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Posts posted by tabbycat02

  1. I'm 4 days post-op too, and I'm super hungry! I want everything I can't have, of course, but my Protein shakes/pudding etc. make me nauseated. A lot of times hunger gets confused with reflux-they can feel about the same. I've started paying closer attention to my reflux, making sure to take my prescribed meds and add over-the-counter ones as needed in order to stop myself from advancing my diet prematurely just because I'm refluxing more. Of course the day I came home from the hospital my Mom came over with McDonalds for her lunch. I swear those fries smelled so good...! food comercials look really good to me too right now.

    I wonder, is this the "head hunger" everyone talks about? I don't think I really have a good sense of what exactly I'm feeling since I'm only 4 days out, most likely still swollen, still sore, and used to taking a different medication for reflux (my surgeon switched me post-op). Maybe I'm just not used to it yet... I had some Soup this evening, and I thought I felt "full" after about 3/4 cup, but I was still "hungry." I waited about an hour and went back and had some more. This doesn't bode well since I'm on liquids for another 3 weeks...

  2. I was sleeved on 2/19, been home a couple days from the hospital. Despite some really sloppy nursing care, overall I think my surgery experience went pretty well. (I'm a nurse so my standards are a bit biased).

    The last 24 hrs I've been struggling with really bad reflux; I had it before my surgery and was on Nexium, post-op my surgeon prescribed me prevacid twice a day. Now I'm finding I don't think the prevacid is doing the trick and I started taking my nexium too. Everything turns my stomach, I'm literally forcing myself to drink enough fluids, and there's no way I'm getting in enough Protein.< /p>

    I think if I get my reflux under control I'll be able to stomach more of what I'm supposed to be eating. I can't stand the smell of my Protein Powder, so I've been looking for other supplements I can use besides doing Protein Shakes to get it all in. The protein is the biggest piece, I know I'm staying hydrated just by the color of my pee (sorry, I know that's gross).

    I didn't have a drain, but I'm still really sore, especially on my right side. I'm still using the Percoset they gave me, although most everyone said I wouldn't need it much after a few days home.

  3. I've thought a lot about this too. In a perfect world, after surgery I would find a great guy who would be able to look at pictures of me before surgery and say "you look really pretty in this picture." I feel like it's a Catch-22: in order to date more and find the right guy, I need to loose weight; but, I want to find a guy who doesn't care how much I weigh...

    I'm with you, I anticipate feeling very cynical and jaded in social settings after my surgery. Right now, people look right through me or ignore me. When/if they actually notice me and pay attention to me after surgery, I can totally see myself being angry that I had to go to such drastic measures to get some idiot at a bar to look at me. I just have to keep reminding myself that that's not the reason I'm doing this...

  4. Hi all,

    I'm in Woodbury, getting ready for my surgery at Abbott on 2/19. Did anyone else have their surgery there? I'm excited that so many of you have had good experiences immediately post-op. I was worried that two weeks off from work wouldn't be enough. I'm a supervisor in a hospital so I sit at a computer, but I also walk around a lot too.

    Did any of you struggle with whether or not to tell your co-workers you were having this surgery? I only told a few close friends at work, but I know in a couple months it will be obvious, (kinda like being pregnant, everyone finds out eventually). I'm not sure how comfortable I am with divulging all of this in a professional setting.

  5. MzRobin, my surgery date is 2/19 too! Good luck!

    I love this topic, what a great idea, I hadn't even thought about it, now my list just keeps getting longer and longer...

    1. Run 5k's with my dog

    2. Do a Tough Mudder with my brother

    3. Make someone do a double-take

    4. Get noticed by members of the opposite sex (in a positive way)

    5. Grow my hair long and have it look good

    6. Wear a hot power-suit to work

    7. Shop at Victoria's Secret for something besides lotion :)

    8. Get rid of my Lane Bryant credit card

    9. Find and marry the man God has picked for me

    10. Be able to have a healthy pregnancy without major complications

    11. Be a fun, energetic mom

    12. Become a Zumba instructor

    13. Be the subject of a "missed connection" on Craigs List (lame, I know)

    The list could (and will) go on... thanks for the inspiration!

  6. Hi all,

    I'm right there with you, my surgery date is this coming Tues. 2/19. The closer it gets, the more worried I get. Will I be uncomfortable and unable to sleep in the hospital? Will two weeks off work afterwards be enough? I feel like I can handle the other stuff, but the whole experience of having surgery is new for me. Today I cleaned my house, did all the laundry I could find, and a bunch of other things around the house in case I'm unable to do them in the next couple weeks after surgery.

    I just keep reminding myself why I'm doing this, and thinking long-term rather than the next month of liquids etc. I'll be 30 this fall, and I'm looking forward to going out for my birthday with friends and not be preoccupied with how I look etc. I never want to see a number >300 on my scale again, and this surgery is a great tool to make sure that I don't.

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