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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lexysdad04

  1. Mine looked the same till about 4 days ago I was sleeved 3/11 any way I just kept taking the antibiotics and applying polysporeing and its now looking better almost all closed up Sent from my iPhone using VST
  2. I used dr Ortiz at mi doctor he was trained by dr Lopez any way I can't say I negative thing about aligtherme.com they were awesome Sent from my iPhone using VST
  3. lexysdad04

    Wrong of me?

    I don't think anything is wrong with you I too have had the same thoughts as long as your not actually going up to them then I completely understand where you are coming from. This has been such a great gift to me that I just want to share it with everyone but I don't for the same reasons everyone has already mentioned. In fact the only person I have actually "shared" the secret with is my cousin (mist of my familly knows i had some kind if wls but that's about it no real details) this Easter weekend when SHE asked me about my resent weight loss and wanted to know how I was doing it. So I told her about the surgery and the cost and having to go to Mexico to get it done to save on the cost. I then simply mention to her "you know if ever you are interested or have any question feel free to ask me ill be happy to point you in the right track" her response was " I have been interested in getting the lapband but I don't think my insurance will cover it" so I explained to her that a lot of insurances are covering it including medical that brought a big smile to her with a really? After that I had to talk to her about the cons about lap band and the few pros. What I'm trying to say is even thought I wish I could share our secret with everyone, unless they ask first I'm not going to go up to them and be rude and I'm sure the OP is not going to be going up to people either Sent from my iPhone using VST
  4. lexysdad04

    Dr. Lopez?

    I had Dr Elias Ortiz, Dr Lopez trained Dr Ortiz I think that alone says alot about Dr Lopez, he has plenty of experience I was originally scheduled with Dr Lopez but I had to change my date and when I was available Dr lopez was not TJ
  5. glad to help, maybe one of the mods can make this pic a sticky here so that everyone can take a copy with them even if their not going to Mi Doctor Hospital, Im sure it will come in handy that one time that one of the nurses doesnt speak english
  6. This the only translation sheet I have it's the one they have at mi doctor hospital on top of their safe sorry for the bad pic but its laminated and if I took of the flash it was too dark. Maybe some one can copy it onto word format so it's available to print out easier Sent from my iPhone using VST
  7. Hey I just had my surgery with Dr Elias Ortiz thru alighterme.com Janese was my coordinator I really recommend them they have a great rappor with the hospital that we didn't even have to wait to get rooms like some of the other patients that were already their waiting when we got their. I got in on a special for 4500 and that included everything except my travel to San Diego where they pick you up, Also I didn't have time to get a passport or lets say I didn't want to wait to get a passport so I and my wife just went down their with our CA ID and birth cert. and we were ok getting back into the USA to get into TJ they don't ask for anything Also if your a lower bmi u might be able to just do 1 week of pre diet and 3 days of liquids you can call Janese up directly at (714) 516-8193 or visit the website let her know Allen sent you she will take real good care of u If you want to read my whole review just clink on my profile and it will come up Sent from my iPhone using VST
  8. lexysdad04

    Concerned about iron sleeve

    Well I guess I must have a bigger/longer sleeve I finally felt the fullness every one talks about but I had 1.5 hard boiled eggs, no worries I didn't keep going till I was going to burst I stopes when I felt satisfied witch was 1.5 eggs Reason before I would eat 1 egg and wait to see if I was satisfied was that's what the doctor told me to do to wait and see if my brain process it to let me know I'm satisfied, also I think maybe the apple sauce would make it way to mushee and would instead make my food drop past my "sleeve" maybe that's way I wouldn't get the "full" feeling Sent from my iPhone using VST
  9. Hey just wanted to let everyone know that if you don't like your powder Walmart, costco, and SAMs club all will refund you back your money if you don't like it. I know because I've done it I simply told them I didn't like the taste that too me it tasted nothing like it said ( not a lie too me it tasted horrible) and they gave me back my money. Now I recently i went to a vitashop and I asked the guy if I could return it if I didn't like it and he said no, BUT I could try a free sample b4 I purchased, I ended up going with my second choice Sent from my iPhone using VST
  10. lexysdad04

    Concerned about iron sleeve

    I'm hopping that the same happens to me. I'm just like pepper Paul because I was sleeved on the 11th also and can eat more then 4 ounces and still not be full, I had a full hard boiled egg and never felt the fullness everyone says they feel so I waited 30 mins and then had 4 more ounces of apple sauce Sent from my iPhone using VST
  11. lexysdad04

    Feeling full?

    Thanks for asking this question, I'm exactly the same I haven't gotten the full feeling and I'm also on the puréed stage Sent from my iPhone using VST
  12. Hi VST I had the sleeve gastrectomy on the 11th my wife an I drove down to SD airport on the 10th and were picked up by Abraham the driver for alighterme we then drove straight to the Marriott, it's about a 20 min drive the place is great very nice they give u 3 free bowls of broth 2 Popsicles and 2 free bottle waters all you have to do is call the front desk or go down to the restaurant, the next day at 7am we were picked up and taken to Mi Doctor Hospital (witch is a real hospital NOT a strip mall like Jerusalem) where we met Eduardo (TJ cordinator for Alighterme) we pretty much were checked right away (I've herd some haven't been so lucky guess alighterme has a excellent rapor with the hospital) we weren't even done saying hi to each other when we where shown to our PRIVATE room with a bed for me the patient and a bed for my wife plus my private bathroom, from their the nurse came in and took my blood and put my IV in I was lucky they got it on the first shot then came the fun part the EKG I say fun because I'm well lets just say I got a free chest hair cut lol, then the doctors came in 1 by 1 (3 total) Dr Ortiz then the anesthesiologist and then the hospital doctor they all have great bedside manners and not ones did I feel belittle by the doctors like in the US with their big words that they forget we didn't go to medical school. Oh yeah almost forgot after the anesthesiologist came Eduardo came back and let me know I would be 2nd in line to get sleeved so expect to go in by noon. At 1200 the nurse came and told me they where just finishing cleaning the OR at 12:15 the nurse came back with a wheel chair and was wheeled to the OR all I remember is laying down on the table and then waking up back in my room with a drain stitched to my side, the pain is not that bad although it is bad I think it's more in our heads at least for me I would think its going to hurt so I would cringed and tense up every time I got off the bed and just made it worse for me but the good part is the doctor leaves notes with the nurse to give you pain meds and nausea meds and antibiotics every so often so they would come and give them to me some (I was a big baby so even tho I didn't feel pain I still let them give me the meds thru my IV) but they ask you if u still want them or not, also make sure to walk walk walk if you go by your self you can ask the nurse to remind you and they will plus they can also help u up of the bed since u don't want to stretch and lift your self to much, all the nurses spoke great English but if you have trouble communicating theirs a sheet sheet on top if the room safe with English to Spanish sentence you just point also u can call Eduardo and he can translate that's also part of his job he's their to make it easy on you Ok so the first night after surgery Dr Ortiz and Eduardo came to visit me (I was also lucky that Janese was in town so she also stopped by a couple of times) it was around 9 pm I was still loopy so I don't remember what they said but my wife said they just were checking up on me and asking if their was anything they can get me or my wife they asked her if she wanted a ride to get food but she had already eaten at the cafeteria they have on the 4th floor she says its more of a kitchen with no menu so what ever your companion wants they just ask for it. The next day I was given the blue liquid for the leak test it's not as bad as people make it seem, Dr Ortiz came back again around 9am checked my drain saw no blue so the first test was good then I was wheeled down to floor 2 and was X-ray while drinking the other clear liquid and you get to watch as it travels thru your stomach and again no leaks yay! So you go back upstairs to your room and can now have liquids and ice they give you Gatorade apple juice and Lipton iced tea as much as you want but remember to sip or it will hurt and keep walking the more you walk the less gas also gasX strips helped me a lot at night That night Dr Ortiz and Eduardo came back again checked my drained and pretty Mach just checked on me and let me know the plan for the morning and going to the Marriott The next day Eduardo came gave us our goodie bags with pain meds antibiotics some nasty liquid thats for the stomach lining and your X-ray DVD and took us to the Marriott my wife and I had lunch at the hotel I had such a huge selection I couldn't decide just joking I had broth (free) and she had the buffet $15, for dinner I was feeling brave so we walked down the street and my wife got Carl's jr.(theirs also a smart and final grocery store a subway and teriyaki ) we took a cab back $3 I didn't want to over do it I ordered broth from room service The next day Abraham picked us up around 11 and took us shopping and to the pharmacy because I wanted to buy extra meds to bring back to the US the place he took us has good prices I compared it to other places I checked first and their good about price matching, plus they give you a free prescription so that you can bring the meds back home without trouble. Then he took us to this excellent Mexican food restaurant my wife loved it and the broth was way better then the hotel The next day he picked us up at 10 and drove us across the border to go home My pre diet wight was 235 at surgery I was 222 and as of today I'm 208 today I'm 1 week from surgery but I have been following their instructions to the line I still don't pick up anything over 10lbs also I still only sip because if you drink to fast it hurst because theirs not enough room for the gas and water at the same time I totally recommend alighterme I love Janese she's always getting back to me when ever I email her, and Eduardo when I did have the hotel call him for me no sooner did I hang up the phone and he was calling me back, Abraham has a great personality too and goes above and beyond they all do and Dr Ortiz is great he talks to you more as a friend If anyone has any questions let me know ill be happy to give you more details on any specific thing you can also email me at lexysdad04@gmail.com or pm me here or just respond Sent from my iPhone using VST
  13. Hey I'm sure I'm not the only person that would like to here how things went please post up a review Sent from my iPhone using VST
  14. lexysdad04

    Negative Boyfriend

    I agree with this 100% Sent from my iPhone using VST
  15. You might be eating too fast, I was having a Protein shake last weekend and I guess I dranked it to fast because I felt dizzy and got the chills but after an hour my symptoms where gone Sent from my iPhone using VST
  16. Here's what I found as the symptoms from another site Symptoms of stomach leak include: rapid heart rate, dizziness, shortness of breath, fever, worsening abdominal pain, left chest or shoulder pain, abdominal distention, the appearance of illness and a general feeling that something is very wrong. Unfortunately, many of the symptoms may be absent or could be from something else (e.g. bleeding). Diagnosing a leak is further complicated by the fact that there is no single, reliable test to definitely diagnose a leak. Hope that helps, and hope you just asking out of curiosity and not because you might have one Sent from my iPhone using VST
  17. lexysdad04

    Any March Sleevers?

    I only paid 4500 that was thru alighterme with Dr Ortiz Janese the coordinator really took good care of me, and every thing worked out great if you have any question feel free to pm me and just ask Sent from my iPhone using VST
  18. Beat of luck and a speedy recovery Sent from my iPhone using VST
  19. lexysdad04

    Is the sleeve for me?

    Hey if you do decide to go the self pay route check out aligtherme I just had my sleeve done with their dr Elias Ortiz and I don't have a single complaint Janese the coordinator did such a great job getting everything set up. If you want to read my review I wrote with a step by step from when I was picked up by them you can check in my profile for it it's in the self pay section. Or if you have any question you can pm me and I'll be happy to answer them Sent from my iPhone using VST
  20. lexysdad04

    Any March Sleevers?

    So I haven't posted in here in a while so I just wanted to go ahead an update everyone, I'm 5'5 had the surgery in Mexico with dr Ortiz Elias on the 11th pre diet I was 235, surgery day 222 and as of today I'm 204 that's 18 lbs post op or 31lbs pre YAY If any one wants to read my review on how the hole process went its in my profile or in the self pay Mexico forum Sent from my iPhone using VST
  21. lexysdad04


    I'm in Yorba Linda just got sleeved on the 11th of March so far everything working out great pre diet I was 235, surgery day 222, and today I'm at 204 can't say I can complain Sent from my iPhone using VST

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