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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by DonRodolfo

  1. DonRodolfo


    You only have to deal with this for about 4 days then everything will be fine. You'll be surprised at how good you feel considering how little you're taking in after that. After surgery you won't have to deal with what you're feeling on top of recovery so that's good too.
  2. DonRodolfo

    My Protein Bomb Breakfast

    My NUT told us this as well.
  3. Well done! May I ask at what weight you started?
  4. DonRodolfo

    Eating Ramen noodles raw?

    (Is this "food and Nutrition" or "Ladies Gone Wild" )
  5. DonRodolfo

    Taco Bell Torture

    You mean kinda like a Tyson 100% All Natural - chicken Nugget for Breakfast? Kinda like that? (sorry couldn't resist)
  6. DonRodolfo

    Need encouragement :(

    Yes I've been sleeved and the worst part of the surgery was the two-week liquid only preop diet before it. When I woke up from surgery I had discomfort from a gas pain that didn't want to go away. They offered me pain meds, I took them, and by the time they wheeled me to my room I was laughing and joking with people. Within an hour i was doing my first lap around the nurses' station. After a day or so that discomfort turned into soreness that felt like i had done too many situps the day before.
  7. DonRodolfo

    Hate working out!

    The same thing tomorrow. And the day after. And the day after. You may not learn to love it but appreciate it for the investment in yourself that it is. It'll get easier. Besides, it'll get you into shape a little for those tennis lessons!
  8. DonRodolfo

    Taco Bell Torture

    Know what helps me? Looking up the nutrition information on stuff like this. I deserve better - so do you.
  9. DonRodolfo

    I am eating my first aygg!

    I missed Popeye's as well! When I finally got to full foods, I got the smallest box of spicy chicken strips. I could only eat one, but it was fantastic!
  10. I started out doing what my NUT told us all to do and that was to "walk 10 minutes every day". I increased that little by little each month and mow 6 months later I've started working towards being able to finish a 5K. That requires me to get at least 2 miles in at this point working towards 3 miles. I'll admit it's fun to see me burning 600-700 calories each time I do this but it's not my primary concern. Bottom line: besides the health benefits and burning calories, what would you like to accomplish by working out? I've never run a 5K in my life so that works for me at the moment. I don't have to be the fastest, i just have to finish it, preferably jogging but I'll accept crawling if necessary. Once I do one, maybe I'll shoot for doing it faster the next time or maybe doing a 10k. I do the treadmill about 4 times per week. On weekends, I seem to burn about 1000 or so calories just doing yardwork - sounds like a workout to me!
  11. DonRodolfo

    100 lbs down! WITH PICS

    Wow, congrats on your success - you look amazing and will be an inspiration for many here!
  12. DonRodolfo

    Eating Ramen noodles raw?

    This is a very generous offer, rmma1000, I very highly suggest you accept it and use it to help yourself. (EDIT: I swear my grammar is getting worse as I get older! )
  13. DonRodolfo

    Eating Ramen noodles raw?

    I want to meet the person who can eat (or chew and spit) one chip!
  14. DonRodolfo

    Eating Ramen noodles raw?

    Is there any way you could make your font smaller. I feel like I've been assaulted by Hello Kitty.
  15. DonRodolfo

    Eating Ramen noodles raw?

    Y'all, let's not beat up on our new friend here. Let's give guidance instead. I'll admit to being surprised the first time I heard about someone eating uncooked ramen noodles until I saw a chef do it on a show - he even poured the spice packet powder on them.
  16. DonRodolfo

    Eating Ramen noodles raw?

    There's a bunch of us here who's doctors told them that with their new sleeve they have to prioritize what they eat. Always Protein first, veggies second, fruit if there's any room, then carbs if there's any room after that. Did your surgeon not tell you this?
  17. DonRodolfo

    What makes someone a veteran?

    I believe according to this board, is someone 1 year out.
  18. DonRodolfo

    Worst Case Scenarios

    I am on Ursodiol for 4 months to prevent this. I imagine some people do the same but may still need their gallbladder removed.
  19. DonRodolfo

    Diabesity study in CO

  20. DonRodolfo

    Almost a month out..

    I see curves young lady, keep up the good work!
  21. DonRodolfo

    Help! I need help!

    This is brilliant advice.
  22. DonRodolfo

    Help! I need help!

    I see that you're in the Dallas area. I would *HIGHLY* recommend you attend a support group. I am 10 weeks out tomorrow and i find them very helpful. http://www.verticals...rt-groups-list/ I also see you're from Rockwall - howdy from Forney!
  23. DonRodolfo

    Introducing myself

    Welcome Amy and condolences for the loss of your Mom.
  24. Perhaps you need the person you're having your meal with to nag you. I still slip now and then but my wife is quick to correct. It just takes time and persistence.

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