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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by brandy88

  1. I have already had kids but if was you would wait until after. Having kids was awful on my body stretch marks are up to boobs and when I get my tummy tuck hoping most of those go away lol. I would just hate to spend money and recovery time then have kids and not enjoy results anymore.
  2. I'm 3 mo out and losing 3lbs a week on average, I know there is no normal in sleeved world but that are other people losing at this time?
  3. brandy88

    3 mo out

    Thanks everyone I was unsure how I was doing, I watch what I eat but not super crazy and enjoy things from time to time. So sure could be dropping more if only ate lean protein and veggies....but didn't get sleeve for a forever diet. I eat around 1000-1100 cal a day and active with 3 small kids. But down 50.8lbs and happier.
  4. I didn't really tell people besides close family and the way my side of family acted made me not want to share with anyone else.
  5. I am with ya I have 17 lbs to get there but don't think I will by July 4th so hope you do
  6. brandy88

    Who can eat everything?

    I can eat everything ;(
  7. brandy88

    Gain weight

    I did, during 6 mo diet.
  8. I have lost 50lbs and look awful but have had two c sections and still have 40 to go, I'm 25. Also I do work out everyone is different tho.
  9. Sometimes have look back to move forward
  10. brandy88

    Whats "normal"?

    I find it more helpful to set smaller goals so at each little goal you can celebrate and then move to next goal, bc set goal at 175 which means 91lbs. I'm a little more than half way to goal and 1.6 lbs until my next small goal. It makes it feel overwhelming to say I have this huge number to go, I'm 3 mo out on 12th and currently down 48.4 so hopefully down 50 by 3 mo mark and weight loss slowed down in last month and have ups and downs. So guess depends on how you follow plan and how active you are. Good luck
  11. brandy88

    Looking backwards

    Thank u, ya not got any new clothes yet
  12. brandy88

    Apple shaped. Help!

    First boobs (what little I have) then legs and face. Stomach last.... Still waiting for lol I'm also larger on top than bottom.
  13. brandy88

    When did you feel it?

    Thank you all for sharing
  14. When did you feel thinner? When did you buy new clothing? When did you start changing sizes? When did you know to get rid of clothing? I have not got new clothing, I am still wearing my old clothes. While last summer my clothes got to small and things were hanging over, and they fit again and getting loose. I just don't feel like small enough for smaller size?! lost 47lbs and I don't feel smaller or look smaller in my eyes.
  15. I have had two c sections and the sleeved seemed worse, most likely bc didn't have new baby to distract from pain. Also pain is higher than with c section mine were very low and the cuts from sleeve in mid and upper stomach. But nothing you can't handle and within week your feeling more like old self.
  16. brandy88

    Weight loss

    11 weeks 47lbs
  17. brandy88

    Ha ha

    Thank you, and the photo
  18. I had mine out but was already having issues, and had checked and had gall bladder disease. So dr doing sleeve agreed could have out while doing sleeve.
  19. brandy88

    Weight loss stall

    It will pass
  20. brandy88

    Weight loss stall

    Feel ya hit my first stall, sleeved 3/12 down 45lbs and been there for a week. Hoping this changes. Best of luck to you
  21. brandy88

    The look

    Thank you all for your input
  22. I am 2mo out and eat 1000-1200 a day, and losing. My dr had me back up to 900 a day by week 3.

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