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Posts posted by Jessiebear

  1. :( I'm not saying don't take it. Just beware of the fact that it is causing a lot of people to have severe reactions like this. That being said, there are a lot of people that do take Ambien CR & have absolutely no problems. And believe me, I know the value of getting some good sleep. I worked 4 years doing 12 hour shifts at night. It was totally the Ambien. She talked with her doc. My Mom does have some other stuff going on right now (menopause & thyroid problems), but her doc told her that neither one of those things would have caused this. Plus nothing out of the ordinary happened until she began taking the Ambien. She was previously on Lunesta & didn't have anything like this happen. Thanks though! Glad it is working for you!

  2. Good grief! I just keep hearing more & more stories about this stuff. My Mom was telling someone about what happened & they saw on the news where a man was on a plane & was arrested for things he doesn't remember doing after taking a Ambien CR. Scarey!

    When I told Lonnie what had happened he was rolling. He said, " It's never a dull moment with your Mom, but that takes the cake!" She is a nut anyway! But we love her!

  3. I totally love it! Everybody that works in there is in one stage or another of chunkiness. It's awesome! I've had lots of questions about the band. I share with anyone who wants to hear about it. Most people are curious, but some are really interested. It is really hard to do my work instead of shopping. I was born a shopper! I sell a lot of stuff on ebay too. I don't have anything on there right now cause I've been too busy. But you should see the mountains of stuff surrounding me that needs to be put on there. I brought a U-haul full of stuff from Georgia. I helped my Nana clean out her garage & basement while i was there. The family brought a bunch of stuff to her house for a yard sale & then left it. For 2 years! I couldn't stand it any more. Anyway, I'm rambling! Thanks for the well wishes!!

  4. Wish me luck! I have a new job working in a consignment shop! Wish me luck in not buying anything! I am guaranteed Mon - Fri 11-3 & then extra hours when needed. & I get 20% off & first pick of the clothes that come in! The place is huge! It's like the size of 4 or 5 Dollar General stores (if you know what they are). It's only 15 minutes away from home. I have never worked that close to home. I think it will be fun!:clap2:

  5. I have 5 also. 3 are incisions & 2 are the puncture places where the laproscopic tools were inserted. 2 of the incisions & 1 of the punctures sites are noticeable (still purplish). The other 2 are barely noticeable cause I used Neosporin on them. They were a liitle red right after surgery. I wish I had used it on all of them. Oh well! You live & you learn!

  6. I didn't eat any candy! Yay me! It was everywhere ay my Aunt's. Not to mention I watched her stand there & eat 1/2 a pecan pie while she was talking to everyone. She just kept nibbling. And she stays small. She's ADHD. She eats like crap.At my Grandms's I had a plate of food that took me 2 hours to finish. I had a piece of pork loin that was baked, a small spoon full (ssf) of chicken & dressing, a (ssf) of corn, a (ssf) of green Beans, a (ssf) of asparagus & cheese & a (ssf) of lime Jello salad. I wouldn't have eaten itall, but Grandma had worked hard cooking everything & I was the only one who showed up for dinner. She was so upset. You should see the leftovers she sent home with me! Good grief! Thank goodness Lonnie is back home!

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