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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Lyrakl

  1. My surgery was 2/19 too. Definitely had buyer's remorse, and while I'm still not at the point where I can say I'm so glad I did this!! I'm slowly getting there.

    I keep forgetting to mention I developed pneumonia 3 weeks out and I'm still not 100% and that probably has a lot to do with my outlook.

  2. I had the single incision. My surgeon never mentioned my BMI being a factor, just that I'm under 5'8" and have a shorter torso. I had no idea there were more complications associated with the spider, but I got the idea that it was fairly new because all my doctors colleagues came by during my hospital stay to check out my incision.

    I did have a lot of pain and I was thanking God it was pain in only one incision instead of several.

  3. Really make sure you are ready mentally to make the changes with food. I was not ready, and I'm more unhappy now post op than I was before surgery. Everyday I feel like I'm fighting with my sleeve. Surgery does not fix your food issues. I wish I had done intense therapy before getting this surgery.

  4. So normal! I was told that sometimes people get depressed and it's a reaction to anesthesia and it can happen with any surgery. That, on top of all the changes I was going through, I was depressed for a few weeks. Going from liquids to purees helped a little. I really started feeling better around week 5. Up until then I was pretty much an angry, miserable, depressed mess.

    Just hold on!! It will definitely get better.

  5. This is the first I've heard of this. I never had reflux before but my doctor said I have to take these acid pills for at least 4 months. I was considering asking to up my dose because I feel like there is a lot of acid going on, even though I've never experienced acid before! Also, I notice I want to eat when the acid is happening. I don't think it's actual hunger, it's like I want to give the acid something to attack besides the lining if my stomach.

  6. I think some people just get a bit depressed after surgery. I read it can have something to do with the anesthesia. I didn't have any complications and I've lost 40 pounds but I was like, "eh, so what. I don't care." Finally around week 5 that feeling started to lift and I feel better mentally. So hang in there!! Just keep moving forward.

  7. I had a real problem with Water after surgery too. My doctor said that was pretty common and I drank a lot of crystal light. They even told me not to worry about calories at that point and told me to drink Gatorade, but I couldn't stand it. I almost had to go back on an IV because i was so dehydrated. Water started being tolerable again at week 4.

  8. I'm very selective about who I volunteer the information to. I told my family AFTER I had the surgery because I didn't want them stressing about my safety beforehand, and I told some of my friends who I knew would be supportive. I planned on shouting it from the rooftops after I had the surgery, but instinctively I've been very guarded. I've had a difficult time with recovery and I don't want to share that. Maybe in a few months when I'm feeling better and can say with certainty that I'm glad I did it, but until then I'm not going to volunteer it.

  9. I really measured my foods the first couple weeks and just made myself stop. I don't do it now, and I should. When I don't measure and over eat, I get a stuck feeling in my chest and it gets really tight and I wonder if I'm having a heart attack. Then I get lots of mucous in my throat. It's really unpleasant. So measure in the beginning!! You can test your restriction later when you're more healed.

  10. I'm one month out, and I regret it. This has been the hardest month of my life. But I was determined to get this surgery and nothing anyone could say would've made a difference to me. If I could've experienced this month first hand, then I wouldn't have gone through with it.

    Just know it's not easy and keep your eye on the prize. Be really clear on what you want in the future. Don't let yourself look back.

  11. I don't have any other surgeries to compare it to, but I did not have an easy time. Part of it was not being able to take the nausea from the pain meds, so I could only tolerate Tylenol. Recovery has been rough. Not being able to bend over or lift things. Then my incision split open. Now I'm one month out and have pneumonia. This surgery was not as simple as I thought it was going to be.

  12. Hello! I was sleeved on the same day you were! Im 25 lbs down. How are you eating your eggs? I can only eat them scrambled, sprinkled with cheese and salsa. Before I ate them over easy, but I can't take them like that anymore. I also eat cottage cheese, baked chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy (the chicken tends to get overcooked in this house so I use the mashed and gravy to get it down). I've also gone out a few times and had a quarter of a shredded chicken enchilada. And the beans! Delicious! I also had half a meatball for dinner one night. That was good. I hope you are able to find more foods you can tolerate. I'm waiting for the day I can have a salad. So sad that what I miss the most is crunchy vegetables.

    Oh, btw. I didn't lose anything until the third week.

  13. I had the one incision through my belly button. He said there would be a quarter inch scar above my belly button, but so far it seems to be all in my belly button. I can't see where there will be any visible scar.

    I guess this single incision is kind of new? Or done less because you have to fit certain requirements? When I was in the hospital everyone was coming in to check out my single incision.

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