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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Jwestate

  1. My NUT recommended skim milk over almond milk...it's like 1gm of Protein to 9gm. I'm going to try this next meal ;)

    Where did you get that protein?

    Whats the gm/scoop on it?

    Unjury strawberry Sorbet protein powder is great in milk, cold Water or lemonade. One scoop of UNJURY (before you add it to the beverage) provides 20 grams of high quality protein -- as much as 3 eggs or 3 ozs of cooked beef or chicken -- without high fat or cholesterol.


    My NUT recommended skim milk over almond milk...it's like 1gm of protein to 9gm. I'm going to try this next meal ;)

    Where did you get that protein?

    Whats the gm/scoop on it?

  2. So here I am day 2 post op...on full liquids, having a he'll of a time getting fluids and Protein in. Been trying to add Protein Powder to stuff, but the scoops are such hugs volume, I keep managing to make everything into a protein paste...yuck.

    So far I've had the best luck with carbmaster yogurt with 1/2 scoop protein and I cut that whole mess with skim milk...

    Anyone havd advice on making it through these next two weeks??


    I had problems with the milk. Have you tried Almond milk? Try making your shakes with 4-6 oz or less of almond milk, save the yogurt for a snack. If you need more flavoring for the shakes everybody is making the liquid drops for Water like "Mia" I use Kroger (stop&shop) brand for added flavor, no extra calories. The milk created gas and I was lactose intolerant didn't realize it till I started this process.

    I start my morning by doing one full bottle of water and then cup of tea (=20oz liquid) and 30 mins to hour later I have my first shake.< /p>

    There are a lot of different suggestions and approaches to this, somewhere there's something that will work for you.

  3. May I go off topic for a moment? I was sleeved 2-5-13. I was on full liquids when I got home, then 1 week later they had me come in for my 2 week appt. And I was put on soft foods. I've been through the dreaded stall since then! I watch what I eat and how much. Problems are cant get in 64 oz of liquid, n I am craving caffeine folders coffee. Is it bad to have a little bit every now and then? I guess my stall is subsiding cause I noticed the scale move 9lbs in the last 4-5 days. At my 2 week I was 307 today I am 290! I'm gonna be a slow loser I hear because of hypothyroidism. I just want a little coffe! Any advice Please!!!

    Check with your Dr or Nutrition, I asked and was told my one small cup in the morning won't hurt. However, it does make me have a BM within 10-15 min.

  4. My brain is an idiot. It refuses to believe that my stomach rules and my Ass is more than happy to help prove the point. Just because you are allowed to eat doesn't mean everything goes, Or rather everything will stay.

    I'm suppose to shoot for 1000 cal in the next 2wks.

    4 or more meals, using shakes in between meals. Trouble is most things go right thru me, I've been doing soft things, but ether too spice or too many ingredients. And I can't for the life of me drink a shake. I'm still tracking calories and I am still only about 500 a day. Which is not going to help my stalled weight loss. Funny how we no what were doing wrong and yet we "I" , do it anyway.


    Back on shakes for 1 full day, plan and shop meals. Next day start again as prescribed. WISH ME LUCK

  5. Headed to the hospital as well...nerves are certainly kicked in. Prayers and well wishes to you.

    I'd appreciate a few sent this way as well.....see you all on the loser's bench!

    HockeyMa, I'll save you a seat. You will do well. Just think of the fun you will have playing with your son, and your back won't be hurting and you won't be out of breath!

    You will be doing laps in the hospital this evening!

  6. ME TOO!!! I actually get worried cuz I can't even tell I had surgery. Once or twice I had a weird pain but that's it. I feel bad saying it cuz the people next to me at the surgery center cried out all night. I have not gone off my scheduled diet but I don't feel hungry and I don't feel full, it's just so new! I feel so lucky that I haven't had pain or complications as of yet. Hope it continue this way!

    ME TOO. I mention that to the Dr also, she said if you liked to drink Water before it is probably why I don't have a problem with it now. She said many people only no how to drink with their meals, but if you are a good drinker before that will help you after surgery. About the no pain not sure the question was answered. I jokingly asked did they cut enough. My opinion for me is my unjury Protein, no gas, I add as much Fluid as I want; which right now only about 1/2 cup. So I get in all the Protein and don't get full or hungry.

    I am probably experiencing gas for the first time, because I had food. I might not be in such a hurry to eat food again.

  7. I am 15 days post op and of all the things I already hit a stall. Been 223 for the last 5 or 6 days :( I am getting in all my liquids and Protein :( I have lost 15 pounds..just discouraging to hit a stall this early,especially since I am only liquids.

    To all those not feeling their best, I pray you are able to physically and mentally overcome any obstacle that stands in the way of your weight loss journey!

    I am also 15 days out and I too was getting concerned, no weight loss in 3 days. My 1st post-op appointment was today. They said I could move to Stage 3 foods (puréed/sorted chopped). And it is also time to increase my calories to 1000 in the next 2 weeks, following the rules regarding protein intake. My body is beginning to go in starvation mode, and I need to eat more to lose more and to kick start my metabolism. It did make sense not only did my weight loss stop but my energy went out the window.

    I couldn't wait to get home and EAT. On the menu kalarmati olive humus and Clam dip, with sweet red pepper dippers. One tablespoon each and 6 pepper dippers latter and I was done. Oh sweet disappointment. And it all stayed with me.

    Good luck

  8. Had my last short term follow up today. I am cleared for regular life again. He also said the Protein Shakes have to go. They want all my Protein from food. This is going to require some serious meal planning as I rely on shakes for the bulk of my protein. Wish me luck

    It looks like you don't need much luck, you've done pretty good on your own!

    However, I do Sympathize with you on the loss of your shakes. I love the convenience, especially for Breakfast. I will raise my glass to you in the morn.

  9. I am also having trouble with BS, my morning Bs has been in the low 200's since I've been home. While in the hospital I was in the 300's and they were only giving me small doses of insulin 4-6 units of humalin R. I am highly insulin resistant and normally took 23 units of u500 and 30 units of Lantus.. I saw my Endo he put me on a scale for Humalin R and 26 Lantus, my lowest has only been 185.

    Everyone's answer is it may take time, and I should significantly reduce or eliminate insulin. We shall see...

  10. I had problems with every shake and powder you can buy over the counter, the only powdered shake I can use is by powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury


    I love it. In the meantime you might try EggDrop Soup. I was allowed this, from the Chinese Restaurant. I just asked them not to use cornstarch. You can also make it your self, try doing a search for it.

    If you order the Unjury, I love the strawberry Sorbet and the unflavored. The unflavored mixes very well in the chicken broth and many other things. I actual make SF chocolate pudding using that and Almond milk. If box calls for 2 cups of milk use 1 cup of almond milk.

    Hope this helps.


  11. Ok stage 2 & 3 Sleever's -- What's for Breakfast?

    First I get 20 ounces of Water out of the way. I use the propel to wake up and take my meds, than I sit and relax with a nice cup of tea.

    Propel Zero - berry Nutrient Enhanced Water Beverage, 12fl oz

    0 cal, 0 carbs, 0 fat, 0 gm Protein

    Bentley's - Minty Mint Green Tea, 1 cup

    0 cal, 0 carbs, 0 fat, 0 gm protein

    About 20 mins later I enjoy my nice and cream shake!

    Kroger Carb Master Yogurt - strawberry, 3 oz (1/2 container)

    30cal, 2carbs, 1 fat, 4gm protein

    Unjury Protein Shake Strawberry Sorbet, 1 scoop

    100 cal, 4carbs, 0 fat, 21 gm protein

    Silk Almond Milk Unsweetened (4oz - 1/2 Cup)

    15cal, 1carbs, 1 fat, 1 gm protein

    Total intake for breakfast:

    145 calories, 7 carbs, 2 fat, 26 protein gms

    I also used this breakfast for pre-surgery and Stage 1, it is quick and convenient and I will probably keep it always. You can also cut the numbers a little an use the Propel water instead of the almond milk. I often do and it still taste good.

    I would be interested in what others are doing.

    Thanks, jwestate

  12. So, surgery is Thursday...I woke up this morning, and my little boy crawled into my bed- and suddenly I had this overwhelming terror of something going wrong in surgery. I thought- my God, I don't want to die having an elective surgery. I know the risks are low- but it's still surgery. I'm sort of having a hard time shaking it. (Sorry for the heavy subject matter-lol).

    I think most of it is b/c I've never had an "elective" surgery before- so there was no time to like sit around and think about it before-hand. I've had several emergency type surgeries- so it wasn't anything to think about...anyone else deal with this prior to surgery? ...or am I just nuts? lol

    HockeyMa I saw your post and had to respond. I understand your fears and you should have them this surgery is not without risk. In my opinion you should thing about and prepare for "what if" the worst happens. You have a young child who you need to make sure is properly cared for if something should happen to you. With that said something could happen to you on the way to the grocery store, or at work and home. My mother died on the way to work when I was 9 years old, my father died 6 months after. Both were over weight, Mom more than Dad. She had a stroke at the bus stop. What do you think would happen to your health if you continued on without the surgery?

    Be afraid and prepare your child for the best life you can give him, and one thing you can do is have the surgery to make sure you will be around for a few more years.

    Good luck.

    P.S. I was so afraid, but I needed this surgery so bad. I have so many health problems from being over weight. I had to try to save my life. It's over and I can't stop smiling with all the possibilities to come.

    Joanne (jwestate)

  13. Hello all, so nice to meet and exchange issues and ideas from people going through it about the same time.

    I was sleeved on 2/12, I have a total weigh loss of 33lbs from 2wk post op diet to now, 2/24.

    What an amazing experience this has been; I have had little to no pain. I love my Unjury Protein Powder. It has allowed me to be more flexible with my meals. I don't have the Lactose problems I had with other products. And because it is a powder and not a ready mix drink I can get all my Protein needs in 4-6 ounces of the beverage of my choice.

    My only problem has been getting all my other medication down, having difficulty swallowing. I tried crushing but it gave me instant diariah

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