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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by joan

  1. So I have reach my goal before summer. well I wanted to be at 180 and I am currently 176... Set a new goal for June 26 last day of school
  2. joan

    3 mo out

    Same here 3 pounds a week
  3. Hey Guys just an update on my weight loss. As of today I weight 196.4 so I am close to my 180 goal before June if I reach 180 before June I will set a new goal for 170. Hope everyone is doing good with this challenge.
  4. I am struggling I get sick when I eat or drink puree just been sticking to Water and Popsicle. I try but it gives me a feeling in my chest like I want to throw up. Still drinking 4oz to 2oz every hour. I spoke with doctor and he said continue trying. I walk everyday and play wii fit. Any advice
  5. I feel the same way working out everyday and now am not losing any weight. Still on full liquids even though they clear me for purée I tried it but was not feeling it.
  6. joan

    3 weeks out

    Hey got surgery on 4/5 and they weight me and I was 220. I weight my self yesterday and I am 207. I have lost 13 pounds the first week.
  7. I will be getting surgery April 5, 2013 can't wait. I started losing weight now and can't wait to get the surgery done...
  8. joan

    April 5, 2013

    How are u feeling
  9. joan

    ideal body type

  10. joan


    I don't think crunches is a great idea. I would stick to walking and cardio. I am 1 week out an I do the advance wii steeping for 20 minutes and then I do hula whoop on the wii but for only 3 minutes and more walking. But check with you doctor...
  11. I was sleeve on April 5th, been feeling good first few days were hell for me today makes a week and I am feeling much better. I can sleep on my side and even though am not taking all 48-60grams of liquid I have reach my highest which is 38. I truly dislike the chewable vitamins but I have no choice. Beside that it has been a week since surgery and still on clear liquids. When I left the hospital on Sunday my weight was 220 and today I weight my self and I am 207. I am walking a lot and doing the wii fit advance stepping which helps me have energy during the day as well my 1 year and 7year old keeps me on my feet. It is all about the mind because I still have to cook regular food for my kids and when I smell the food I want to eat it but then I look at the changes I have made in these last few months and wouldn't traded for anything. I always love food but now is time to love food in a different way to adapt to my new life style. Hope everyone a great recovery and keep in touch.
  12. Guys add me dimplezluvsherlife
  13. Dimplezluvsherlife add me
  14. joan

    It's time!

    You will do good hon, good luck with everything.
  15. I'm going to join in as well my goal for June 1 will be my goal weight of My stats are: Surgery date 4/5/13 4/5 Day of Surgery weight 219 Current weight 210 Goal weight June 1 Total pounds to lose 30 Wish me luck, I'll need it
  16. Hey I was sleeve on 4/5 and started 2 day liquid before surgery, basically chicken broth, Water, diet snapple, ginger ale and auger free Popsicle. I was really hungry when I went in for surgery and after the surgery when I was in recovery I finally was settle in my room And was really thirsty and I was not allow to drink anything till the following day. Following day comes and you have to start your liquid diet all over for 4 hours you start with 1oz liquid it can be diluted juice or it can be water. I myself took me to the whole afternoon and evening to finish my 1oz liquid. I feel every time I sip I felt discomfort on my chest and just couldn't drink. Finally following day started the 2oz and I started drinking hot broth and it went down smoothly and for every hour my intake increase till I reach 4oz. Finally they took me off IV once I reach 3oz. Went home on 4/7 and was unable to consume anymore liquids after I got home from hospital. Tuesday wasn't able to consume all 64oz of liquids and today I am still working on my liquids to increase. When I do feel my stomach empty I try and drink an 1oz of water or my pure Protein ready shake I think the pure Protein Shake that comes ready is works miracles. I also am able to consume the ice pops with out a problem. I feel super weak I walk alot today to stay off the bed but hopefully this weak feeling will go away. Hope I help a little wish yah the best and just think positive. Joan
  17. joan


    But I just fix it an share my story 3 day post surgery. Got surgery on 4/5
  18. joan


    Hey guys I got my surgery April 5th at St Luke's Hospital in manhattan with DR Harvey Surgery was about 2 1/2 hours. Let me begin by I can't believe I did this surgery I was going to back down but my partner in courage me and told me it was for the best. Finally got it done first day and second day was horrible the gas pain that I felt was horrible and still feel discomfort. I left hospital on 4/7 after consuming the requirement liquids before leaving hospital. Once I got home I couldn't consume more then 1oz of liquids and I feel weaker then ever. I am on my third day of post surgery and not consuming my liquids so I try to consume more of the the pure Protein shakes. I am walking as much as I can an am hanging in there. I hope this gets better which I know it will..

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
