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North Country

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by North Country

  1. Im 6 months post op went on vacation with my family, and have had issues keeping solids down! Gettin upset frustrated & scared that something is terribly wrong! Spoke to my doc & as soon as I return ( tomarow ) I am to go to the ER and have a swallow test and maybe an endoscopy! Very nervous right now! Anyone else have this issue?

  2. Going to the Doctor on Thursday. I feel sick most days, i can eat sometimes with no issue, but mostly feel like Im going to be sick after eating, even a very small amount. Tightness rapid sickness feeling, and then puking and g

    Feeling spent afterwards! What to do?

  3. I called the Doc today, I was advised to go back on nausea meds, step back to blended diet today & if the issue continues to call again to be seen. I had some mashed potato for lunch, no issues, & some creamed Tomato Soup for dinner no issues. Headache still there wish it would go away! Seems like I take in so much more air now, I belch all day long, then the hiccups start will see how this goes. I just want to move forward!

  4. Im nearly 5 weeks post op. i drank this morning and now feel sick, with a headache again! No temp. Very fatigued, no ambition, I just wanna do nothing, but have so much to do in the house then working tonight! Just not feeling it today!

  5. I am so sick of feeling sick with every thing that I eat! I puke nearly ever time I eat! I am so tired if this feeling! Now what do I do? I think this had been a huge mistake! I can not even eat a spoon of pudding with out feeling like Jm going to puke my head off!

  6. Seems like since surgery I have more gas than EVER before! I burp throughout the day, sometimes worse than other times. I find that it worsens after eating. Anyone else finding this to be an issue? Any recommendations? I've tried gas-ex quick strips, but do not see any changes.

  7. I was sleeved on 23-Jam 2013, 4 weeks out down 37# & 2 pant sizes!!! Loving the weight loss, started on some real food this week. I have been able to eat, about half a wrap, or half a regular sized sandwich neither with raw veggies. I stop eating when I feel the pressure in my chest, but a few times that feeling wasn't there, and I had to evacuate ( not fun )!!! Seems like its easier to drink, getting in my 64 oz.

    just hoping that I can eat other things soon. I really dislike the evacuations! When I get sick I get sick from being sick, & sometimes it really wears me out!

  8. Not having that heavy feeling anymore, I was able to eat a small amount of food, I mean real food... Green Beans oh how I've missed them! I was also able to eat some broccoli cheddar Soup. I am still struggling between the stomach telling me to stop and my brain saying you need to eat more!!!! Any one else have that issue? Or am I just going nuts!

  9. Im 3 weeks & 3 days post op yesterday I ate a bit to fast and had to get rid of it, now every time I eat some thing I get this tightness and heavy feeling in my chest! It seems to last for nearly an hour then dissipates, slowly. I ate one scrambled egg this morning, and the same thing happened, just had to get rid of it. Its just very uncomfortable and is really starting to concern me. liquids give me a bit of the same feeling initially but not to the same magnitude. Any advise?

  10. @ Mikeross.

    My starting weight was pre op was 317#. As of 02-12-13 I am @ 287# ! I am trilled at the weight loss, so far, but really can not wait to see the possibilities that lay ahead. I will say that I had lost a lot of weight prior to surgery also I did a 7 month pre surgery program, for insurance. My original starting weight was as of 02-21-2012 was 347# so on the program I lost quite a bit. Total down so far is a whopping 61#!!!!!!

    I need to get new clothes soon!!

  11. Started back to work a couple day prior to my 3 week post op date! I was SO tired last night I didn't do anything until work tonight! Second day at work went great! I have not had that feeling of hunger since my surgery, wondering if that will ever return? Also anyone have any trouble eating breads or Pasta? I have not tried this but just curious, still in the "baby food" stage! As of today down 32 lbs from surgery, and loving it!!

  12. I understand the frustration as I had the same issues. Cooking for my kids while the wife was at work sucked! I tried some cottage cheese a bit to soon.....that was NOT a good idea had to loose it! I'm still in the mushy foods right now and yes I look forward to being able to chew foods!

  13. I was sleeved on a Wednesday morning, on Friday morning the removed a drain which sent me into a huge nausea downfall and then the pain was just over the top like I felt right out of surgery. I stayed one more night & on Saturday morning my wife came to the hospital and brought me home. I went back to work yesterday a full 9 hours & when I got home crashed! Wednesday 2-13-13 will be my 3 week post op date. Take the time if you can!!!

  14. Waiting for this day 3 weeks post op, my wife is considering surgery, hoping that our non existent sex life will change, & be closer to when we were 1st married! You know sex nearly every night, instead of the current, sex every 6 months ( if Im lucky)! Its both our problems, but REALLY miss a little Mommy/ Daddy time!!!

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