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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by CNote5000

  1. Thank all for the interest. She's been in the hospital twice for dehydration and inability to urinate and then vomiting. The IV Zofran works better than tub lingual. She's in Protonix and Reglan a Scopolamine patch and Zofran She's also on a Fentanyl Patch and liquid OxyContin for the 4 fractures in ER back. I'm starting to wonder if the pain meds are adding to the gastroparesis. Occasionally she's keeping small bits down but has been vomiting daily and some times multiple times daily. We're calling the Doc tomorrow. They want to readmit her and remove her gallbladder that has sludge. We have also discussed taking her to UCLA. They have a GI Department that deals with ALL THINGS GI. I'm still praying for a miracle.

  2. Mary. My dtr said to try mashed potatoes and French fries. A nurse from the Cancer ward told her this is what they feed the kids that can't keep anything down. If you can tolerate cheese or cream cheese to add. Also ask your Doc for a Scopolamine patch. It helps with the nausea. My dtr has been very ill and in and out of the hospital either vomiting or with dehydration 10 times since her VSG in August 2012.

  3. I have been trolling the forums for what seems like forever now' date=' and have now come to realize that it is time to tell my story. My name is Paige and I am 19 at 5'7". I started this journey in July at 262 lbs and am now at 219 lbs. 10 weeks post op.

    Okay, here is a quick rundown of what has been going on. I'll try to keep it as short as possible (no promises). I was sleeved December 21, 2012. The surgery went smooth. I was in a bit of pain afterwards but that was to be expected. The first two weeks were a breeze for me. I was able to get all my Protein and fluids in while keeping my pain at bay. At two and a half weeks everything came to a screeching halt. I started having really bad pain in the upper left part of my abdomen and was vomiting up everything that I put in my mouth. I called my surgeon immediately and he ordered a CT scan with contrast (Jan 15). Everything came back normal. No leak and no infection. He gave me a prescription for more zofran and some reglan.

    A week later I was still struggling to keep anything down. I went back to my surgeon and he ordered another barium swallow (Jan 28). This one was horrible. I was gagging the whole time and the consistency was just awful. It took a few days to get the results back, but once again everything came back normal. Then he referred me to a GI doctor.

    I went and saw a GI doctor (Feb. 4) and he wanted to to a EGD ASAP to make sure that there wasn't a stricture. I had my EGD the following day (Feb 5). There was no stricture that he could see. He said that my esophagus and stomach were wide enough for a semi to go through. He also did a biopsy to check for H. Pylori. That came back negative.

    After he talked with my mom he decided to order an ultrasound of my gallbladder and a HIDA scan. My mom had her gallbladder removed and when she was having attacks her pain was on her left side, so it was worth a shot. I had these test done (Feb. 13). But surprise, surprise, they were normal. At this point the doctors are at a loss, and I am beyond frustrated. They doctors are also worried about me becoming dehydrated. My GI doctor advised me that If I started to become lightheaded and that if I stopped peeing it was time to get to the hospital for fluids.

    Sure enough the following Saturday (Feb. 16) I ended up in the hospital for 5 days. While I was in the hospital I had another barium swallow. This time we finally got answers! Turns out my stomach isn't emptying properly, gastroparesis. They explained it to me that since 80% of my stomach was removed the nerves have to re-grow to get the stomach muscle to work again. In some people it can take many months for the nerves to function properly. There is also a very small possibility that my stomach will never function the same again.

    Also, the head of the bariatric department at the hospital looked over my surgery notes and all the tests I had done to make sure that the other doctors hadn't missed anything. He agreed with the diagnosis of gastroparesis and their treatment plan.

    While I was in the hospital they started my on reglan, again, and dexilant. I started to see some results. I was actually able to keep down half a cup of yogurt. After I was released from the hospital I had a few good days. But on Tuesday the vomiting, pain, and constant nausea came back again.

    I just got back home from seeing my GI doctor and surgeon. They both agreed that the next step in my treatment is to have a EGD done where they inject the valve where my stomach and small intestine meet with Botox. The Botox will help relax the valve so it isn't as tightly closed shut. This will hopefully help the flow of things. I'll have this done on Tuesday. I pray that this is the answer because my surgeon said that if this doesn't help then the next step is exploratory surgery to check for scar tissue or a twist in the stomach that the x-rays missed.

    Now I'm Lortab to try and manage the pain. Dexilant to make sure that excess stomach acid isn't causing all the trouble. Phenergan for the nausea and vomiting. Reglan to try and jump start the motility of my stomach.

    I'm just at a loss right now, and extremely discouraged. I know I should be thankful that it isn't a more serious complication, but I find it so hard to be positive. I have been in constant pain for the past 8 weeks. Not to mention the nausea and vomiting. Has anyone else had a similar experience?

    Thanks for taking the time to read this,

    Paige <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />[/quote']

    Dear Paige. Your symptoms sound soooo much like my dtr. She has been hospitalized 7 times since her surgery in August. She was in the hospital 2 wks ago with dehydration and again now with Vomiting. She can keep a few ice chips down but that's all. Anything else's he vomits. Thank you for the info. I will snow her tomorrow. Maybe you two can chat a bit. We're in So. CA. Are you near? Terri I'm CNote5000 on here if you want to read her info.

  4. My dtr had a VSG in August 2012. She has had many complications since. She bled into her belly and had to be transfused 3 units of blood. Vertigo that lasted 3 mos. she was unable to eat or drink much and was on TPN for 5 mos. she just got off the end of January 2013. She fell in the hospital 3 times and ended up with 4 compression fractures in her back. She has been hospitalized for dehydration, inability to urinate because she can't get in the needed fluids. Going 48-50 hrs and unable to urinate much, about 200cc. That's after drinking 5, 16oz Water bottles. She is back in for her 7th admission because she's vomiting everything she takes in. She is able to keep down a few ice chips. All UGI's are normal, normal progression thru stomach into small bowel. She has had 5 PICC lines and 2 infections. So no more can be inserted. She's a very hard IV Stick and its a blessing when they can get a line in her. Through this, she has lost 150#. Where do we go? Who can we see? What could possibly be the problem? I'm a nurse of 30 yrs and I'm stumped and don't know what else to do. Any ideas or suggestions?? She's had UGI's, Endoscopies, CT Scans, xRays, MRI's, labs, many IV's TPN, Pain Meds via IV. Help please!!!

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