blown issues. Besides that i couldn't play with my son or do the things i wanted to with him because of the weight. But i think that looking good always plays a part in the decision whether it's a major factor or just an added bonus. How we look often dictates how we feel, and the better we look the better we feel about ourselves. As others have said, there is nothing wrong with wanting to look good, especially when we feel like we haven't for a long long time.

  8. I was allowed to have some salad at the 3 month mark. All docs are different so it's best to ask your particular one. Just make sure you are regularly meeting your nutrient goals before adding in the salads. I try to use veggies with the most nutritional value, so my salads have consisted of spinach and romaine, any other greens would be good but i find the rather bitter. I add some shredded cheese, canned Beans, diced up leftover chicken, or whatever i have on hand. I make my own salad dressings now, i tried using greek yogurt, but it was to tangy for me, so i just use plain yogurt, with seasonings. There are a ton of dressing recipes out there, so just google them.

  9. Oh man, that really sucks! I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time getting the surgery, just keep at it, you will get there! It is so worth the effort. I've lost a little over 40lbs and yesterday i was carrying a bag of Water softener salt ( 40lbs) OMG! that is a LOT of weight! When you just say the words it's like, yeah ok great. But then you actually lift that amount, and WOW! I don't know how i even walked before! Hang in there!!

  10. yeah, i've deffinatly felt that way at times, and up until recently i've felt like the fattest one in my little neighborhood ( i live in a town house, and the row across from my house, we are all friends.) But the weight is coming off and i've actually felt skinny a few times, even though i'm still far from it. But it's nice, i haven't been this weight since my early 20's! It's so very nice to see that scale number getting smaller and smaller. Good luck on your surgery!!!!

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