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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by aussie

  1. Hi Nicole, your progress is fantastic. I'm six weeks tomorrow as well and up to 12 kg's or 26 1/2 pounds lost forever! My Weight loss has slowed down but still loosing about 2 lbs per week, so very pleased with my new stomach. I know that I have to keep up with my Protein. It's been difficult for me as I'm having trouble with a lot of protein - just can't get it in. I've had a break from the shakes and are back on them now with a high protein snack at least daily. Hopefully this will improve my weight loss. Good luck with your future loss :)

  2. Today I am 2 weeks post op and already I have achieved my first goal of 10 kg's loss.

    Stats are

    Start weight 108 kg's

    Start Hips 126 cm's

    2 weeks post op

    Weight 98 kg's

    Hips 120 cm's

    I'm now allowed to have purée diet so very happy with my Sleeve :)

    Also thanks to the person who recommended the Eat Slow app. It's great for slowing your eating.

  3. Hi Kelli, to help with Iron absorption you need to have Vitamin c. Get the dr &/or dietician to check your Vit C intake.

    Hi all, just an update with me - I'm 12 days post op and are down by 8 kg's. just missed out by 200 gms to get to double figures. That's my goal for this week to get to 10 kg's loss. I've lost 6 cm's of my butt as well - Whoo hoo!

    The only bad thing is I've done my back and been laid up since Monday. It's slowly getting better but it will take time.

    I hope everyone is going well

    Cheers Sue :)

  4. Did anyone tell people about their surgery or are you going to drop all those pounds without telling the big secret' date=' reason I ask my sister want to keep her surgery a secret. I really don't care I told my family and friends,[/quote']

    Hi I'm telling a select few as people tell me I'm not "big", but my BMI is 45!

    Well on the way to Diabetes & a heart attack which I don't want and I just can't loose weight. Although I know my whole world will change on 8th March as I need to care for my sleeve and that means sticking to the diet 100%. I think that's the commitment for me that will enable me to loose weight.

    To tell or not to tell is always such an individual choice :)

  5. I am up this coming Tues March 5th' date=' 11:50am on the O.R. schedule. I have managed very well on my pre-op, lost 11 pounds so far. I plan on taking my iPad in with me just so I can post here and I know for a fact that Valley has very good WiFi. You see I work there and I am the first person people call when they have computer problems! :D

    I have been plugging along since October. I started my two week preop on Feb 19. Steadfastly doing what I need to do to prepare with little in mind other than following the rules.

    But now that the real deal is only 3 days away, I'm starting to freak out. In a good way, sorta. The dreams are starting and I am getting those terrible butterflies that I used to get before going on stage.

    That kinda freak out. It's really happening, you know?[/quote']

    Good luck MiisFae and congrats on such a great weight loss pre surgery.

  6. Hi everyone, speedy recovery to those who have had surgery and good luck to all March Sleevers. I started my pre op diet 02/22/13 and have lost 2.2 kg in one week. Was quiet blown away with that as I thought I hadn't lost any weight.

    Continuing with the diet but did laps yesterday, went 50 calories over my limit. My surgeon has put me on a 1000 calorie diet as he wants me to have one meal of meat & veggies or salad. I've been doing this surprisingly well. Started my regular pre op walking today. Really enjoyed the walk in the warm Aussie sun with the dogs. Getting a bit nervous about Friday, but also quiet excited as I know I will succeed this time. I'm ready to face a life with a reduced stomach and for the next 3 months to eat to care for my sleeve so I don't get any post op complications :)

  7. All right fellow sleevers' date=' I'm headed to the hospital in 10 minutes.... stomach is in knots lol but still excited! Good luck and prayers will be sent to my fellow 1st.[/quote']

    Good luck from across the seas in Australia. Sending you my prayers and positive thoughts for you.

    Cheers Aussie

  8. Hi I'm having my sleeve done on 8th March. Week one on the pre op diet has gone well lost 2.2 kg's so far.

    I'm interested to hear from anyone in Melbourne who has just had a sleeve or just about to. Please personal message me on my profile and ill get back to you.

    I'm very keen to start a support group for recent and future sleeves similar to those in the US as they have catch ups with things like clothes swaps etc. I think that would be a really great thing to do and also give each other support in person.

    All the best for all the March Sleevers

    Cheers Aussie

  9. Thanks for the advice ladies :)

    I'll try honey in my tea & call the surgeons office on Monday . So worried I don't want my surgery cancelled because of a sore throat.

    Hi Simone, probably a good idea to see your GP on Saturday. Another thing for a sore throat is Betedine Gargle if you can stand it. It's a good product that can nip sore throats in the but. Also may be just nerves.

    Also wanted to say thanks for your book recommendation. I've read and are now reading successful weight loss with the gastric sleeve. It's quiet good and gives good general advice.

    Hope the throat improves. May be get out in the sunshine as well as it will help boosting your immunity.

    Cheers Sue

  10. I have noticed that a lot of people are having to do a pre-op diet for a couple weeks prior to surgery. My surgeon only requires a soft/liquid diet the day before surgery and that's all. Did anyone else no have to do the 2 week diet?

    Hi there, yes they recommend it to reduce fat in the liver, which assists the surgeon with the operation & less chance of leakage. I'd be questioning your Dr as the pre op diet is considered best practice. Cheers Aussie :)

  11. Hi guys! Appointment went pretty well. Operation date set for 22 March. Yay!!.... Can't wait:):)

    Congratulations Sunette. I met my surgeon yesterday also and I'm all good for next Friday 8th March. Also I've lost 2.2 kg's in one week. So feeling pretty good at present. Good luck with all your pre op preparation.

  12. Oh Aussie' date=' that's great, I remember how excited I was!

    You will do fine, just as everyone else told me and its so true, I am so happy to have done this, I just have a gallbladder problem now, wish I would have spoken to my surgeon before my op and he could have taken it out at same time. Not everyone has this problem after surgery but its very common and I do recommend asking your surgeon beforehand. I'm now on a public wait list as I can't really afford another private op so close to the last, but I'm really positive things will work out for me anyway.[/quote']

    Wow that's no good I hope you don't have to wait too long. I've already had my Gallbladder out infancy after next Friday there's not much left in me to take out. Hahaha. Why don't you ask your surgeon if he will do you in z public hospital as a private patient. They will bulk bill you then. Most surgeons are attached to a public hospital and usually have private op lists as well. Go back and ask your GP to find you a Dr who does or ask your sleeve surgeon if he will help out since your already a patient. I'm a nurse so I know how the system works. It's not what you know it's how to use it to its full capacity is the Health systems motto and mine. I had two ill kids so know the system very well.

    Good luck Sue

  13. I had to do pre op diet for two weeks. Lost about 5 kg first week then just 1.5 the second. Had Optifast for three meals as well as about a cup of non starchy veggies each day. I guess I was really lucky' date=' I didn't get cravings or anything until maybe three days before my surgery and that was because I went to a Xmas party. I did go off the wagon a little but only to have a little stirfry fish LOL I know I felt great for first two days, then third to fifth I felt like poop. Then after that it was all good. HAd headaches in those yucky two to three days but went away. After surgery I felt really good, little pain in first 24 hours, but nothing the PCA didn't fix! Make sure you make good use of it if you are given one. Get up and walk as soon as possible, I did the day after op and never looked back really, although I was quite tired for up to a few weeks after the fact. Walking really and truly helps with gas pain in your stomach, bowels and shoulders. I spent six nights in hospital, no complications or anything other than gas pain in shoulders, i have very low blood pressure normally and they were a little worried about that,but that's just me normal. I didn't mind staying in one bit, it was really pleasant to have a "holiday" away from my boys :-) and my surgeon wasn't in any hurry for me to go home. You will probably have days where you feel like super woman, trust me, don't overdo it or else your body will definitely let you know, just take or easy and concentrate on getting well. Make sure you get in your Water, yes it's a royal pain in the bum, but it's so important. I'm three months out now and if I don't get between 2.5 and 3 litres a day, my body lets me know and boy do I feel it, not nice at all. You'll both do great, where are you and who are your surgeons?[/quote']

    Thanks for the fantastic advice mini.mee.

    Sounds like your going well. I'm getting excited and looking forward to it. I just have to get through my 2 night shifts this week end and then I'm on the home run.

    Cheers Aussie

  14. When I'm on my feet at work I feel like I need to Pee all the time. It seems to only happens when I'm at work standing. I wonder if its cause my belts too tight or something. Does this happen to ppl? I go pee and a little comes out and it still feels like I have to pee. UHG.

    Hi definitely go to your doc as this should not be ignored. Could be nothing but it could be many things from as simple as a bladder infection to bladder stones. Me do get bladder infections as well as women, guys just don't talk about it. So good on you for asking for help.

    All the best Aussie

  15. Hi Sue' date='

    I'm not sure , my surgeon has me on 3 kick start shakes plus 2 cups of veggies/salad a day.

    The kick start shakes are equivalent to opti fast only they actually taste really yummy :)

    So ur surgery is the 8th, that's great we can help each other a long if you like? We are both getting close now! Are you excited or nervous? How are you going on pre op diet have you lost anything yet? I've been on it for 3 days and I'm down a kilo, strangely I'm not hungry or craving chocolate at all, which is a blessing as I am used to eating a family block a night, how bad is that ... I just couldn't get enough of it. I've heard people say after surgery they don't crave sweets at all so here's hoping 

    Have you read skinny jeans? Someone in another thread posted about it, I downloaded it, it's about vsg surgery it's a good read and has some helpful hints in it.


    Hi there, I was replying and then had a blank screen & flat battery.

    I'd love to be sleeve buddies if that's ok with you? Where abouts do you live, doesn't really matter as we can talk via web but its good to know.

    I'm not sure if I've lost weight as I have no scales at home. Hopefully ill be surprised tomorrow. I'm going ok, had a larger serve of greens today as I went out for lunch. It certainly filled me up. Then I had a shake for dinner. I'm to have no fruit but snuck in a banana today after doing the house work as I thought it healthier than a snack bar.

    I haven't heard of skinny jeans. What is it and what's the web address?

    Keep in touch.

    Cheers Sue

  16. Hi Aussie how long ago have you seen your surgeon for the 1st time? Good luck with your surgery:)

    First time is tomorrow. I saw the clinic staff first booked my surgery and seeing him tomorrow. I have good faith in the surgeon, read a bit up on him and his attached to Austin Health so that made me feel better as his still doing research and keeping up to date. I find any Dr who is attached to a public hospital is good as they are always up on latest treatments etc.

    I only decided 3 weeks ago to do this. I looked at a band via a different surgeon 2 years ago but didn't like him or the band - I absolutely hate vomiting. I know you can still vomit with the sleeve but it doesn't seem to be as bad or prolonged like the band.

    Cheers Aussie

  17. Tomorrow is my 1st appointment with my surgeon. I am soooo nervous' date=' scared you name it that's the feelings I have. Found out from my PHI that they cover the procedure 100% have to pay the gap fee that would be between 3500 - 4200. I am worried that somehow he will not do the procedure. Is this normal??[/quote']

    Hi Sunette, every one has to have an individual assessment. Have you seen the Dietician & Psychologist yet? If so, they would have given you some idea of any potential issues which may prevent surgery. Otherwise good luck tomorrow.

    I'm meeting my surgeon tomorrow but I am having my surgery on 8th March.

    Cheers Sue

  18. Ahh got love auto correct!

    I'm from Sydney ' date=' my surgey is on 6th march I'm so excited to start over , can hardly wait :)

    Any tips?[/quote']

    Hi Simonetwentynine, I'm Ned to all of this as well. My surgery is 8th March in Melbourne. I'm a bit confused on the calorie intake as I thought we were to have 1000 calories pre op with only 1 tsp of good fat per day. Can anyone tell me is this correct? Any way ill ask at the Surgeon tomorrow.

    Good luck Simone for next Wednesday.

    Cheers from Sue alias Aussie

  19. Th

    Update - Today I received my official notification so my date is March 13' date=' 2013. I start my pre-op diet this Wednesday. This site has kept my spirits up when they were down. I just want to thank everyone and I will keep you all posted on my progress as we travel this journey together.[/quote']

    OH MY GOD. I can't believe how the US Health system is run by your insurance companies. You really need them to be investigated as they have too much say over your health. I'm so sorry to hear about yours and other people's disputes with your Insurers. I'm glad Australia has a great Health system, even though it does have its problems it is run by the Medical professionals & government and not the insurance companies.

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