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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by TES

  1. They really might not notice 15 lbs. If you want to keep it private, I would say something like thank you for asking, you were on medical leave, but feeling much better now--then change the subject. Completely true. I think it's a personal choice how much info you want to share, but once you share even a little detail (like getting surgery to help you lose weight to help with PCOS--which is true too), be prepared for followup questions, because you will sort of be inviting them. If you just say medical leave and send signals that you want to keep it private, someone would have to be pretty rude to ask more about it. And you could avoid answering. Once you tell people you had WLS, they will start asking how much you have lost so far constantly--and if you hit a stall it will make it even more depressing. Again, it's a personal decision, but for me, I didn't want to be under a microscope by people I don't even know that well. Others would rather be very open, and I support that decision too, but it sounds like you are leaning in the other direction.
  2. Yes, to clarify, it's that--satiated but not just-pushed-back-from-the-Thanksgiving-table kind of full. It's pretty difficult to describe until you feel it, and I think it's different for everyone--but for me it is the same "satisfied" feeling I had when eating a meal pre-op. I think the major difference is that one bite too many can make you feel "full" (which always means uncomfortable), where pre-op, that wasn't always the case. It only takes once or twice of one bite too many for you not to do it again, because it's not a good feeling. I still measure my food and almost always eat out of the same dishes--but some days that satisfied/full feeling comes sooner than others, so I'll stop eating before I've finished my small portion.
  3. For me, once I was on solids, it was pretty much the same full feeling I got post op--it just happens a lot more quickly. There's definitely no mistaking it....
  4. TES

    PB2 powder?

    I would say 1.5 to 2 TBSP.
  5. TES

    I Almost Ate A Waffle!

    You need the fat in the soy milk to make it an ice-creamy texture. It's really good and the ingredients are basically the same as a Protein shake.
  6. TES

    Giving Up

    What do you mean by your second sleeve?
  7. I think you will be fine. Just remember to get in your protein and water. Key West is a great place to get in your walking.
  8. You're not seriously defending smoking after getting the sleeve, are you? Just because people have smoked after getting the sleeve and haven't had any issues doesn't mean that it isn't a very real risk. It's like playing Russian roulette.
  9. TES

    Vegetarians unite

    Nutritional yeast?
  10. Great job. No one needs that crap--whenever I brought something into the office for a bday or other event, I would always bring a traditional sweet but then a healthful option too. For example, a decorated cake but then also a big bowl of fresh strawberries or clementines. Maybe you could start a new trend at your office next time you are asked to bring something. I was always shocked by how popular the healthier foods were.
  11. I think Proti is what my surgeon's office sells. I bought some, got them home, and then noticed gelatin in the ingredients...so not vegetarian. Bummed me out! Probably not an issue for most people, but since I'm a vegetarian, I had to return them.
  12. TES

    I Almost Ate A Waffle!

    Nadoue, are you in maintenance?
  13. My surgeon's rules are 15 minutes before and 30 minutes after. I like the 15 minutes before rule when eating out because I can then drink water when I first get to a restaurant and stop around when we order, so it's been 15 minutes by the time the food comes. I always wait at least 30 minutes after and usually longer to drink after eating and that helps me stay full longer and prevents any issues with food feeling like it's backing up into my throat, which I do think can happen if you've eaten dense food and drink too soon after eating.
  14. Well said--everyone is entitled to privacy about their lives, including their personal health. It doesn't mean that anyone is ashamed or embarrassed. I don't necessarily agree that people who share or even overshare about their surgery are "self-promoters," but for me, that's how I would feel if I shared the information all over the place, so I do understand what you are saying... I know it's my issue and not anyone else's that I hate talking too much about myself. I don't think it's lying not to tell most people I know that I had a bout of kidney stones yesterday--just like it's my business if I had VSG. I'm thinking most people really don't care about either one.
  15. Maybe ask your doctor about an anti-emetic (something to help with the nausea)?
  16. TES

    Giving Up

    I'm so sorry--I feel your pain. I was at about the same rate of loss as you at 6 weeks, maybe even a little less. I'm closing in on 13 weeks post-op and I'm at about 30 to 35 pounds down--so now almost double. It does add up and it's still faster than I've lost weight any other way. The only other suggestions I have are to change up your exercise if you can--like maybe add some brisk walking to the water aerobics, and really, really make it a priority to get in at least 80 oz of water a day. It's easy to sort of tune it out when people tell us that bc it's said so much, but for me it makes or breaks if I can lose at all. The other thing that matters for my body is making sure I get enough rest. I never lose weight on the weeks that I don't sleep enough.
  17. I think the most important thing is that when you add in a new food or type of food (like fibrous cooked veggies or raw vegetables), make sure you try it at home first and make a conscious effort to chew well and eat slowly. Eat a few times at home successfully before you order the same type of thing eating out or when with someone else. I had a little trouble with cauliflower when I first started eating it, but now I'm fine with it.
  18. TES

    Satiety foods for post goal hunger?

    My surgeon does. It's the one rule I don't follow. I don't drink empty calories like frapuccinos etc., but protein shakes save the day for me sometimes. Supposedly shake protein is too bioavailable too--that's why my surgeon likes us to get our protein from food. But it seems to be working pretty well for you, Fiddleman. That's encouraging.
  19. Yes, my surgeon repairs hiatal hernias in about 90% of his VSG patients--so it is very common.
  20. TES

    PB & J Smoothie

    I've found JustGreatStuff, which is like PB2 but it's non-GMO and organic, at Vitamin Shoppe and Earth Fare. Earth Fare also has PB2. Whole Foods has PB2 as well from what I understand.
  21. TES

    string cheese

    I hate the waxy kind, too. Sargento's reduced fat is the best one I've found that isn't waxy.
  22. TES

    string cheese

    I was able to eat it at 6 weeks post-op.
  23. TES

    thyroid and wls?

    I've been hypothyroid (secondary to a pituitary adenoma) for more than 20 years, and VSG is the first thing that has worked for me in years. I may lose more slowly than others, but I'm definitely losing. I finally feel like my goals are within reach.
  24. I ended up with kidney stones about 6 or 7 weeks also. Thankfully they passed on their own. I could tell bc it looked like someone added pepper to my urine. I do not think that protein per se is the issue--it has more to do with staying very, very well hydrated if you are prone to stones. My surgeon's office recommends enough fluid in this case to *output* 64 oz of fluid minimum per day, which means drinking at least 100-120 oz of water/day. Also, they gave me a low oxalate diet to follow, so while I had the stones, I didn't drink tea, cut down on dark green veggies, decreased soy (which wasn't easy since I'm a vegetarian and want to make sure I get my protein), etc. Now that I am feeling better, I am being less restrictive with the low oxalate diet (except that I limit my amount of hot tea) and I drink tons of water. That seems to be working for me.

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