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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Lori228

  1. I am a year out and still use mine. Part of that could be that I have not been checked out by a physician regarding my sleep apnea and the other part is I LIKE MY sleep. I took it off a few nights back and had those weird dreams again and woke up to go to the bathroom, etc. So I am thinking that maybe I still need it. Why, I don't know for sure, but I have gotten off 3 medicines and my numbers are great in regards to those problem areas so if I have to keep my CPAP in order to sleep, I am okay with that.

  2. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea before I had surgery, in fact, it was my pulmonologist that suggested I check into surgery so he was instrumental in me checking into and eventually getting my surgery. I originally had the face mask and the second go around I got just the nasal pillows and they work well for me now and I don't feel so covered up. There is the noise but I love getting a good night's sleep. Makes a big difference really sleeping.

  3. Yes our 1 year anniversary !!! I really would just like to lose 25 pounds more... but thats a struggle I feel like its not gonna come off ... I have also been eating crap again... I want to do a 5 days jump start for my sleeve to get myself back on track maybe that should help get me down again... have u ever tried it

    I have not done that but need to get back to being good and finish out the year strong. Keep me posted and I think you have done well. Just imagine where we would be had we not done this.

  4. I am almost a year out, February 28, 2013, was my date, and I am not where I want to be yet, but have lost 84 pounds and am feeling pretty good from where I was at the beginning. I know I am still overweight but it is really nice to get the compliments that I do and I know that I will get where I need to go. You are doing well and you have done amazing things to help your health by losing what you have. Be proud and enjoy the success you have made so far. We have a year celebration coming up!!

  5. Hey Sheldon, I feel your fear. I was pretty scared prior to surgery, too, but I felt very ready for the new me and I am almost 10 months out and I am so glad I did it. There are changes on the horizon but they are good changes and healthier ones. I feel so much better and can function so much better. I was worried about drinking lots of Water, and that is not an issue but rather getting enough in. I love Water and now I can even drink lots when I am thirsty. Some of my tastes have changed but it really is the unhealthy stuff that I used to love (like pasta) that has less appeal to me.

    As far as people go, I work in a hospital and it just felt right, for a lot of reasons, to be honest. There have been a lot of people commenting to my weight loss and ask how I did it, and I told them. Some are very interested and want more information. Others are a little surprised but not rude. There has not been one person who has said anything since surgery about it after seeing the weight loss. There were those ahead of time that had those rude comments or looks, but I knew what I wanted and was not going to let them stop me. Since then there have been no rude comments (at least not to my face) but they cannot really say much when they see the change.

    Anyway, I hope your fears are eased and you are happy with whatever decision you make. I just thank God that I made the choice I did. Good luck.

  6. I was able to eat more than a couple bites, more like you are talking. Think about it. How much could you eat before? Did a half a can of tuna and a little applesauce do it for you before? I am about 5 months out and eating less than a cup a sitting, depends on what it is, but I do feel very full. Everyone is different so only time will tell.

  7. It sounds like you really want to go, so my suggestion would be to plan ahead at what issues there may be and work those out and go. This stage you may not be able to indulge in cake and such, but hopefully you won't be wanting it either and since you are trying to get healthy you will be able to deal with that. Don't dwell on what you can't have or do, but what you will be able to do shortly. Two weeks out hopefully you will be feeling better each day and by then it won't be what it is today. Just my thoughts. It is survivable. Just take it easy. If you decide not to go, don't beat yourself up. Guess I am not much help.

  8. I do not know the statistics on cancer treatment after the sleeve, and that would depend on the type of cancer. What I do know is that obesity is one of those things that pop up as a risk for many different cancers. I hope you find the answers, or at least an idea, but I do know it was a good choice for me and I am glad that I have cut my risks down substantially by having it done. Good luck. Don't put it off too long. Go to a seminar and ask the surgeon these questions.

  9. I am only 22 weeks out but I can tell you I feel really well. I did have a couple issues that were not actually related to the sleeve itself, but I had ended up in the ER because my blood pressure medicine became too much for me after losing the weight. I have gotten off of 3 meds so far, my knees and ankles do not hurt near like they used to, and I feel well. I still have GERD even after fixing a hiatal hernia, but this was a very good decision for me. Hope it works out as well for you.

  10. I had them terrible in the hospital but I also had hiatal hernia repair and my doc said it was the irritation on the diaphragm that brought that brought that on. I had a terrible time when I was in the hospital and had the pain from the gas but it got better week by week and I occasionally get them now when I eat and it feels it is at a certain level. Kind of like my cue that I had enough. Not all the time and not too bad any more.

  11. Welcome to the "other side." I had a hiatal hernia fixed too and the hiccups I got from that was my worst symptom because every time I would hiccup it would cause the pain from the gas up into my chest/shoulders. It got better day by day, and I could laugh about it. Every day is a new adventure for a while so enjoy!!

  12. I am sure that is discouraging, but the most important thing now is to heal that stomach and to get what you need and if that means you have to drink it instead of eating it, so be it. If your stomach says to go slow, you go slow and soon this will hopefully be a vague memory of your journey. I thought it sounded like forever to get to a full diet, but really each step came rather quickly. I don't know how far you are from surgery, but your health is the most important thing--that is why we do what we do so hang in there.

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