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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Newnay

  1. So many of these postings hit home for me. In the end' date=' I am tired of thinking about my weight. I am consumed by it daily - from assessing whether I am the "fattest" person in the room to figuring out if someone is treating me differently because of my weight. Stereotyping of larger people makes it very difficult for me in my job as many assume I am heavy merely because I am not a hard worker, or lazy, or I cannot get away from the fridge. It would sometimes make me sad. Often it would make me angry. I want energy back... I am going to channel myself to accomplish this goal for me. I cannot wait until I am able to shake loose all the negativity from weight gain, all the self-hatred, the denial, and the guilt. Losing the weight will not do that on its own, it will take a complete overhaul of my mindset. I am ready...finally. I do not want to be embarrassed anymore, or angry, or humiliated, or sad... or miss out on anything I want to do because I am heavier. Tired of blurring the edges, hiding from mirrors, hiding from cameras, films, being posted on FB, the waterslide, the planes, that darn waiting room chair made for someone size 8.... I might have reached my lowest point when I asked myself if my friends felt sorry for me because they hung out with me. (Not being worthy on my personality alone). I know I am not alone but I have felt that way for over a decade.[/quote']

    That said it all, perfectly.

  2. It has been 4 weeks since my surgery and I am still trying to get back all my strengh. I never have been one for excerise since I have been so out of shape and too heavy to move. When I did move my knees and feet would hurt too much and I became out of breathe so fast. I know I should have started excerising before this but I just want to be careful that I do not cause any problem with my incions. Well' date=' 6 days ago I decided to take baby steps so I began (don't laugh) walking for 1 minute on my treadmill and did that for 3 days on a row then moved up to 2 minutes my 1st goal is to walk a whole whopping 5 minutes every day. I should reach that goal in a few days from now. I also bought myself stretch bands and started doing leg and knee excerises today. Once I reach my goal of walking 5 minutes each day, I will work up to walking an amazing 10 minutes each day. My ultimate goal is to walk 40 minutes each day. I really am not used to making time for myself so this is all new to me. Just doing something to help me for a change is going to take time so these baby steps are what I need to do. I am so impressed that some of you are already up and walking 30 minutes each day since your March surgeries. I am so proud of all of you for getting out there and moving.[/quote']

    That's perfect! What a fantastic plan.

  3. This is all so true!!! I also think the distance for me is having all of you. Before, I would say, "screw this, I'm doing all of this and not losing anything, it's just not worth it" and give up. Now I am surrounded by a whole bunch of people basically saying "oh, a stall, that is so normal and expected, no worries." Somehow knowing it is happening to almost everyone makes new way less down about it. Easier to actually believe this isn't about the scale, it's about getting healthy. Thank you all for sharing and making this crazy trip more normal.

  4. Hi i'm Fromm Chas.' date='SC. I was sleeved on 3/27 and boy is this a new way of life. i'm off fora month from my job and boy do I need it. I think the worst part for me is the pain associated with eating and drinking. The passion once it his the actual sleeve is awful. This actual made me think of a contraction, I started thinking is it five seconds yet? Today was hard for me, I went and had the drain removed, tried oatmeal, yogurt applesauce and failed miserably today. I just got tired of the hurt. And no Water yet, am I crazy? Just remembered to drink, I think the runs kinda got me too. Getting ready to drink sp_k strawberry and kiwi w/protein. boy the losers bench is HARD. I really don't want my family members to know what I am doing, anyone feel the same way? I just want to surprise them when I see them. Others please rant on.[/quote']

    Oh man, I feel you. I am doing ok but this is much harder than I anticipated. I want to feel normal again.

  5. I'm on the other side now and can add a few things. For me out was the leak test and my first bm. I was so sick at the time they did the leak test, I starting having up the liquid and then couldn't stop. They had to rush me back to the CCU which meant I went rolling through the hospital in a wheel chair with my gotten flying and puking. My hospital is under construction so it just so happened we had to roll thief some real public places. Not nice. My first BM was worse. I thought it was just gas but it was SO much more. I couldn't clean myself up. Not fun.

  6. For the last month has any one else other than me been like Rupunzel from the scene in Tangled where she starts on a journey she has never been on before. She really isn't sure she should be doing it so she spends a whole scene going from being ecstatic to be completely depressed. From "oh my gosh this is so great", to "what have I done". That had been my emotions for sure. Any one else?

  7. I had some of the same experiences as a lot of you so I wont repeat them here. I add, going snow skiing, an expensive trip for a florida girl, and finding out my calfs wouldnt fit in ski boots. So embarassing to have the people trying to stuff me into a pair. Left my calfs bruised and me left behind.

    I am going to re-read all these posts every time I get scared or frustrated. My journey has just begun.

  8. Hey all, I am preop and am one of those who really wants to know and not be surprised. When I was pregnant, I watched all the horror story videos and asked tons of questions. I am reading lots and lots about:

    THE GOOD - losing weight, healthier lives, feeling younger, etc.

    THE BAD - gas pains, being hungry, preop diets, postop diet, etc.

    What I would LOVE to hear more about is the UGLY. And I would invite the squimish to not read further. Can folks please share the really ugly? I m aware that everyone is very different and nobody is going to have the same experiences or have the same doctor rules. I would still rather hear about all the ugly stuff rather than be surprised. Plus, just maybe, it will help with whatever I do go through to focus on some of the ugly I don't go through.

    Some of the UGLY I have heard so far:

    Sharts (which still makes me giggle like a 9 year old boy when I say it)

    colored pee

    shots to the belly to avoid clots

    drinking nasty stuff

    oozy incisions

    naked operations

    What else?

  9. Newnay: why did you make this decision? Do those reasons still stand? Do you believe you can do this for yourself? We can't offer physical support (that's not a fat joke, lol, just a distance statement!), but emotional and mental support is openly shared. How many days preop are you?

    I weighed 294 at my highest, 290 at my first appointment with the Doc and nothing worked to get me where I need to be. I got passed over on a big promotion and found out by accident it was because of how I look. I really don't ever want that to happen again. I am scheduled for the 21st and only officially started me preop on Sunday but have been trying to follow it for 2 weeks now to make sure I make the weight because I am a really slow loser. Yes the reasons still stand and thank you for making me say that. I needed to do that. You guys are wonderful.

  10. I think having second thoughts is normal. This is major surgery and a decision not to be taken lightly.

    Personally I am not scared of the surgery' date=' but of failing myself to commit to the changes and challenges I will be required to make.

    I am a person of faith, and I believe that I can handle and do all that will be required with The Lord on my side.

    Not having a support system is difficult, please message me if you need to discuss anything.

    When are you scheduled for surgery?[/quote']

    I am scheduled for the 21st. Thank you so much for answering me. It's so great to have this virtual support.

  11. What's going on this morning that's making you have second thoughts?

    Im tired and the scale went up three pounds instead of down without me changing a thing. On the pre op diet and sick of it already. I just wonder if I can do it. I think I just needed a pep talk and there is no one around to do it. Probably I just need to stop thinking about any of this in the morning now that I am limiting my coffee intake.

  12. I am having second thoughts and a really down morning. I am doing this without any local support so I am turning to you all. What creative prep talks have you all either given yourselves or were given by your support? I tell myself it will be worth it, one day at a time, you can't keep living this unhealthy, etc but this morning, it isn't working and I am ready to call it off.

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