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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by PaperBullets

  1. PaperBullets

    Khaki type pants

    What size are they?
  2. Please add me to the group! Thanks! mandy_bug@yahoo.com
  3. PaperBullets

    Any March Sleevers?

    Could you please invite me as well? I was sleeved 3/18 and my email is mandy_bug@yahoo.com Thank you!
  4. I know I'm still a total newbie, but I've yet to feel hungry. It's weird, though as I can feel "empty" but it's more of a noticing thing if I stop to pay attention to it. I know that this sounds cool, but it's a pain! Because I'm never hungry it's super easy to forget to eat and you can't do that. It also makes food less fun if that makes sense. Like it's just another chore!
  5. PaperBullets

    Post op march sleevers

    Can I be invited too? I was sleeved on March 18th. McKenzie Mofenson Thanks!
  6. PaperBullets

    Durham, North Carolina?

    Oh! How did I not know this forum/post existed?! I was sleeved March 18th by Dr. Yoo at the Duke Raleigh hospital. The whole experience, as a whole, was completely awesome. I had a moment's doubt of using Duke Raleigh vs the main Duke hospital with the dedicated bariatric ward/areas but ultimately chose it due to Dr. Yoo's availability and the convenience to my living in Clayton. And I have to say that I'm really glad I did! Honestly, the whole set up with the Duke Health system as been amazing with the possible exception of where they sent me for the psych eval. The biggest thing I couldn't get over was how nice everyone was. Or if they weren't, they sure faked it well! But no matter how happy I was/am with them and how involved they are even after the surgery I'm so glad to know that there are others in the local area that are also going through such a crazy thing as being sleeved.
  7. I'm three weeks out and while I don't exactly have regrets, I'm not happy about it either if that makes any sense! While the surgery itself went without a hitch the recovery has been awful as I'm one of those that wanted to jump up from the surgical table and be able to run a marathon, lol. Like a lot of people, I miss the socialization with people that are centered around food. For example, last night I was at a get-together with a large group of friends and everyone (including me) brought things for the dinner. Everyone was laughing and having a great time and there was tasty, tasty food EVERYWHERE. And I had 3 oz of canned creamy soup. :/ I know that in the future I'll be able to partake as well once I'm fully healed and all that good stuff. It just sucks hardcore at the moment. So I guess what I'm saying is that I don't regret having the surgery so I can become healthy I do regret the need change in mindset I have to go through that I apparently hadn't already done like I thought I had.
  8. PaperBullets

    Emotions ? !

    I'm so, so very glad for this website and the knowledge that I'm not alone in this! I've never really been one prone to depression but this is kicking my a**! All I seem to do is want to cry and mope about the house. I don't regret the surgery at all - I wish I'd done this sooner to be honest - but I do regret that I can't magically overcome my food addiction and reliance on it as a crutch. So glad to learn that there will be an end to this depression...
  9. PaperBullets

    March 18th!

    I'm officially scheduled for March 18th at Duke hospital down here in NC! I'm super excited about this journey we're all taking and the awesomeness of this forum. How else can we learn from people who actually get it? At any rate, I look forward to all of us making this month be OUR month!
  10. PaperBullets


  11. Is this normal? I was sleeved on the 18th and am eagerly following all of the posts here. I was considered to be part of the lower bmi group and could never lose weight easily before due to my pcos so I assumed I'd be one of those slow losers which I was totally okay with being. But I'm not so far. As of today, 6 days out, I've lost 12 pounds. 20 since the pre-op. Awesome, right? But everyone I'm following who had the surgery the same month as me are showing much more (to my way of thinking) reasonable losses after surgery. Could there be anything going wrong? Or am I starting to freak for no reason? Another thing that's weirding me out (on a good way) is that I was just graced with the first period I've had since Thanksgiving!!! I do almost constantly pace (pain management issues from the hernia that was also fixed) but I'm only able to choke down about 35-40 g of Protein a day and I know I'm not getting enough Water. My new tummy and life is a weird thing. But is what's going on normal or should I pester my doctor? o_o
  12. PaperBullets

    Calling All March 18 Sleevers

    I had my surgery Monday at 8am and was discharged yesterday afternoon. Have to say, last night was the worst pain ever! Gas pains are just awful. (( I hope everyone 's been able to rest and sip!
  13. PaperBullets

    Raleigh, Nc Sleevers?

    I'm in the Raleigh area! Got sleeved on the 18th at Duke Raleigh. Awesome experience there.
  14. PaperBullets

    March 18th!

    I'm all done too! Had some trouble with pain management but that was eventually taken care of and I went home yesterday! Totally wish I had just one more day there....
  15. PaperBullets

    March 18th sleever and EXCITED!

    Woot! It's coming closer and closer! After a momentary freakout I'm even getting excited to be on the Protein drinks since my doctor didn't have me on an official pre-op diet. rofl I can't believe Monday is finally around the corner!
  16. PaperBullets


    Hey ya'll, this is harder than I was expecting. I get sleeved on the 18th and had my pre-op appointment yesterday. So far, my journey has been freaking awesome and relatively painless and fast. I did all of my research beforehand so I know exactly what I'm getting into. And I live on this forum even if I mostly just read and absorb! But I'm being attacked by the nerves so hard now that I can't really stop myself from crying at a moment's notice. I think it finally hit me yesterday what a big deal the surgery itself is going to be. I know I can handle the lifestyle changes as I've fantastic support as well as the knowledge that if I don't do this then I'm signing my own death certificate. It's the surgery....I'm afraid of it. And it's stupid because I"m not even afraid of tiny sharp machine thingys CUTTING OUT MOST OF MY STOMACH WHICH IS AN IMPORTANT BODY PART! I'm afraid of the breathing tube. I'm clausterphobic and I honestly didn't expect this to be an issue. I've been "put under" before but never had the tube. The doctor said that it would be put in once I'm already out but that it would be removed once I'm awake although I probably wouldn't remember it. Is that true? Has anyone had this and didn't remember it? I'm also afraid because they dumped a pile of paperwork on me "just as a precausion!" for a living will/power of attorney and that sort of thing. Which makes sense and intelectually I appreciate but.....~shudders~. I dunno. I guess I'm just starting to realize that the surgery itself isn't minor even if tons of people do it.
  17. PaperBullets

    Any March Sleevers?

    Good luck to all of our March 7th sleevers!!!
  18. PaperBullets

    Crap... worried and disappointed

    You may want to look at your triglycerides and colesterol levels and see if they're high. If they are, and you have an apple sort of shape then you have "metabolic syndrome" which is considered a co-morbidity by just about everyone. Rofl, that's what got bcbsnc to approve mine since I also flunked the sleep apnea test! Good luck!
  19. PaperBullets

    Any March Sleevers?

    Oh suck! Did they give you a reason why?
  20. PaperBullets

    Any March Sleevers?

    @Carolina-Girl. Oh too cool - he was originally scheduled to be my doctor too but ended up being scheduled with Dr. Yoo as he had a more flexible schedule and could see me sooner (I have a funky work schedule). But I've heard such great things about your doctor! The nutrition class is surprisingly awesome. There's no judging or anything, you know? And they give a ton of practical advice that I wasn't expecting. Sucks on the whole 3 hours long thing though! But if you have your lab work done before the appointment they do send approvals that evening so there's a plus.
  21. PaperBullets

    Any March Sleevers?

    Are you going through the Duke Health? I'm going through them and am having the surgery at the Duke hospital in Raleigh. If you are, they're seriously wicked fast. Like 2 weeks fast! rofl And congrats on ticking off yet another step to wls!
  22. For me, it was when I saw my sister effortlessly get pregnant with her second child when I can't even manage one and was told by my infertility specialist it was due to primarily to my weight. But that wasn't really enough for me to change since I knew I could always go for adoption and it never really mattered to me how I became a mummy so long as I would be one day. What really twisted the knife deeper for me was when I was told by my adoption coordinator that the chances of my adopting was slim to none as I was too large to give an appearence of a desirable mother for a woman's child since it could be assumed I wouldn't be around for the bulk of the child's life. Oh how that hurt! I didn't blame her, she was only telling me the truth after all, but it took a stranger telling me I would die before the children I would not be allowed to have grew up before I actually looked at myself in the mirror and was horrified by what I saw. So March 18th can't get here soon enough!!

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