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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by onememory2

  1. Dear blondebomb, I truly understand your predicament. I had sleeve on July 2013 and it's been WELL over a year and I still throw up almost every meal! It's horrible to feel slight hunger and to know you cannot eat. But I'm the one who chose this instead of all the excess weight I was carrying around. I feel your pain but I honestly have no good advice to offer you. I pray for all those going through the same thing. I'll be praying for you. Bless your heart.

  2. I truly wish I had answers for you. I’m dealing with the very same thing. I was sleeved on July 25, 2013 and I’ve had a horrible time dealing with food - ALL foods. I am able to keep a Protein shake or half of one down, but not much more. I’m down about 74 lbs. but this is NOT the way I thought I’d be losing it. I had a EGD done last week and the doctor told my husband that my stomach appeared to be in good shape. I am so very worried. At first I was throwing up bright red blood, now I just immediately throw up anything I try to eat. After about three teaspoons full of anything I feel great pressure in my chest and up it comes. No more blood, thank God, but it is still daily. I’m tired, and my hair is beginning to be very dry (drier than before surgery) my skin itches a lot and when I scratch, wherever I scratch the blood comes to the surface. I feel good when I’m awake, but I’m tired, so tired. I believe I’m going for a second opinion, because I just don’t feel like this is what should be going on with me. I’m 63 and I’m too old for all this. It’s been depressing to say the least. Thanksgiving I had our whole family here, to the tune of over 300.00 and I could not eat a bite of anything and keep it down. But the doctor said I’m normal. So I guess it’s up to me to find out what is wrong here. If I can help you or answer any questions…let me know. I will be praying for you and all those with similar issues. Try to hang in there and at least keep Protein shakes in your fridge!! God Bless You.

  3. Has anyone out there suffered complications after their sleeve. I developed really sharp pains in my left flank 6 weeks after surgery and tests discovered I had a collection of Fluid between my pancreas and stomach. They still don't know if it was a leak or a bleed. but inserted a drain which was removed 3 weeks later. Am terrified now as docs said there's a chance it could re-accumulate. Ha anyone out there been through anything similar?

    Chrissy- my sleeve was July 25 - I'm not sure WHY but I CANNOT anything without throwing it up!! I CAN keep Protein shakes down- but not solid foods. Just tried a bit of hubby's omelet. And within ten minutes threw it up! Did you have any nausea befor your problem. ??

  4. My date is not til the 30th' date=' so I still have some time to get ready. I'm working on it though. I alternate between being excited and sure this is the right thing to do and thinking, "I'm doing so well with my healthy eating and exercise...maybe I should give it one more try to do it without surgery?" Then I remind myself that I'm about to turn 35 and I've been morbidly obese for over 8 years and obese for an additional 2.5 years prior. The last time I was in the normal BMI range was over 17 years ago! Also I have struggled with my weight since 4th grade! If I could reach and maintain a healthy weight on my own, I would have done it by now, right??? So then I go back to being sure and excited.

    I bought myself some sublingual B12 at the grocery store on a BOGO sale. Still have to get the other supplements. I've tried 3 different ready-to-drink Protein Drinks, but I still need to get some powder and blend up my own. I really need to start practicing not drinking while eating. I think that will be hard.[/quote']

    Wishing you great success!! Hang in there :)

  5. Dear Debbie - my surgery was on July 25. And YES I'm having horrible time eating anything! Burning pain I chest/ throat most of time! I've even thrown up blood because of intolerance to food!!! Made emergency call to doctor and they didn't seem worried- just said to stick with "soft" diet !! I know your frustration- if you like we can email each other for help... I will pray that all will be better soon! :)

  6. Any other newbies on this journey out there?? Had my sleeve on Tuesday' date=' 7/16; so I'm 9 days out. Day 3 has been the worst so far. Think I possibly have temporary (I hope) lactose-intolerance as I'm struggling with some bowel issues; but beyond that, I feel very good. Not being hungry all the time is wonderful. Still hard to get in the habit of not drinking for 30 min. before; during; and 30 min. after eating. How is everyone else making out?[/quote']

    Debbie- I'm one week post op and if I have to drink one more sweet Protein shake I will barf! Just not toleerating sweet vanilla all liquid shakes! I struggle to drink anything and it worries me that ill struggle next week. I'm not hungry st all!. Good luck on ur jouney!!

  7. Lordy, I don't want to lose my hair!! I'm already blessed with thin hair and I can't spare not even one! I know I'm only five days post op, but I am having a horrible time drinking fluids. I am NOT hungry nor thirsty. I'm black and blue on my belly and that is my biggest problem! Anyone know what to do about that? This monring it woke me with itching on the bruising...go figure. I've only lost about 4 lbs and I'm someone down about that. I've not eaten MORE than I should, I've eaten less. But how do you force feed a 62 year old grandmaw?I can't wait until I can try some pureed items to kinda spice this up some. Is there something besides Biotin to take to keep my hair. I've been on biotin for over 4 months pre op. Thank you all for comments and I wish you a blessed day! :)

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