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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by TES

  1. TES


    I use a VitaMix instead of an extraction method--so you get the vitamins, nutrients and fiber. You have to be cautious about what you use though and keep within your daily carbohydrate counts. I don't do it every day and I use lower-carb fruits and veggies--and protein powder.
  2. BTW at a 38 BMI, she would be covered by any major insurance carrier that covers bariatric surgery. So I don't understand the comment about "having" to go to Mexico based on the degree of obesity. Obviously people go to Mexico if they don't have insurance, don't want to use their insurance, or don't have insurance that covers bariatric surgery. But she wouldn't have been excluded based on those stats....
  3. TES

    What is your favorite product?

    oh wait, you said favorite "product"--guess I couldn't pick just one!
  4. Totally disagree with this. At a 38 BMI, she was 8 BMI points above the Obesity range of 30. Plenty of people start there and end up morbidly obese within a matter of months or years. If it were so easy to take the weight off and keep it off without surgery, everyone would do that. Also, new medical tools are looking at things such as how much abdominal obesity someone has rather than just the BMI. Comorbidities matter too--Cleveland Clinic is now covering bariatric surgery for people who have lower than a 35 BMI but have diabetes that isn't responding well to surgery. The first patient had a BMI of 33, was on insulin several times a day, and was OFF his insulin before he even left the hospital. I agree that everyone needs to go into the surgery eyes wide open about possible complications--but it is up to the individual if he or she feels the risk of current obesity and possibly future morbid obesity is worth the trade off. The words "only" and "55 pounds overweight" really shouldn't be used together. There is a lot of risk there.
  5. TES

    RNY or VSG?

    Did you make a decision? I chose VSG mainly because I didn't want the malabsorptive issues that come with RNY. The malabsorption might mean quicker short-term weight loss but longer-term health repercussions. Also, it is easier to take NSAIDs after VSG than RNY (though my surgeon allows them after RNY if you take a gastric protective agent). My surgeon prescribes Prilosec to everyone after VSG for 3 months and then starts step-down therapy. I needed to stay on the Prilosec and I'm fine. If I miss a dose, I do get heartburn. I don't mind being on it--I feel like it protects my smaller stomach. Also, make sure your surgeon checks for a hiatal hernia and corrects it during surgery if you have one. That could be causing your heartburn and the correction will help. I had one and I asked my surgeon how many patients do, and he said about 90%. They are very common! Good luck with whatever you choose. Lots of great support here.
  6. TES

    What is your favorite product?

    I also like to mix FF Greek Yogurt with dill dip or any seasoning and dip raw veggies in it. Great snack for about 100 calories and good to get in some fiber.
  7. TES


    I definitely would not eat quinoa during full liquid. It's actually a seed, and you don't want it to get it caught in your staple line while you are healing. Try some cream of wheat pureed with almond or soy milk and chocolate protein powder, or oatmeal pureed with sugar free peaches and thinned out with soy or almond milk--can add some vanilla or plain protein powder.
  8. TES


    I wouldn't, only because of the high sugar content immediately post op and if you are already getting diarrhea--this might make it worse. My surgeon allowed 4 oz of juice per day during clear liquids, diluted with 4 oz of water. But I would go with a commercial product for now, like cranberry or apple juice--low sugar if you can.
  9. I'm SO sorry to hear that you are going through this. Has your surgeon specifically checked to make sure that you don't have a stricture? My next stop might be a gastroenterologist who has a subspecialty in treating patients who have had bariatric surgery and who is familiar with VSG. As an aside, I don't think you meant to say that your pre-op BMI was 53? It had to be lower at that weight and and height. But the main thing is, I hope that you get some answers--and relief--soon.
  10. I would definitely go by your surgeon's handout, not your family's advice (I'm sure they mean well, but they aren't medical professionals). I started protein shakes the day after I got home from the hospital (I was discharged in the evening), which was 3 days post-op. My surgeon emphasizes the importance of protein during the first 2 weeks, for healing and to prevent hair loss later on (you lose hair about 3 months after the precipitating event). If it makes you feel better, you could try clear liquid protein drinks, like mixing whey powder in with crystal lite. I found with the premade non-clear shakes like Muscle Milk lite that I did better if I thinned them out with some almond milk. Even though ultimately I ended up drinking more volume over a longer period of time, they were much easier to get down and more palatable. Do you have a dietitian? I would follow his/her advice too. Good luck!
  11. I would ask your surgeon, but if he doesn't pull, you should be okay. I would also just be careful if walking on rough terrain bc you definitely don't want a fall right now--have to be careful about staple line and healing incisions. But the walk would probably be great for both of you if surgeon gives the nod!
  12. TES

    What is your favorite product?

    Torani SF syrups, Laughing cow babybel cheese and the soft cheeses (50 cal and 35 cal, respectively), Sargento reduced fat cheddar cheese sticks, 100-calorie packs of almonds, Sabra individual hummus packs (though I prefer fresh hummus, they are good in a pinch), Morningstar vegetarian "sausage" patties (80 cal, 10 g protein, low carb), low-fat ricotta cheese, fat-free plain Greek yogurt, PB2 or JustGreatStuff powdered peanut butter, almond milk, lite soy milk, Morningstar veggie "meat"balls, spaghetti squash (lots of fiber and filling), watermelon (seems to make me lose more weight and keeps kidney stones at bay due to citrates), strawberries (dipped in FF Greek Yogurt mixed with SF black cherry torani), homemade iced coffee, Designer Whey and Unjury protein powders, Pure Protein protein bars (only eat 1 about every 2 weeks), Weight Watchers Greek yogurt bars (80 calories, 5 grams protein, 13 carbs--once a week treat but better than commercial fro yo or ice cream plus good protein boost for low-cal treat), SmartWater (electrolytes!), Rancho Gordo dried beans--make the beans from scratch and they are so much better than canned, homemade salsa from the local Mexican joint--put it on everything for extra flavor, sprouted tofu--more protein, Morningstar crumbles for homemade veggie chili, red pepper strips, mini cucumbers, romaine lettuce, Penzey's herbs and spices, fresh cilantro, Granny Smith apples (occasional treat for fiber boost), quinoa (protein boost).....
  13. TES

    Post op itching

    I had this too. are you still on pain meds? Narcotics can cause this.
  14. In my experience, anyone who has to say how "perfect" his or her life is, typically has a far from perfect life. And people with perfect lives don't feel so compelled to impose the way they would do things on everyone else. Live and let live...and realize there are more ways than yours to live a happy, integrity-filled life. It starts by living your life and being happy with your own choices--and not being so relentlessly judgmental of others.
  15. Looks like something did change--what a relief. Thanks for speaking up, Laura, and thank you to the admins for doing something about a bad situation.
  16. Sorry, but I think it is very declasse to overshare personal information--I'm cringing at what some people have shared on this thread (personal info not even related to VSG) to prove their "honesty." This kind of oversharing is not a badge of honor--it's an indication of being too self-involved and not having a "filter."
  17. You definitely ARE a role model! Congratulations!
  18. Has anyone wondered if lack of dietary fat can cause hair loss? I am a vegetarian and all of the dairy products that I eat are fat free or low fat--0% Greek yogurt, low-fat cheese, low-fat ricotta, soy products, etc. My surgeon always says not getting enough protein the first 2 weeks after surgery (or on an ongoing basis) is the biggest reason people have hair loss a few months later--so I was diligent during the first 2 weeks and after that about getting mine in. However, I am still losing hair. I take Biotin and I'm not sure if it's helping (surgeon said it might not help, but it can't hurt). My hair loss isn't awful--only I really notice it..my part still looks ok etc. But it's embarrassing when it comes out during the day on my clothes or on a table etc. It was enough that my stylist noticed it. I had my hair colored a darker red yesterday and also had a few inches cut off. I also bought some Nioxin shampoo. I am seriously considering adding even a TBSP of good fat to my diet a day--maybe some olive oil on veggies or half an avocado, etc. Any thoughts?
  19. I see them--you look GREAT!!!! Big difference and terrific progress!
  20. that's wonderful--you're definitely not a "slow" loser! Congrats!
  21. sounds awful--are you feeling better now? My surgeon recommends Benefiber every day if you have issues and Miralax if you haven't gone in 3 days. Has worked pretty well for me. I also drink coffee every morning bc my surgeon allows it.
  22. My surgeon allowed us to try iceberg lettuce at 6 weeks out and other veggies at 8 months out. Take it slowly and introduce cooked veggies first and then the raw veggies one by one. Also, go by your surgeon's timetable since that's always best. The more fibrous veggies like cruciferous cauliflower, broccoli etc, can be harder at first. Also, raw carrots. Don't eat celery until your surgeon okays. The strings can get caught in your staple line.
  23. I can still see mine a little too (from around the drain hole). I also changed mine 1 to 2x/day. I think I was allergic to the adhesive on the bandage. it is fading a bit after 14 weeks....
  24. Just remember that they zip on the opposite side!
  25. 16 tbsp. of cottage cheese in a cup. You can pull up the 1 cup and put in a decimal of .125 and it will calculate everything for you. Or you could pick 1/2 cup and put in .25 (since 1/8 of a cup is 1/4 of half a cup). It's really not as confusing as it sounds and you can google the math. Once you put in things that you eat regularly, it's really easy to pull them up again.

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