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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by ruthie35

  1. I've bought a journal to keep track of the NSVs (and other things)...that way on my tough days' date=' I have an instant pick-me-up to help me through :)[/quote']

    I started a smash book ita been hard doing something all about me yet rewarding my dr and his staff loved it I also had an awesome mac yesterday went to the waterpark went on all the slides and I was under the weight limit this time even my daughter pointed that out!!!! It was so nice not being scared of others looking at me and not being the largest mom in the park!!

  2. Pinky' date=' I am 5'3" and at my lowest (167) I had a pair of size 10 Levi's. With all the extra skin and lower stomach pouch, I wasn't comfortable wearing them with a t-shirt or blouse, but I found light and pretty tunics that hit just at the crotch and those were perfect, let me show off my size 10 legs and booty! :)[/quote']

    That's awesome!!

  3. Well the 23rd was my 1year mark I went from 418 to 256!!!six pounds from my docs one year goal for me I thought. I wouldn't be able to make it to 230 that was my personal goal but hell I can do it!!!!!! It might take another year to get to 200 but that's ok anything is possible!!!! I've lost 162 pounds and I even went off a diving board and it didn't bend or break!!!!!! My kids were. So proud of mommy!! Nsv

  4. I agree carbs are hard to give up once u open that door again!!! I like Quest Protein Bars for a sweet carb fix they r generally 170ca20g protien20carbs 16 fiber total net carbs @ 6. I'm struggling to get to my drs. One year goal for me by around 12 pounds and I know it's because of carbs,,,,, they r the devil!!! We just all need to be strong and remember the big picture healthy lifestyle and weight!!! Good luck

  5. I don't remember when we did but now I have no sex drive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel bad for my hubby I talked to the dr I don't know what's wrong with me we rrmanage to get it on once a week if he's lucky before surgery it was like 3-4 times a week sometimes twice a day anyone else having these problems ??????????

  6. My nsv are people feeling bad because they didn't recognize me, fitting in booths , seatbelts fit in small cars, my kids arms fit around me! Using the regular public bathrooms not the bigger handicap one, willpower, enjoying walking,,scrubbing my floor on my hands and knees,actually noticing that I am an attractive women thanks to my friend Lisa taking my picture not being overly tired being an inspiration to others in my town to get the sleeve and clothes fit although I hate when the tops I like don't fit but all in all that's a nsv!!!we all need a pat on the back!!!

  7. So I take care of the elderly so I'm using the recumbent bike to fit in my daily exercise at work I'm blessed but also tempted to stop and read a good book just got to keep plugging along I've hit another stall and everyone on here is such an inspiration to get up and move!!!

  8. Hi Everyone' date='

    I just wanted to introduce myself as "Pixie Dust." I just attended my first seminar in making a decision which WLS is best for me. I have decided on the Sleeve. I had a one-on-one with a Bariatric Nurse yesterday & have an appt with my family doc on Friday (to renew my meds), so will bring the blood work order I received from the nurse, to see if my doc would like to add anything else to it, since he sends me every 6 months for lab work. Then hopefully have my blood work done on Saturday morn.

    Monday I go for my psych eval...it was just moved up from from a month from now, since I've made it clear that I need my surgery sometime in the summer time due to my children's school schedule. If I can't have surgery this summer, either I will go to another hospital in search of a summer appt or wait till the following summer. Please wish me luck.! Next month I have an appt with a physical therapist to show me which exercises I can do safely due to my knee being bone on bone & needs to be replaced (but holding off as long as I can!)

    I've been overweight most of my life, but not morbidly obese like I am now. In my early 30's I lost about 100 lbs on WW, which made me feel great & look great. Unfortunately, over the years, I've added almost the entire amount back. :( I have tried to diet but it's so much harder to lose weight the older you get & I'm done with the struggle. I suppose after surgery, I'll have a different type of struggle, like trying to figure out what I can eat safely & trying to stick with healthy foods. My child with autism keeps begging me to lose weight so I won't die. :( How about that for a reality check? So I have no choice but to do this.

    I won't lie, I'm very scared regarding the surgery. I'm scared if I will feel a lot of pain, if I end up with a blood clot, if I can't cope with my lifestyle change. What will I do as I'm an emotional eater? How will it feel cooking for my family when I can't eat (I'm thinking liquid diet here, let alone post surgery!) ? Are these normal fears? Am I even too old to do this?? I'm in my early 50's. I've also wondered "why didn't I do this sooner" as I see pics of people on this site who have had the surgery done. Will I have regrets for any reason?

    Guess that about sums me up! :wacko: If anyone has any advice, please share it with me!

    ~ Peace[/quote']

    Well I think. We are all scared. At some point but for me it was the thought of dying in bed next to my kids. I was like. U I lost. That hundred. Pounds. On ww gained. It back u need to pray. About it u will b fine. U can rock the sleave"!!! Welcome to the site

  9. Hi Y'all!

    My poor husband kids are just rolling their eyes at me lately. I guess from their point of view it is silly' date=' but to me it is Huge! I have Collarbones! I have Knees! I can get in and out of my shower door with out scraping myself through the small door! My Triple Chin is GONE! My wedding ring Falls Off! Okay, so the last one makes me nervous, I don't want to loose my ring, but, HELLO!!!! I am so excited with these new Non scale Victories! I am really looking forward to this summer when we can go as a family to an amusement park and I can FIT on the rides! I haven't ridden any rides for almost 20 years because I couldn't fit. I am ready for this! Life is Great!!! What are your NSV's?[/quote']

    U r awesome! !"!! I went on rides. W my kids last August. And had so much. Fun!!" I was. Down about 75 pounds. At that point now. I'm 150 down and. Can't. Wait. To. Fit better. This. Summer

  10. I keep treats that I like but will not overeat. I can't have potato chips and have to limit how often I have popcorn. But I can have pretzels for a salty carb without going nuts and for something sweet/fatty' date=' I do well with Peanut Butter and graham crackers.

    Everyone has to find their own path. I know eggface eliminated white carbs and sugar permanently.

    For low cal treats I have hot soy milk with a little splenda and seasonal flavoring. Right now, that's a little cinnamom and nutmeg. Tastes like eggnog. I also like the sugar free instant hot cider mix (15 calories). I usually eat some fruit every evening. Whatever is in season. Right now, it's apples, pears, litte cutie tangeries, grapes, or 1/2 bananna.

    I get my sweet on in the morning with yogurt. Right now I like it with canned pumpkin, vanilla, cinnamon, and Splenda.

    Things I can't have in the house: good white bread, salted nuts, potato chips, baked sweets, chocolate candy.< /p>


    I agree I shouldn't. Have that. Stuff. In the. House. Either

  11. How much weight you lose is up to you' date=' because your sleeve can easily make you lose 100+ pounds but if you're not eating right or exercising your stomach can stretch and you can regain some of your weight. The healthier you are in your choices the more weight you will lose. The sleeve is just a helper but at the end of the day we all still have to make those necessary life changes... I was more of a burger kinda gal who loves drinking ciders and I am 3 days post op and its tough but I know in the end it's gonna be worth it! So stay positive and try to make as many healthy decisions as you can ( we're only human so eating something bad once in a while is bound to happen )[/quote']

    My doc said. Ur sleave wont and. Can't. Stretch although. I worry. It. Will. Its all in my head

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