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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by kelcath33

  1. @kw2walker, I find that it hinders my weight loss and makes me rather depressed. The WLS hasn't helped me in any regards with the hormones, only made things worse. TES, I asked my PCP about it, and she said she didn't feel comfortable giving me something and wants me to see a specialist, go figure. I have a follow-up with one of the endocrinologist/bariatric NPs this week, but I don't even know if that will be helpful or not. I feel like such a schmuck putting my boyfriend through this. :(:unsure:

  2. So, how do I begin.... I'm 25 and going through menopause. Ovarian cancer has caused me to have several surgeries, the last of which removed what was left of my one remaining partial ovary. I had this removed when I had my VSG done. I've been losing weight very very very slowly, so I don't know if my hormones or lack thereof is messing with everything or not. I've been in another stall for the past 2 weeks. I have absolutely zero libido. Sex even hurts because I get so dry, no matter how much lubrication is added to the equation (sorry for any bad visuals lol). I'm on hormone replacement, but I still get hot flashes and horrible night sweats. My sleep is constantly interrupted, I don't remember the last time I had a decent night's sleep. I'm moody... I feel like a hot mess. Is there anyone out there that can relate?????

  3. Well let's see here.. I was sleeved on 3/20, my surgery weight was 264, and my current is at 244. I stalled at 3 weeks post op for about 2.5 weeks. So I've only lost about 20 pounds since the actual surgery date. I was never given a guide on how many calories to consume. I was given the freedom to eat pretty much whatever I wanted to at 2 weeks post op. I learned that if I eat too much and/or too quickly, I feel VERY uncomfortable. I know to eat slow, and stop before I feel too full. I get hungry and still crave the naughty foods even though I was told that I wouldn't ever be hungry or even crave the junk food anymore.

    Am I glad that I lost 20 pounds? Sure. However, when you do the actual math, it's only about 3lbs. per week not including my 2+ week stall, which is what I could have lost on my own (though trying very hard to do so) without surgery. Overall, I'm disappointed. Other folks have lost way more than me, or at least have lost more inches. I feel like I'm going to be that small % where this surgery just doesn't help me.

  4. I only had a 2 week post op visit and I didn't know at that time what size it was. I won't see him again for another couple of months, I believe. I do get hungry, very hungry, but I don't stuff my face like I used to. I practice that whole, "eat 'til you feel full but stop 2 bites before that," but it's way more than 3-4 oz, and then I'm hungry again in a few hours.

  5. The size of the bougie has nothing to do with cravings, I'm afraid. That's a head thing.

    I never said that the bougie size affects cravings and I know that my stomach size is greatly reduced; but when compared to other post-op folk, I can still eat a larger-than-average amount of food. I read more stories about people losing cravings/hunger/everything than stuff saying the same. I do feel a restriction, however, I still want to eat more more more.

    All I was trying to convey is I am jealous of those who no longer feel those hunger pangs and cravings... especially when I was specifically told that I wouldn't want anything to do with food. So, maybe you can understand my frustration.

  6. I completely understand the frustration. I was reading my chart when I returned to work (because I have that kind of time lol) and it was documented that my surgeon used a 50 fr. bougie. Yup, 50. I was wondering why I was actually feeling hungry every 3-ish hours and still craving all the unhealthy/naughty foods. I was super mad when I found that out. I can eat more than I should be able to, and I'm only a month and a week out. So when I read that other people get full after such small quantities of food, I get so jealous. It's not fair that I went through all the B.S. for seemingly nothing. My surgeon kept pushing me for RNY too; I feel like this is some kind of sick revenge to get an "I-told-you-so" or something. So my NUT and family are just like, "oh you just have to practice more self control...". Are you kidding me? If I had that, I wouldn't have needed the damn surgery in the first place. :angry:

  7. My big day has finally arived. And I couldn't be morw anxious/nervous/excited all at once. I'm still contemplating if I'm really ready for this huge life changing event. I've done so much research but I still don't feel ready... It feels like I'm in a dream, like this isnt happening and I'll wake up from all of this...I need good thoughta my way please!

  8. Most hospitals usually don't allow hair ties into the operating room and will make you take them out and put them with your personal belongings. They put a surgical cap on your head and they put your hair into that anyway. But on that note, definitely bring at least one with you, just in case. It drives me crazy having my hair down when I'm hot... :rolleyes:

  9. A lot of the time, what people tend to fear is the unknown. I can suggest doing a little research on what exactly they'll do on you and what anesthetic they will use for you and common side effects. It helps ease the mind.

    I had an emergency surgery back in 2008, and I was petrified of waking up mid-surgery. Strangely enough, I'm a nurse now, and I've experienced a lot in my short time on this earth. I find all of the creepy medical stuff exciting. :D

    You can always ask your healthcare providers any and all questions you have, it might help calm your anxiety. They're there for you after all! Try some breathing exercises to relax. If all else fails, they make a wonderful IV "cocktail" that really takes the edge off ;)

  10. I'm in dire need of venting...so here goes:

    I started entertaining the idea of weight loss surgery a couple years ago. When I decided to actually go for it after nothing else has worked for me, I told my mother that I was really wanting to do the sleeve after a lot of research, reflection, and talking with my therapist. ( As a nurse, I really want all the facts/figures/statistics I can get.) Anyway, I asked her not to tell anyone; that I'd rather keep it "on the down low," so to say, because I felt/feel so embarrassed about needing it in the first place. Come to find out down the road, she went and told my father, my sister and her husband, and other members of the family whom I did not want knowing any of this.

    I've been dealing with all of the crap that they've been throwing at me and how they think I should just be able to do it on my own and just use will power. Well, if it was that simple, I wouldn't need WLS... Tonight, however, was probably the worst it's been. I stopped by my folks' house to pick up a couple things, and as I'm leaving, my father tells me I need to "forget about this whole surgery thing," it's a "huge mistake," I "don't know what I'm getting myself into," and he thinks that -I- think that this will be a "cure-all for all my problems." Oh, and my personal favorite, that I'm "stupid for doing this big mistake and no one he knows thinks it's a good idea." This man is ignorant and impossible to talk to about anything. He's done zero research and doesn't even know what I'm going to have done for goodness' sake.

    I feel utterly alone in this journey since no one close to me is willing to support me or be there for me. It's bad enough that my family has always been the type to degrade and insult me for my weight/health in the first place. So when I actually want to really do something about it, all I get is more grief; and I'm sure I'll just get more and be reminded that I "took the easy way out and have destroyed my body permanently because I don't have willpower."

    Anyway, thanks for listening/feedback/empathy...

  11. I know I had posted recently about gaining weight when I'm supposed to be losing. I've gained almost 6 pounds in the past 4 days from making some very poor food choices. Pre-op appointment on March 11...and I need to drop the weight and THEN some by that time. I'm so mad at myself for eating all that I did. I feel like I've already failed. It's so easy to say, "oh, I'll just be more careful and watch everything that I eat." Then I do really well for a few days and then screw it all up. The doc(s) will cancel the surgery if I gain weight, even if it's on the surgery day. Anyway, I don't know how to deal. :(

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