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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by beckiet

  1. Tom, I'm so sorry to hear you're still experiencing troubles. My band did erode into my stomach afterall. They removed everything on Friday and I stayed overnight at surgical center. I was lucky...no feeding tube. Which was amazing since after they saw the Upper GI pics I brought (instead of faxed ones they received) they said it was worse than they were told. We're thinking all the antibiotics I've been on over the last year and a half have somehow helped. I go to surgeon again tomorrow...don't know if he'll remove my drain tube yet or not, still getting 10 mL every 12 hours out of it. We're just watching for infections right now.

    I will keep you in prayers, Tom. Again, I thank you for sharing your story with me...it helped me prepare and know what to expect.

  2. Hi, Janine! No, I had no outward signs of erosion. My third port incision finally healed of MRSA so they went in to do a fill on the 8th and the new nurse did a barium swallow following his fills. If not for that we wouldn't have known. Good to hear from you and glad to hear that you've got the scale moving back down.

  3. Hi, Suz! Nothing in now at all. It was my band that eroded into my stomach. This is an answer from an FAQ I found by googling:

    What is a Band erosion?

    This is when the Band actually erodes into the stomach. It is a more serious problem, and generally requires removal of the Band. Band erosion is thought to be related to placing too many sutures (or too tight sutures) at the time of Band implantation. Surprisingly, Band erosion is often unnoticed. Occasionally the port will become infected if bacteria track along the catheter out to the port. Other times patients will stop losing weight. Diagnosis often requires an endoscopy.

    So that explains all of my port infections. If Mitch hadn't have done the barium swallow after my fill Friday I never would have known. In some ways it has been a nightmare, but then I look at the weight I was able to lose and the energy I have for my kids and I know once I get healed back up that I will have even more energy for them. I plan on starting back on Weight Watchers in the next few weeks and attacking my workout videos with a vengeance. When warm weather hits, I'll be getting out to walk the football field track here. I'm not giving up, I will lose this weight. Lisa, the head OR nurse at our place, said "you know how to do it, you've learned the tools" and she's right. I know to eat less, to drink lots of Water, to get my Protein in...and I have the confidence now to do it.

    I will keep checking back in. I want to see everyone's progress.

  4. Hi, Bigbaby! We don't know for sure. But I started having infections nearly right after my banding. I found a website on Lapband FAQ that says they think some or most are caused from too many or too tight of sutures at the time of band implantation. I've also read that ibuprofen can cause erosion as well. Don't think I'll ever know. But the good news is I'm home now. And I didn't need a feeding tube. When they say the color pics of the scans that I brought with me, rather than the fax they had, they said it was worse than they thought. But I'm doing well and I can only thank God for helping me thorugh this. I'm on Clear Liquids today and then I can incorporate other foods tomorrow, I'm mostly thinking pudding, Jello, crackers, and bland foods.

  5. Hi, all. I want to thank everyone for their support this year 1/2. I go in tomorrow to remove my port. We discovered with a fill Friday that my port was eroded into my stomach. This is what has been causing my MRSA since at least Oct 2007. If it hadn't been for Mitch doing a barium swallow following my fill we'd never have known. The prior nurse practs didn't do barium swallows, only Water swallows not under fluro.

    Best of luck to all and I hope to check back and keep in touch.

  6. Tom, my heart goes out to you and your experience.

    I was banded June 07. Shortly after I had signs of infection with my port incision. I was officially diagnosed with MRSA Staph Infection in Oct. 07. Due to the infection, my port flipped and I had that reflipped Dec. 07. June 08 brought about port removal and a month of intravaneous antibiotic injections daily. Infection was "clear" by August and Nov 14 port placed back in. Tubing was at near surface of skin and incision infected again so that port was removed Nov 26 and third port put in a different pocket. Infection crept in again and docs put me on Zyvox for three weeks. That seems to have worked. Went in today and surgeon said looks great, let's do a fill. PRN checked port site first with needle and no Fluid buildup (I thought, wonderful!!!! back on track). Band was empty but for a bubble of Fluid so they gave me a 2cc fill and did a barium drink following. Sent me back to work. I get back to my desk and surgeon's calling me to see how I'm doing. Then he mentions that one of the pics of the barium drink looks like I have band erosion. I looked it up online and found:

    What is a Band erosion?

    This is when the Band actually erodes into the stomach. It is a more serious problem, and generally requires removal of the Band. Band erosion is thought to be related to placing too many sutures (or too tight sutures) at the time of Band implantation. Surprisingly, Band erosion is often unnoticed. Occasionally the port will become infected if bacteria track along the catheter out to the port. Other times patients will stop losing weight. Diagnosis often requires an endoscopy.

    They are scheduling a stomach scope for me soon. Not once since my surgery did they do a barium look and now I wish that they had done so.

    Will keep you in my prayers, Tom. Best of luck to you and thank you for sharing your story.

  7. Beckit--good for you!!!! Keep up the good work. Will your doctor replace your port soon? Why is your port gone?

    Hi, Bigbaby! You look wonderful, btw!

    I had my port removed June 08, on my bandiversary. :cool: Took IV Antibiotics daily for a month to get rid of the MRSA Staph infection at port site. :thumbup: Waited for 3 all clear tests from Infectious Disease Doctor before even thinking of getting the port put back in. They finally put it back in Nov. 14 :lol:, on the 18th I started showing signs of infection and on the 21st surgeon saw me and said the tube from the band to the port was out at the surface level against the skin (a no-no) so he wanted to do surgery to repair :cool:. Went in 11/26 and he removed that port instead and put in a new tube and put the port in a separate "pocket" in my abdomen in hopes of reducing MRSA chances.

    Just got back from Post-Op visit this afternoon. Good so far. Incisions healing and port looks fine to the naked eye. Waiting two weeks and if all is good at that time, I'll get a fill that day. :thumbup:

  8. Hey guys... I"m still struggling... BADLY!

    I almost think I need therapy... Sugar is like my heroin. I crave it night and day. I eat so much sugar crap everyday that when I am having a good day and eating right, my blood sugar will bottom out on me. Its like my body needs it now... I can't imagine going an entire day without a cookie or candy bar or something. But I cna't seem to stop with one.

    I want to get another fill, but the band doesn't stop sugar from going down.

    Please. I swear I am desperate. I'm back up to 315 - my lowest weight in May was 270's. I can't stand the thought of being 380 again!

    Hi, Suzzz. Replace the sugar. Is it something sweet you crave or sugar? Try pineapple, sf pudding w/free whipped topping, strawberries. You could get another fill and it might stop the multiple Cookies.< /p>

    My lowest has been 233, 50 pound loss. Had my port put back in on 11/14 and then again on 11/26 (the tube was out at the surface so doc went back in for a third port try). I'm at 238 this morning. I'm wavering in the 230's all year, but with no port since June and no fills since like last year.

    Wishing you all luck!

  9. I had this this morning and it tasted so good, thought I'd share.

    Berry-Banana smoothie

    1 banana, cut into chunks

    1/2 c. fat free milk

    1/4 c. frozen blueberries

    1/4 c. frozen strawberries

    1 tsp. Peanut Butter

    1/2 tsp. honey

    Place all in blender and process until well combined and smooth.

    Cal: 225; 7.5 g. protein; 46g. carb; 5 g. fiber; 3.5 g fat

    I added a scoop of my GNC vanilla Protein Powder and it took it up to a 28.5 g Protein Shake. :tongue_smilie:

  10. Beckie - It's TIME to beat that MRSA and get a new port put in!

    Amen, Suzzzie! I can't wait to get the all clear! It's taken so long, but I know it's gone now.

    I think I might finally be back on track... I've eaten crap and gained about 25-30 pounds back... but I'm chagning the way I eat and going to the gym again.

    GYM - So, I thought I would just go in and do what I used to do, not paying attention to the fact that I hadn't been regularly or done a regular routine in a long time. As a result my left knee is killing me... I was fine with the elliptical machine, but I think I pushed myself a bit too hard when I was doing leg weight lifting stuff. Ugh. So now I gotta baby it for a few days. I did manage to still do about 20 minutes elliptical last night before my knee reminded me that it was hurt, then I just did arm and ab stuff on weight machines. HOPEFULLY I'll start seeing a loss again soon... I'd like to be back into the jeans I was wearing a couple of months ago!

    You can do it, Suz! Take it a little easier at the gym and ease yourself back in. Those jeans will fit again in no time.

  11. Hi all ~ it's been awhile since I've posted. I had to have a complete unfill to undergo a complete hystorecomy. It's been 4 weeks since my surgery and I'm finally going in for a fill. I can't wait! I've gained about 5 pounds back, but I'm hitting a Fluid diet until Thursday in hopes that I'll be back down to my low before going in for the fill. I'd hate to go in and get on the scale and be higher than my unfill date. Sigh! I'm disgusted with myself:(

    Karla, you are doing fine! Don't be upset with yourself, 5 pound gain after 4 weeks is not horrible. Hope you are feeling well after your surgery.

    I haven't posted in a while either. I still have my fluid, but no port. I have taken two MRSA tests now and waiting on the second results (I have to have three consecutive negative tests to be proven "clean") and the first was negative. I go back to surgeon in September and hope to get my port put back in by my birthday. Since he kept the fill in, I have lost 2 pounds or so this month. Not where I want to be, but it could be worse.

  12. I went yesterday for a fill... got in 0.5cc. They didn't want to take me back to 1cc since I had to have it removed last time. We'll see how this goes. I'm praying it's my sweet spot!!!!

    So, my 1 year is Sunday. I'll tray REALLY hard to get my pics up. :smile:

    On Monday at 3pm I'll be at the dentist getting my two top wisdom teeth 'extracted'. It just SOUNDS painful! But one is broken in half and has caused me bad toothaches for a few months now....

    TODAY is the day that BeckieT gets her port removed to hopefully clear up her MRSA infection. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers!

    Suzzz, hope the fill works well for you this time! 0.5cc doesn't sound like much but it can often mean all the difference in the world. Can't believe it's been a year. You've done wonderfully! I was even braggin' on you in pre-op today with my nurse. Good luck with the wisdom teeth. I had mine out in college (I had an extra, so 5, I teased them telling them the extra one helped to make me extra smart.)

    I'm recouping. Right now I'm at mom's because hubby is helping my brother. Kids haven't tried to ram mommy's tummy yet so I'm good so far. Pain is definitely there, but they've got me on Lortab. Dr. McSweety:blushing: put two clasps in and maintained my fill level. I didn't get to talk to him post-op but the nurses told me that yes, the port was definitely infected. I stopped by local ER on way home and did my second antibiotic injection in my PICC line...two weeks of daily injections. I'm ready to bid my MRSA adieu! Thoughts and prayers greatly appreciated. :biggrin2:

  13. I just got home from a 3 day weekend family reunion in Arkansas. I'm exhausted, and think I'm getting a cold. Ugh. I ate crappily too. But, before I left Friday morning I bought a new pair of jeans in a size 22... which is amazing for me!!

    Suzzzie, way to go! That's a great Non-Scale Victory (to use a Weight Watchers board term).

    thanks everyone - Rhonda she is 5 1/2. She is doing fine. she has one scrap on her shoulder and a bruise where she had her IV. You would never know anything had even happened. It is very hard to keep her down, since she doesn't even feel hurt.

    we closed on our house today! 13 acres with a stocked pond. I hope to be outside more and getting in some exercise working on the farm!

    Missy, so glad your daughter wasn't severely hurt. It does sound like she was being watched over by angels. Will keep her in thoughts and prayers. Congrats on the 13 acres! We bought 10 with a pond last Fall and the kids love it!

    Well, big things have been happening and I'm getting stressed now. After years of female problems my OBGYN has decided we can go ahead and yank the plumbing. I go in on July 8th for a complete hystorectomy (spelling?) at the age of 36. After contacting my lapband surgeon today I found that I have to go in and have a complete unfill at least 2 weeks prior to my surgery. I'm stressed because I'm afraid I will slip off the bandwagon and gain a few pounds back and how long will it take me to get back to where I'm at now with my fill. Granted I think I'm a little too restricted now, but I'm not losing either. It may be silly, but I hate even looking at the scale when I'm up 2 or 3 pounds now.

    Karla, will be praying for you. I know the fear of an unfill. I am having a port removal (long story) and then will have it replaced when my MRSA clears up and they talked of an unfill as well...I think my doc is going to try to leave saline in the line. It is a scary prospect, but you can do it. you've come so far and someone mentioned Weight Watchers....that's a definite help for me lately...I visit their Core board a lot for some ideas.

    Since my 1cc unfill 3 weeks ago I've gained TEN flippin pounds! I don't care what the NP says, she WILL fill me with at least 0.5cc when I go in on the 12th!!! Ugh!!!!!!

    Ah, Rhonda, huh? And you're going to be in there the day before me! Good luck, Suz.

  14. I only have to work 2 more days... then I;m off Thurs - Mon. I'm going to Mountain View Arkansas with my family (grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc) Fri-Sun. I'm sooooo looking forward to it.

    I just wish I was about 20 pounds less than I am currently... They will all still tell me I look great and stuff... but I don't FEEL like I do. I know I've lost 100 pounds, and that that is a great accomplishment... but I still just feel fat and gross and I get mad (really, more like pissed off!) lately when ANYONE mentions my weightloss or says I look good. I know I don't. I've gained, not lost. It's annoying. I'm frustrated with myself. I want my band to do all the work. I don't want to do anything. I just want to sit here eating crap foods and have the weight melt off. I think I have the 1 year blues...

    Someone, please. Kick my arse and tell me how lucky I am to have this tool? Make me WANT to do the work for myself, for my health, for my future. Or just chime in with your own blues... you know how misery loves company. Lol.

    Suzzzie, you've come an amazingly long way! 100 pounds is nearly as much as my 16 year old niece weighs, so you've almost lost a teenager!!! I know, we look at ourselves and we want to see this amazing transfiguration especially given we've got 2 weeks til our anniversary, but I keep repeating to myself: "you may not be where you'd like to be, but you've gone down nearly 10 BMI points, you've gone from a 3x to a 1x and sometimes a Large, you've lost more than a toddler, your cholesterol is evening out, your bp is going down". That mantra usually gets me to realize that even though I'm not where I'd LOVE to be yet, I'm on the way and I wouldn't have gotten this far without the band and you all. Hope that helps a little, Suz.

    beckie t, how will the saline stay in there if they take off the port? I think it is scary that you have had the staph infection this long, that can be very serious and life threatening. I am glad there is an end to it for you. we are here, you still have the band, regardless of saline!

    Janine, thanks!! Yeah, I'm not sure either except that I think they will cap off the "catheter" from the band to the port and then tuck that into the peritenial (sp?) cavity until they're ready to put the new port in once I'm all 100% better. I praise God that I have battled this thing this long and that it's remained so localized and not given me as much trouble.

    They called me this morning with surgery date. I'm not happy with the date, but McSweety is only at the facility on Fridays, so right now I'm set up for 9am on Friday, June 13. So, on my Bandiversary (day wise, date is actually 15th) I'll be having my port out.

  15. Thanks, all! I'll admit I was getting depressed over this whole thing but that little bit of news helped me perk up a little. I'm not making my band do the work, but it helps me to know that I'm not losing that "friend" or part of me that's helped me to get this far. Strange, huh?

    BTW, Steph, the other day I made it over 90g of protein...was a good day. I'm aiming for 80+ a day now. I know I can't do the 1 g per pound, but at least I'm upping. I've found at MetRX Protein Bar that my docs office recommends and it's yummy with 32g Protein (walmart).

  16. Good news! I just saw Dr. McSweety today and he said he may be able to leave some of the saline in! : ) He says he doesn't see a problem with that except if I were too tight they couldn't remove it until I got another port. I'm not too tight now, so I don't see any problems, hopefully. Yay!!!! Now we've just got to get it scheduled and then it's bye-bye MRSA!!

  17. Bigbaby, hopefully they will only have to remove the port and they can leave the band in. Then when my infection is gone and wound is healed from inside out I can have it placed again, just in a different location. Unfortunately, this does remove the saline. I'm not happy with this decision, but it is the best course to get this infection out and be sure it's gone. I've been battling this MRSA Staph for so long and the ID doc said that unless the port were removed we really couldn't be sure the bacteria wasn't still there holding on waiting for the antibiotics to stop to rare its head again. So, I'm scared of gaining back my weight but anxious to get this over with so I can get healthy again. They hope that it will only be 1-2 months after removal that I'll be fully healed but we'll see.

  18. Hi, All. Yep, David Cook was the better choice, even though I am biased being from KC. Archuleta did the same types of song each week and really he didn't seem very articulate to me, while DC was able to talk to the press, act, and hold his own.

    Got done with Wound Care and Infec. Disease doc visits this morning. My port is going to be taken out, let me heal up and dose with tons of strong, strong antibiotics and then possibly put it back in a dif. spot at a later date when all healed up.

  19. Ohh Beckie! I'm soooo sorry you are STILL having trouble!! I just can't help to think how EASILY that could have been me. YOu poor thing!! Just keep your eye on the prize - you are so right to focus on your cholesterol and BMI going lower and lower! How amazing is that?! Hopefully the ID doc will be able to help you. DO they have you bathing in hepa-cleanse or anything like that? It's an all over body anti-bug stuff... Can't recall the EXACT name. but something like that. Oh, and you got to see our doc? The one who did our surgeries? Is he still HOT? Haha!! Thanks for the belated Bday wishes!

    Thanks, Suzzzie. Yep, I got to see Doctor McSweety (as Judy and I tended to call him). He is HOT! (but don't tell my hubby I said that, lol) He's great, he's very thorough and I love that I can ask him questions and feel I can trust him (white coat syndrome). I am just hoping the ID Doc can give me a better alternative than to remove the port. The receptionist, Erica, said she'd had MRSA as well and that it eventually went away (she had two pic lines and went in for intravenous antibiotics daily and I'd gladly try that at this point). No Hepa-cleanse...but I will look into that. I miss my Bath & Body Works shower gels...since October I've been using plain non-fragranced antibacterial soap.

    Beckie - I am so sorry you are still have MRSA. It is called a super-bug for a reason darn it. An ID doc is definitely what you need.

    Thanks, Missy. I'm just set up my appointment with ID for Thursday following my Wound Care visit. The receptionist said I'd be their second lap-band patient with MRSA. I asked her if the other person had to have anything removed and she didn't know.

    I had a 1cc unfill on Wednesday. Doc said my pouch looked slightly distended, which could be the beginning of a slip. He basically accused me of keeping my band too tight this whole time, making it do the work, and that is how I have lost this much weight.

    Missy, will be thinking of you. My co-workers daughter has had a slip; hoping your arrogant doc is wrong. He needs to take some lessons from McSweety. :thumbup: You're not having an easy time of it and the doc should be a little more understanding.

    Good morning gang. All that talk about Protein and body mass has my head spinning..LOL! I really haven't looked at it that closely and may be the reason my wl has slowed!

    Beckie, sorry about your struggle, I hope it works out for you, I know that it must be hard.

    Thanks, Janine! I'm trying to stay positive and fight and still keep my port/band. I'm not giving up easily.

    I also need to look more at the protein/body mass info more. i know the days that I really increase my protein the scale really likes it and breathes a sigh of relief :) .

    Have a good Tuesday, everyone!!!

  20. Hi, everyone! It's great to read of everyone's achievements and you are all doing so great! Suzzzie, Happy Late Birthday!

    I don't post as often now for several reasons: One being no internet at our new house and I'm swamped at work; Two is, I'm down. I'm STILL battling this MRSA Staph Infection at my main incision site. I've been going to a Wound Care Center for a month now and packing my incision twice daily.

    I went to my Lapband Surgeon this afternoon for the first time during this go-round. He is scared we may have to remove the port and allow my body to heal and possibly put a port back in in a different location. I don't want to remove ANYTHING. I am hoping to get in to an Infectious Disease Doctor and hope they can get this healed without having to remove the Port and thereby negate the band and the progress I've made since last June.

    I'm down; I want to bawl my eyes out; I want to dive head-first into a vat of chocolate; I want to be over with this infection and keep moving with the Lapband. I look at my positives: my cholesterol levels are straightening out on their own, I'm at the lowest weight my hubby's known me at, my BMI has gone down at least 10 points. I don't want to lose any of that.

  21. Do you all watch the biggest loser? I was so glad that Ali won, however I was routing for Kelly too. She looked Fantastic last night. do you think her x was really sick? Probably could not face her hot self! Most of the others were fantastic too.

    Janine: DH and I watch it religiously. I was amazed at Roger! When he got voted in I thought "great, no woman winner this year either"...but was so glad to see Ali win, although I was routing for Kelly.

    I watched BL. I was glad a woman won... but would have preferred Kelly won. Ali kinda got on my nerves... but she does look GREAT and deserved to win. As for Kellys ex husband, I don't think he was sick. I think he probably didn' t lose any weight and didn't want to have to face everyone and the scales. I kinda feel bad for him.

    Suz, way to go on the 102!!!!!!!! You rock!! Yeah, I agree with Paul. I think he didn't lose anything or gained and so he didn't show. His family really weren't supportive of him when they went home for the holidays and were shoving TRAYS of food at him. Can't imagine he'd do to good being back home with them.

    Awwe crap :crying:

    I TVO'd it and hadn't watched it yet. I will be watching it tonight to see their transformations!! I am so happy a woman won!!!!! I preferred Ali over Kelly's whining so that makes me happy! I think the slug-ex had too many issues and probably didn't lose any more weight. He needs counseling as much as the diet/exercise help.

    Gen, The transformations were amazing! Not a Jackie fan, but she even looked amazing! I was so excited to see who won out of the voted-off's! In case you haven't watched I won't give that surprise away. I think Paul and his entire family/entourage need counseling.


    I know I am stress-eating this week. I'm trying to stop myself...but not having much success. I can't go back to my doc because my insurance doesn't cover him since we switched ins. companies in January so I need to switch. I could use another small fill but will have to wait.

    My BF's mother died suddenly yesterday morning. Long story, but she'd survived a rare form of breast cancer a few years back, last Sept. it came back but was in many places in her body in her bones. In March she was sitting on the toilet and couldn't get up, turns out the cancer attacked her femur and it broke. She had surgery to repair and put in pins etc., but they didn't give her blood thinners. She was in hosp a week after surgery, two weeks in a rehab type of place and went home last Thurs. Her daughter's birthday was Friday and she started having trouble breathing (they thought it might be her asthma) and sent her by ambulance to area hospital Mon. morning. She had blood clots in the main artery to her lungs...and was lucky to be alive. After a few more tests they put her in ICU with heparin and couldn't put in a filter in her leg because she absolutely couldn't breathe while lying flat. They thought the remaining small clot in her leg wouldn't dislodge due to her being immobile in hospital, so we went home. My BF called me at 3am, mom had stopped breathing, heart stopped. I took off to meet her at hospital (45 min. away). By the time she got there, she was gone. She was like my second mother, also my mom's best friend. So I'm stress-eating over that and my job.

  22. Beckie - Stefs little local bike ride got me thinking... you live nearish me! We should like walk or jog or bike or go eat ice cream together. Haha. Seriously though. What days/times would be good? Even if we could meet once a week or so just to walk a few miles?!

    Suzzzie, sounds like a plan! I've thought about going to the Liberty Community Center....have you been there? My brother goes there. I wouldn't mind buying a visitors pass to work out inside. Weekends are easiest for me, kids and work-wise. How about you?

  23. ja9va, great to hear from you!! I know what you mean about winter...while I don't have seasonal depression, I completely understand it. We've had so much snow here and ice and it just makes me long for spring and early summer when I can walk outside with ease.

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