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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by traycrow83

  1. traycrow83

    Any March Sleevers?

    I just wanna give some positive insight on my journey. I started this journey the end of December. I did the pre op diet and lost 14 lbs. My surgery was scheduled for March 14th. Everything went smoothly. I had a wonderful experience in the hospital. I was home the day after surgery and have been getting better everyday. Im day 6 post op and feeling great. I stepped on the scale yesterday and have lost another 15 lbs since surgery. WOW. Im assuming my stomach weighed about 10 lbs lol. Anyways im so far VERY happy with my decision to make this huge change in my life and to get healthy and live a longer life. I just wanted to give some positive insight into some of the negitive you see on this site. Thanks
  2. Yay. I have something to look forward to now haha
  3. Thats awesome. I cant wait to have my hunger taper. Im day 6 post op and im so hungry lol.
  4. Ok today was the first day after surgery I felt like I could keep anything down. I had surgery 3/14. So today was day 4 post op. Im starving...this liquid stuff is killing me. Did anyone start eating purees sooner if you felt like you could? If so how was it. I tried some vegtable soup today and chewed some vegatables really well and seemed to be fine. I just dont wanna do that if its gonna screw with my healing. Let me know what you think. Thanks
  5. traycrow83

    eating too soon?

    I wasnt coming on here to get anyone to enable me to go off plan. I was just getting peoples insight on it. Im sorry you feel so strongly about it and if I offended YOU in anyway im sorry. Last time I checked this was a forum to ask questions about the surgery to get different opinions.
  6. traycrow83

    eating too soon?

    You didnt offend me your just being honest. Thanks for your insight. I am gonna talk to my doc before I go any further with eating until he clears me and says its ok. He might say stay on the liquids till wed. I dont know. If he does im gonna stick to what he says. Hes the doctor not me lol
  7. traycrow83

    eating too soon?

    Everyone I know that has had the same doctor as me or went through the same bariatric clinic all have the same rules reguarding what to eat and when. I know all doctors are different thats why im going to call mine tomorrow before I attemp anything.
  8. traycrow83

    eating too soon?

    Thanks matt. I think I might try that. Im also gonna call my doctor tomorrow to see if he thinks this will be ok. Im hoping they will it least let me have a Protein shake, yogurt or cottage cheese so I can get some protein in and not feel so hungry.
  9. traycrow83

    eating too soon?

    Thats good to know. I was going to attemp cottage cheese tomorrow. What about protein shakes? Yogurt?
  10. traycrow83

    Any March Sleevers?

    Try taking small sips and spacing them out to 15 min intervals. It helped me tremendously. I was having such a hard time keeping anything down. Today was such a better day. Ive drank chamomile tea, two popsicles, water and water with cranberry juice. I even got gummie vitamins to help with not eating. Helped so much. Good luck
  11. traycrow83

    Any March Sleevers?

    Same here. I feel the same way with the hightened sense of smell.
  12. So up until now I was fine. Surgery is this Thursday the 14th and im soooooo scared. I dont wanna be in pain. Plus I hate pain meds and the way they make me feel. I also have an anxiety disorder and im freaking myself out. I keep thinking the worst possible senarios. Anyone else having doubts? Someone please tell me its not as bad as people say it is so I can get through this.
  13. traycrow83

    getting nervous

    Good for you. I took meds while in the hospital but none since ive been home. Im on day 4 post op and feeling pretty good. Acid reflux has subsided alot. Thank goodness that was the worst part. No pain at all
  14. traycrow83

    Any March Sleevers?

    Lain, I have found I was drinking my liquids too fast. I wpuld srink them and get bad pressure and then vomit. I am now taking small sips every fifteen minutes and havent vomited since. Still having acid reflux tho. Taking tums seems to help some. Good luck. Try taking small sips and space them out to 15 minute intervals
  15. traycrow83

    Any March Sleevers?

    Sounds to me like you dont have anything else wrong with you besides a higher BMI. No high blood pressure or diabetes. So your insurance wants it to be based on a need for the surgery. Basically they are not gonna cover the operation unless you have another problem do to being over weight.
  16. traycrow83

    getting nervous

    Ok having crazy acid reflux. I was perscribed prilosec but the side effects are terrible. I have anxiety and panic attacks and prilosec causes them. Trying anything else to help. Took gas x and tums with no much relief. Anyone have the same issue and what did u take? Im day 3 post op
  17. traycrow83

    Any March Sleevers?

    I have been experincing alot of nausea. I was sleeved on 3/14. I know its only day three but does this get better everyday? Im not in alot of pain just having a hard time keeping any liquids/meds down. Help please
  18. traycrow83

    Any March Sleevers?

    Same here. I was sleeved on the 14th its day 3 post op and I cant keep anything down. Just keep vomiting foam. Is this normal?
  19. traycrow83

    getting nervous

    So far in the hospital I have used the morphine maybe five times to help me sleep. It makes me nausea so I try to only take it when I need it. I dont really like pain meds so im avoiding it at all costs. Lol the pain isnt as bad as I thought it would be. The gas is what kills it. My doc said to not take gas x strips so that sucks. I just have to deal with it. Tomorrow I get to try fluids for the first time. Wish me luck

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