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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by new_me_2013

  1. Took BCP for many many years before surgery. My surgeon required I stop them 2 weeks pre-op. After surgery I decided to stay off them in fear of gaining weight once starting again. I'm 9 weeks out & am still off them. My OB/GYN told me it was totally up to me if I wanted to get back on them. My main question is to any ladies who were on them & continued them post op...did u notice it hindered your weight loss or helped? I kinda miss the regularity of periods & no cramps but I don't want to stall (again!) thanks!!!!

  2. I'm almost 6 wks post op & I had minimal pain when I woke up in recovery. Minimal pain at home, to this day have never vomited, had nausea, diarrhea or Constipation. No food I've introduced has disagreed with me. I couldn't have asked for a better recovery! I went back to work after 2 weeks off. I was tired at first but that went away as I was able to take in more Protein. My only complaint was I got a UTI from the catheter in the hospital but that really wasn't anything antibiotics couldn't handle. good luck to you I hope your experience is just as great!

  3. Totally! My BP was normal & my sleep apnea gone a week post-op! I lost 19 lbs on the pre-op diet & 20 more in the 5 weeks since surgery. I was sidelined by a UTI from the catheter I had in the hospital. The antibiotics I took after that slowed my weight loss & I stalled for 10 days but I am back on track & losing again. I had minimal pain, have yet to be nauseated, vomit, diarrhea or be constipated. I've been extremely lucky & I am so very thankful!

  4. maybe i just need to vent, if so I apologize in advance. If Im doing something wrong someone please set me straight. Im 5 weeks post op today, & since about the 2nd week post op Ive done nothing but yo-yo up & down or stay at the same weight. Granted, I was sidelined with a UTI from the catheter in the hospital & took Cipro for 10 days, which I was told would make me retain Water. I lost a few more pounds after it got out of my system but since then its been lose 2, gain 1.5, lose .5, gain 1 lb. SO FRUSTRATING!!!! Im getting my Protein in (75-100g per my program) getting my fluids in & walking everyday for at least 30 mins. Only thing I could be doing wrong is weighing myself too often. somedays I do it everyday, some days I will skip a day or so. I havent had my monthly since pre-op too. That was last week in august. I had to discontine by birth control pills when I started by liver shrink diet & I didnt have one the whole month of September. I feel great, i still feel like I made the right choice, Ive had zero complications, Im eating normal foods, being good, no or little sugar, no breads, mostly just good lean Proteins & fluids. Am I expecting to much too soon? Just seems like with all Im doing I should see more results....thanks for taking the time to read my vent. Hoping it changes soon!

  5. I'm 4 wks out tomorrow & I've been gaining & losing 4lbs the last 10 days. I've been steady at the same weight for the last 4 though. It's super frustrating!!! I got a UTI from the catheter in the hospital & have been on antibiotics for a couple weeks, I'm SO hoping that's the reason. I feel your pain.

  6. I'm almost 4 weeks out & in the same boat. I started pre-op at 292.5. Lost 20 lbs on my pre-op

    Diet & the weeks since surgery I dropped to 256.5 & the scale has stopped moving for the last week & a half. It's frustrating but I'm hoping it's just the dreaded stall & I will break it soon. I also haven't had period since I was pre-op so I'm hoping maybe that has something to do with it also. Good luck to everyone else stalled.

  7. Definitely hang in there!! I had to hold my belly to pee, cough, laugh...etc...I'm 3 wks out & how I feel now is completely different from then! I read other posts saying hang in there too & I was thinking I will never feel good again but it's true! As my Dr put it your body just had a total metabolic makeover, it needs to recover. every day u will be able to drink a little more, thus feeling a little better. The incision soreness will subside & life will be a whole lot better. Keep your chin up! :-)

  8. Hello all' date=' So, in my couple weeks of lurking around here I've seen a bunch of people talking about straws. Uncertain about them. Feeling guilty about using them. Sometimes even chastizing others for using them. So I was a bit surprised and confused when I got my "Sleeve Gastrectomy Owner's Manual" from my surgeon and saw the following in the first few pages of the post-op nutrition section: "STAGE 1 - Clear liquids - FLUIDS SIP liquids SLOWLY. NO GULPING. It is okay to use a straw if desired." I'm a bit flummoxed. I see everyone talking here about straws with such fear and trepidation, only to see my surgeon give an explicit okay to them. And not just a "well, in 6 months it's probably okay to use one occasionally." Day 1 after surgery, he says it's okay to use straws for all of my fluids. And it's not like I'm going to a middle-of-nowhere small hospital where people don't know any better. This is a bariatric center of excellence and my doc is one of the most well-regarded bariatric surgeons in TN. So what's the deal? Why do most doctors so urgently insist that people not use straws after this surgery if it seems pretty obvious from my doc's track record that they don't seem to increase long-term complications? Is it just the concern of extra air swallowed? What has everyone else heard from your doc/NUT and if you've used straws post-op, what has your experience been with them? Thanks for any input![/quote']

    My doc/surgery was at a center of excellence in TN too. It's crazy how every doc is different! My surgeon is even in practice with another surgeon & even their plans & rules differ from each other!

  9. No way I could have done that!!! I'm a 911 Dispatcher so mostly at a desk so I went back after 2 weeks. The first few days were long, I got tired easy. I wasn't worried about the stress of the job just getting up, ready & getting there! You have a long & busy job, I'd take as much time as you could. That's just me though! Good luck!

  10. I'm 15 days post op, feeling great, back to work but ever since my catheter was removed after surgery I felt like I was getting a UTI. It went away then came back with a vengeance! Dr gave me cipro to take 2 x a day. My question is has this happened to anyone else & will this antibiotic effect my weight loss? I'm thankful for the treatment but I've been doing do well on pre-op diet & post op ( down 40lbs) thanks!

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