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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by PrettyVSG

  1. I think all the information you are providing will REALLY help the vets to give you some insight into what's going on! They are wonderful and with the right info I swear they are better than a team of doctors!! I would try maybe posting your story on the veterans forum in the form of:

    "My weight was X when I was sleeved X years ago. My daily intake is roughly X. With X Protein and X carbs. I drink X amount of Water. I exercise X amount weekly. (Add in other pertinent info of course) I have only lost x pounds. I am looking for some insight on what dietary or exercise routine changes I could make to jump start my weight loss. What has worked for you?"

    I have found (in my early experiences here) that the more info you provide up front, the more answers and help you can get!! But there is SO much help to be found!!! And SO much hope to be had still!!! :)

    And maybe if I had waited 10 minutes for you to respond, I would have seen that you had plenty of responses to give!! ;) Good luck you. I really have been in your shoes before with another WLS and I understand your frustration and pain first hand!! You are in my prayers, and I look forward to watching you progress. I know you can!! It's not too late to use all the help here and make this work!! :)

    All my love!!!

    Thank you so much, I wish I would have found this site a long time ago it would have really helped me emotionally on this roller coaster however, it's never to late to open up to others I just have a big fear of being judged negatively and that's what was happening on fb you have no idea how many nights I went to bed crying those women were brutal.

  2. I am the greatest thread killer. I comment on a thread & all activities stop. No one comments after i say anything. No one loves me.

    Making sad face. :-(

    I think I shall become a lurker. Bwahahahaha.

    Don't be sad, I'm new I just joined yesterday. :rolleyes:

  3. You have bleeding but you've had a hysterectomy?

    How is that possible?


    My PCP said that wasn't normal I do have a appointment coming up soon for tests and exam to get to the bottom of that. Someone told me I may have to have my lining removed I don't know how true that is or not until the doctor gives me her opinion.

  4. This sounds horrible !!!! I feel such empathy for you as I suppose it's one of my fears as I go to get sleeved on Wednesday 3-6-13 . Wonder if you have food allergies now ? I'm an RN and I just feel you need to keep with this .... Do you have alot of weight to lose ? I'm going to be hoping for a change for you !

    No, I don't have a lot of weight to lose I guess I could stand to lose another fifty pounds or so but I am having Lipo and an abdominoplasty surgery in seven weeks. Hopefully that will help.

  5. I see that you are here and reading responses, that's great and I hope you see that people really do care about what you're going through. We really do want to try and help you, but that's not possible if we don't know the details of your sleeve and starting and current weight along with dates and such! I really hope you'll share this info so that people can help you. Your situation is not hopeless and there are people here that want to help you. Posting and ignoring all of these people that do want to help isn't going to accomplish anything unless you just wanted to vent!

    Actually today is my two years anniversary for surgery. I started at 320 and now I'm currently 271.

  6. I hear your pain and can only imagine how hard this has been for you. So, I am only 2 months post op, but my sister is 10 years post-op and she has been drilling into my head that you must drink 64oz of Water day, and that in all her years of posting on the forums, every person who has ever stopped lossing weight is not getting enough Water.< /p>

    hoping that this might help get you on track.

    Well this just maybe my answer I don't drink 64 oz of water a day, someone else asked me that a little over a week ago and I've been doing okay with it but that part is absolutely hard for me.

  7. I'm sorry this hasn't been better for you. I felt the same way with my band and just hope this will work. You may have already done this, but have you had your thyroid checked?

    I've ran out of fingers to count how many times I've had my thyroid checked. All my levels are normal even when I had a CBC, hormones everything is normal I have to have a PAP done because some years earlier I had a hysterectomy and now for the past six months or so I've had a cycle with cramps and the whole nine. Other than my asthma I'm as healthy as goat. LOL :-)

  8. You are living my worst fear! I don't have anything to offer, other than I can understand why you feel the way you do. It's got to be so frustrating. Just curious - What is your calorie intake? And, when did you stop losing? How close are you to goal?

    I do hope something changes for you!

    Please, have no fear. I believe fear kept me from achieving my goals and living through others continue to be positive and uplifted in your journey. I had to learn and accept reality for what it was and that was...my journey came and gone. I had to stop weighing daily and looking to everyone else's success and relying on it. I still love to encourage others and that maybe my calling just don't give up. My calorie intake daily is between 1,500-1,900

  9. Do you think it is possible that exercising 2x a day is being counter balanced with food intake? Was happening to me all the time before WLS. I would exercise 2 hours a day, but my diet was just not right and thwarted all my hard hours spent exercising. I am sorry you are going through this. Can you share a breakdown of what your diet looks like? Another thought, which would seem implausible at first, is exercising 2x a day is too much for your body and it is in starvation mode. However, Looking at your diet seems like a more logical and plausible place to start. Have you tried talking to a nutritionalist?

    I have cut down my workout regimen I only workout now a few days a week and it's low impact or walking. I eat a lot of raw veggies they're easy and convenient for me when I need to snack I've grown to appreciate them so much more than I did pre-op. I eat Salmon which I've grown to love, tuna and chicken are my favorite. I don't drink soda and rarely drink juice the only juice I drink is raw juice. I invested in a juicer and I love to juice I'll only juice once a day and make enough to last the entire day. I have seen the nutritionist but I haven't lately I've felt it was a waste of money since I'm self pay I don't have health insurance and I really don't want to continue to pay to see a nutritionist every week or bi-weekly when that money could go towards something else medically in case of emergency. I hope that I've clarified things for you sorry it took me so long to respond.

  10. So if you do not want a response, why are you taking the time to post? I think it's a good move on your part to continue to work with doctors, honestly I don't see how you can do all you do, and not lose weight with the surgery, there must be something medically wrong with you, and I wish you good luck and speedy answers.

    Perhaps you should read it again. Sorry, you didn't understand.

  11. I admire all the success stories and before and after pictures but I just don't share the same enthusiasm that everyone has about this surgery. It's the worst and I regret that I had it. I'm well over a year post op however, I've lost 49lbs. I can't lose any more weight and it's frustrating having a stall for so long. Exercise????? I do that twice a day for 4-5 days a week I've paid over five grand so far for personal trainers I even had a personal chef to help prepare healthy meals for me so that I wouldn't fall off. I've had countless tests and the doctors haven't found out why I stopped losing weight. I don't expect anyone to respond because it won't happen and because you don't know how to respond you won't respond. I've deleted myself from several support groups from FB because no one understood my pain. I see women and men losing 60-100 lbs in the first nine months and that troubles me when I know I've been doing all I could and giving it 100% effort. I can eat a piece of Salmon and in two hours I will gain a pound literally so on top of the exercise I have to take Rx diet pills to keep my weight leveled. And guess what else? I can't lose weight with the diet pills either so this surgery was a waste of money and pain and suffering.

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