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Posts posted by rct

  1. I'm miserable. It's been 4 days and I haven't been able to go. In almost a month out. From being so regular before surgery to not being able to go, it's driving me crazy cuz I want to go and it won't come out. I wish something Gave me the runs. I took colace but it did nothing. I'm going to take 2 more when I leave work and hope by the time I get home it will work. I'm going to start incorporating flex seed in my diet and see if it works. Any one have any suggests?

  2. I fee the Same way. I'm 11days out and I guess since my stomach is healing, I'm beginning to feel hungry. But we have to keep in mind that everything we are eating is all liquids. I'm hoping once I move to purées the food will have more substance and will stick to my stomach. But see it this way. It's better then Eatting a cheese burger. Lol

  3. Post anesthesia everything is numb and deadened back there from intubation. During surgery you are not breathing on your own and your airway is not maintained on its own. post op everyone is a huge choking risk because just because you can talk or mouth words doesn't mean full funtion has returned. Sorry you don't like the facts.

    I'm lost?

  4. It's fine if you want to be misinformed and appear ignorant here' date=' that's your right I guess. But you obviously know nothing about the Medical Tourism in Mexico. I don't think you probably want to know about it either since I believe you're just here to stir the pot and troll, but surgeons in Mexico have been doing these procedures longer than most surgeons in the US, they have great outcomes, the hospitals are clean (as clean as in the US), some of the surgeons are even members of American surgical associations, so there you go.[/quote']

    First of all I'm far from ignorant and all you said sound great. And I'm sure that everything you said is true. But your telling me after all she said you wouldn't have ran out of there? Where did you get yours done? I'm Dominican and there are also great surgeons in my country. But most people go to those county to get preceder done because its cheap not so much for the surgeon. Most of them don't have insurance and it not cheap in the states. I get it. But check out the place first. I don't know about you. But I did alot of research before I decided on who was going to preform my surgery.

  5. I'm done and I feel fine for now. I'm still recovering. And typing with all these things on is tough but just wanted to keep you posted.

    Just saw this. Today makes a week since I've been home. I'm walking, cleaning and already running errand. I even went to work one day to take care of a client. Feel great no pain, getting my fluids down and even lost 16lb already. I had no gas pains thank god. I can truly say that my experience so far is great.

  6. So let me start by saying a few words as to why I'm writing this. I was recently sleeved by Dr. Garcia in Tijuana and I am very happy with my results -- so far. If you want to read moment by moment blows of someones happy surgery' date=' this isn't the blog. I've read every blog here and a majority are dead on accurate. But there's a lot no one bothers to mention and I wish someone had. Also, I'm posting this from a made-up user ID.... I read the boards daily and respond frequently, but prefer to keep some elements of my issues private (as you'll read). Thanks!!

    First, Waiting! I appreciate in the U.S. were go-go-go people who are comfortable with our busy, full schedules but in Mexico, there is NO scheduling at all! You sit and wait, and wait, and wait. The day of my surgery we were taken at 6:45 to the hospital, we waited until after 9am for the hospital staff to even arrive to check us in. Once in my room, more waiting; I didn't have my surgery until NIGHT! Despite numerous attempts to ask when (approx) my surgery would be - "soon" is the only answer I got. Want to go shopping after surgery, plan to wait. No one can tell you if or when or how long. I waited 2 whole days and then in a matter of minutes of a phone call, was expected to be ready.

    Second - Coordinators. Good luck. I saw my coordinator ONCE on the very LAST day. Once I was taken back to the hotel, I had questions I needed answered and despite my attempts (for over an hour) and the hotels attempts, no one could reach them. And their voicemail boxes were full - wonderful. What if I had an emergency?

    Third - Not Like U.S. Hospitals. Now I accepted this going in. BUT, if when waiting to be taken into ER I am awake and can see the person before me laying naked on the OR table - I'm sorry, I find that bothersome to several degrees. First, how many germs are flooding through those open doors? Second, if I was awake enough to see someone (who I actually knew from these boards and hotel), then who is seeing me? Not cool.

    Fourth - The Yucky (yes, the yucky truth - feel free to skip) No one bothers to tell you that your pee after your final leak test will be BRIGHT green for days - not an issue, but a heads up would've been nice. And the diarrhea - oh my stomach aches just thinking about it. It smells horrendous - like sick tummy. Its lasts for, I don't even know how long, I still have it, and its explosive. So yes, you probably will shart yourself. Just speaking the truth here.

    Again, I want to say I am HAPPY with my results ---- these were just things NO ONE bothered to mention and it would've been nice to prepare a bit better. So, bring a extra book, ask all your questions before you leave, ask to be drugged up before going to the OR and sit on a towel afterwards and you should be ALL set![/quote']

    First of all. Why would you go to a third world county to get such a serious surgery done. Your lucky you made it out alive. I'm surprise you didn't get an infection. I would have ran out of there.

  7. Not too bad. I'm busy preparing though. I have 2 young children. So getting out enough clothes for 3 or 4 days. Preparing dinner for them etc. I'm very excited though. How are you feeling?


    I've been doing the same. I just got my time and I will be getting surgery at 4:30pm. I'm doing good I was just hoping to get it earlier. But that will be fine.

  8. I was sleeved yesterday and am home today. Dr. Feiz performed the surgey at Marina Del Rey hospital. Need;ess to say' date='

    I am sore as hell, but walking helps rid the body of the air they use during the procedure.. Ironically, I weighed a pound more when I was dscharged than upon my arrival. The nurse conveyed that is perfectly normal, due to the amountof liquids they pump into you. See all of you in the post-op forums! Best of luck to all.[/quote']

    Wow. That was fast. Best of luck on a speedy recovery.

  9. It will be over and done with before you know it! it was my second surgery, but I still got really scared. I finally started to calm down when they put my IV in, and the bartender gave me my cocktail! Lol. Just know that there will be pain and discomfort afterward due to the gas that they pump you up with, but it does get better each day. Just do the breathing the want you to do, and walk as much as possible. That will help get the gas out! You will be just fine! These folks do it over and over again everyday so you can rest assured they know what their doing.

  10. Well the journey is just beginning. It has been a long year with the appt. and all. I didn't tell many people cuz someone always has something to say. And I have enough thoughts running through my mind. I feel we are all doin the right thing. My cousin had it done and he said the only regret is that he didn't do it sooner.

  11. Same here. I weighed 236 and I'm 5'3" big boned. My surgery is the 25th at 0730. I've lost almost 40lbs since I started this journey and all I hear from everyone is I don't need the surgery. I work in a hospital and they are the ones I hear it from most. But I just think about how I felt when my mom died suddenly from a heart attack when she was only 47. I don't want my girls to experience that. Even though I have lost the weight I've lost so far, I'm still on blood pressure medicine. Tomorrow I turn 45 and a healthier life is the best gift we can give ourselves and our loved ones :)

  12. Must be a Monday thing! I was sleeved on the 18th and I have Fluid on my lungs due to the anesthesia. Tonight it feels like someone is stabbing me in the chest on my left side when I breathe, and when I laid down to sleep around 9:00, I felt like I was suffocating. I totally panicked. Waiting to hear back from my surgeon and hoping it's not progressed to a partially collapsed lung!

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