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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by rmubvashrink

  1. Newat52 I think 11pounds is amazing! Keep up the great work.
  2. Yes the scales are scary! I use them when I have too and go by inches. Juice omg my m ds so screwed up I have not had regular juice in years,! Maybe I'll be dangerous today lol.
  3. Lol iseeyou I want to eat carbs someday. I am a little. You're very right we are all different. I just wanted you to know what worked before surgery. Marinera cheese! Omg I love cheese it's my weakness! Good luck to you in your journey
  4. You know I'm definitley no expert but I will tell you marymouse50 when ever I have lost weight it's because I stay away from carbs. I knew going into this I would. Not change that even though it's not so recommended . I would first be sure to get all your protein in you have to exercise. If your gonna have carbs eat them early. And you also are small in weight that makes a difference also. Keep trying new things you can do this,! Your already losing! Don't compare I hope this helps.
  5. rmubvashrink

    Soooo excited

    At 2.5 weeks I'm down 20 pounds! I figured everyone was over exaggerating, so blessed I never take one pound of loss for granted. People think oh it's so easy you just sit around and wait for the wait to fall off! Yeah right it takes work no matter what. Good luck to everyone in there journey! Rebecca
  6. rmubvashrink

    My marriage sucks

    it does sometimes sometimes i feel like i give until i'm broken I don't have anything left to give. my husband doesn't even work but one day a week I am full time post surgery and i swear sometimes I don't get a break and I also a full time student. I have no problem with him not working but don't make me come and clean and cook, don't make me try to plan appointments and stuff you do it dammit! I will not live a lifetime of misery for anyone. he better get it together. bottom line I hope tings get better for you. Rebecca
  7. rmubvashrink


    Guys I am realizing that I have developed a new habbits of chewing up certain food just to taste and spitting it out. I'll never swallow and I ve never been obsessed with food. But this is definitley a problem. I've been very succesful but I can't seem to stop this new wired habbits..? Thoughts Rebecca
  8. rmubvashrink


    Rollargirl. Too funny,! Swear I have food attacking nightmares
  9. rmubvashrink


    I am a bit of a smart ass I probably am not respecting the process enough because I have been successful. my highest weight was 335 i dropped to 240 and got pregnant. I never gained all the weight back, lol i think I am diagnosing my self I have not been writing my food down! yes i secretly think I am the s*&^% so it stops now! I am going to follow all the rules i will not go backwards.! I promise who do I think i am? I swear* I am going to do better and not take one step for granted thanks for the support
  10. rmubvashrink


    ok thank you guys. im down 22# two weeks and 7 days. yeah i was drinking pickle juice as a pacifier but stopped cause i know the sodium is no good. The things im biting are like normal food. I have been trying to stop. Ill try harder this week or I will log every time I have the urge.. its usually when I am providing food for others. I have never been addicted to anything don't drink don't smoke. i was not a horrible eater, but sometimes comfort eat. i had an uncontrolled thyroid issue for years. I do have terrible anxiety.
  11. rmubvashrink

    Untitled Album

  12. Sorry member on biggest loser how the huge people would drop 35 pounds in a week and the smaller people would lose like 8 it's the same thing don't worry
  13. Oh crap u no what someone wasright
  14. You no I was scared of that trap. Don't do that to your self girl. Protein protein stay away from carby based foods. Keep away from the devil aka the scale. Look at the bigger picture. If you manage to lose 10 pounds a month you will make your goal in about 6 months which is amazing. Don't set high expectations I didn't it's a tool we make it or break it. You can do this walk walk walk and focus. Good luck on your journey Rebecca
  15. Congrats u look amazing
  16. rmubvashrink

    6 month Surgiversary!

    Very well said I actually told my doctor I wasn't interested in scales. Even though I'm 2 weeks on and down 21 pounds I only know that because I had an appointment. I don't own a scale and don't want one. My surgeon said I had to I might listen. But my food I am definitley writing it down. I too feel like I'm overrating and I'll be at 300 calories. It really is so mental. Congratulations on your success come September I know you will be exactly where you wanna be. Keep up the great focus Rebecca
  17. rmubvashrink

    4 weeks post op and depressed.

    First of all let me tell you I'm so proud of your weight loss. That's awesome. Honestly I have a thyroid issue so if I can hit 20 in a 4 weeks I'm celebrating! Don't let this ignorant assistant put you down just because someone has a title it doesn't make them right. I beg you to change or never go back if you can't see your surgeon. I would report the creap who decided they were judge over the entire sleeve production program! Ok I'm calm now so we all lose differently. My surgeon told me to really make healing my primary concern the first few weeks so your weight loss is kinda out of your control. Of coarse you should keep your Protein high and carbs low. Stay away from sugary stuff but I'm sure you know that. You will be so successful omg and your a guy ha I wish you so have an edge with all your testosterone! Anyways don't worry you lose this weight for you if 250 looks good great if not keep going. The best to you and you journey. Rebecca
  18. rmubvashrink

    Putting my hand up to support

    Man I'm going to tell my surgeon about this cite! It's so supportive you ladies don't no how much better the day has gone being Abel to talk with you! Today I did get all my protein in I'm sipping slow! Ou ladies have a blessed day:)
  19. rmubvashrink

    To tell, or not to tell?

    Shitt I wish I could take back some who no people are paying far too much attention to me! Lol
  20. rmubvashrink

    Putting my hand up to support

    Thank you pianomom ha my problem is cheeses I'll take it however I can get it! This will be my undoing. Omg there is an amazing sugar free cookie I use to by from Walmart there sooo good I'm sorry I forgot the brand. Blue and white pack. Any how my husband is severely over weight so I cook for him also this is truly a test because I have to be there for him also. But I'm sure it will continue to get better thanks for the support
  21. rmubvashrink

    Putting my hand up to support

    Thanks a lot you no its interesting because I have always been a healthy eater so I just felt frustrated cause I couldn't swallow without feeling so gassy or wired I just wanted to swallow normal but I think I'm drinking too fast. Then I have always been against carbs so this phase was particularly hard. I no I have to like carbs there not all bad. Lol I'm sure it won't be the last moment. I'm happy about my choice. I just have to be patient and put god in control. Thank you for the support. Rebecca
  22. rmubvashrink

    Finally Submitted

    Congrats and good luck
  23. rmubvashrink

    Waiting to go into OR

    Lmao I had the same thought. You're not alone
  24. rmubvashrink

    Putting my hand up to support

    I'm 9 days out and I have done so well no depression no regrets untill tonight I just wanted a damn chip but I'm never willing to hurt my self I've never been addicted to food. I woe up and hugged my husband and sobbed till he woke up and made me promise to stop crying he is sooooo supportive. Hopefully I will feel better in a few hours

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