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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by courtoomp

  1. See a doctor. And start a PPI. It kind of sounds like it could be an ulcer...ever have a problem with that in the past?

    Ulcers in your duodenum (the first part of your intestines, connected to your stomach) feel the way you describe and get better when you eat. A PPI is how they are generally treated, that and checking for h pylori.

  2. I told a handful of ppl and I suspect the rumors have been flying and that some of y close friends have spilled the Beans. But if ever asked how I am losing the weight I reply honestly..eat less and exercise more. None of their business but I also understand not wanting ppl downplaying your hard work. I know I have worked so hard to lose this weight and don't want that overshadowed bc I had some help.

  3. Interesting but I find strength training so much more enjoyable and 'easier' than my cardio sessions, which include high intensity intervals at least an hour and really pushing myself. I think adding in a strength training class or video 2-3 times a week is a great approach...in addition to your cardio.

    Good luck!

  4. Different person and sorry if its tmi but ive noticed more lubrication. I guess I can post another thread about this but I feel "wet" all the time even when not arroused. Its not wet like all over me like I peed my pants and its not a discharge..but honestly think its vaginal lubrication. .is this normal? Sorry that was embarassing asking

    Haha nothing is tmi on this site I think. That's really interesting. I'm not sure why that would be the case...are you aroused with all this wetness or is just kinda your baseline? And is it all the time? The reason I ask is bc when ovulating its normal for your vagina to produce more lubricant...and if you have lost a lot of weight your body (like mine) may be responding by jumping back into ovulating cycles. When we are overweight many become anovulatory so it may be your body kicking back into fertile mode. This is purely my guess...

  5. Sex is actually really painful for me now. I had great sex before surgery with my boyfriend. Since my surgery (may 22nd) my vagina hurts the whole time. I believe it's because I lost weight on the outside of my vagina. I can feel our pelvic bones grinding and it's uncomfortable. My boyfriends penis also goes so much deeper' date=' which normally wouldn't be a bad thing but for me it's still too much. I want to like sex again but right now it's uncomfortable.

    Please tell me I'm not alone here![/quote']

    How much weight have you lost? As our bodies change the guy will def be able to go deeper (less cushion for the pushin), but I think that just requires communicating about how deep he should go or trying different positions.

    If you have lost a substantial amount of weight you can be experiencing decreased vaginal lubrication bc you have less estrogen (fat 'makes' estrogen). Keep giving it a try and hopefully it'll get better!

  6. Yes the curry chicken is in the cold foods section. I think the costcos vary though. I have seen it at fresh market though.

    As for the sesame crackers they have them at my local publix and also at whole foods.

    I forgot to mention I also get Gordon's frozen grilled shrimp an add it to premade sauces like a curry

  7. Some of my favorites:

    Sukhi chicken curry. I love flavorful foods as I'm more satisfied that way. costco sells a large serving which I eat off of all week. I don't even miss a starch. I think can get frozen version at Fresh market.

    Trader joes turkey meatballs

    Trader joes turkey meat sauce just the sauce

    Salmon burgers from whole foods

    Sriracha so I can add it to anything from chicken and tuna salad to Soups

    Amy's Tomato bisque soup--I add a laughing cow cheese to increase the creaminess and add Protein

    Amy's lentil Soup

    Kashi go lean crisp cinnamon --add it to Greek yogurt with some jam for Breakfast

    Jiff to go natural Peanut Butter cups. Individual servings.

    Bumble bee tuna salad in Thai chili and lemon pepper. You can buy them with some crackers too for an easy meal on the go

    Laughing cow cheese...all flavors

    Baybell cheese low fat

    Individual breakstone 2% cottage cheese

    Ak mak sesame crackers are amazing!

    Yasso Greek yogurt Popsicles in various fruit flavors...70 cals and 6g Protein and it satisfies my sweet tooth

    Giardheli 72% dark chocolate

    Pickles, pickled asparagus to add to tuna salad

    Pure Protein Bars (chocolate Peanut Butter is my favorite) and pure protein chocolate shake at GNC for 35g protein

  8. My breasts used to be awesome and now they look like I've had five kids. Not a good look. But I am glad I didn't have anything done before surgery. I do intend to have something done about them once I'm done losing weight. But I run into the same problem as you...I haven't had children yet so is it a waste to get them done, have kids, then get saggy ones again?!

  9. I know my nutritionist upped my carbs bc of all the exercise I do. I don't think everyone's body is created the same...some function better with more carbs and that's okay.

    I would make a nut appt. and in the mean time go up to 80 or so and see the results. We have these sleeves forever so you can experiment some.

    Good luck!

  10. I think it's a combo of both them and us. But to answer the post question...YES we were invisible when we were heavier! Sad but true. But clearly you're not invisible anymore so enjoy that while keeping a critical eye of who all of a sudden noticed you.

  11. Yeah my boobs are now soooooo sad. I call them my droopy boopies. My breast were my 'crowning glory' before this and now I have to search for my nipple when I put my bra on....so much loose skin that they just fold every which way. Haha sorry if that's too much info! So I decided def a breast job at the end of this!

    You looks amazing by the way. Such a unique look

  12. I had mine removed at the time of surgery. Sure maybe I had some extra pain but much better to not go through anesthesia and hospital costs and all a second time. I say ask to get them done at the same time UNLESS you have a gallbladder that needs to come out sooner...fever, horrible colicky pain, elevated white blood cells, liver dysfunction, gallbladder showing signs of acute infection. Sounds like you may good old fashioned chronic gallbladder disease that hopefully can be removed electively with the surgery.

    Good luck!

  13. You can always try taking the PPI every other day. This is what my mom, who has osteoporosis, does. That combined with her mineral infusions she has actually gained bone mass.

    I worry about taking the PPIs daily, but alas without my daily Prevacid I am miserable by noon even if I have eaten no stereotypically acid-producing foods or drinks.

    As for the magnesium, it is a scary proposition right?! The osteoporosis and low magnesium levels are both seen with long term use (>1 year), but the osteoporosis risk is more elevated with high dose PPIs. As far as I know the magnesium issues aren't dose dependent. I am all for the less meds the better, so why not discussing with your doctor going to every other day or even doing a PPI-free trial? You won't get esophageal damage being off the meds for a couple weeks. Those problems typically come after a decent period of time with esophageal exposure to acid.

  14. I had a similar sounding rash a few weeks after my surgery. I have lupus so wasn't sure what was causing the rash. It was allergic looking. I took a steroid dose pack and Benadryl and hydroxyzine and that cleared it up. I find doctors don't know anything about rashes and most will go away on their own!

  15. What an interesting post.

    I can understand the emotional pull to sleeve at risk adolescents and also adults. I lived those tumultuous obese years like everyone here.

    But I disagree with preventative sleeving. I am in medical school, and perhaps that education has swayed me. I look at it as cost benefit. Someone mentioned getting the ovaries removed as an analogy. It was a great analogy I think. If a woman has a family history of ovarian cancer she can get her ovaries removed prophylactically and can reduce her cancer risk. But she also will go into early menopause with consequences such as osteoporosis, infertility, etc. But this woman also saves her life. Presumably before having her ovaries removed the woman would have spoken at length with her doctor, researched, made preparations for how to best manage her health after the surgery for years to come.

    Similarly, a 30lbs overweight woman may get the sleeve. Just like ovarian cancer there is still a risk of gaining weight with the sleeve. Also, the sleeve comes with risks...surgical risks, Vitamin deficiency, energy level. What worries me about making this option readily accessible is that unlike removing your ovaries (no vanity benefits here!), the sleeve and its associated weight loss will cause ppl to flock in for a quick fix without doing the necessary research to ensure they remain healthy. It's akin to getting your ovaries out to avoid having kids when you could have just take birth control or even had a hysterectomy!

    Having said all that, if a patient feels the desire for a preventative sleeve and can pay for it and goes through a regimented and intensive education (I wish there were even stricter requirements than we see now) and therapy, then there should be an avenue for that. And through that education I would hope many preventative sleevers would change their mind bc they get individualized attention from their physician on how to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Kind of like going to driving school to learn the rules is preferable to getting in an accident and then having to take a class on safe driving...

    Sorry if that was wordy. I had to get it out there.

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