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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by CharmingTortoise

  1. Does anyone else feel like they have to be an ultra-positive spokesperson for this surgery? Everyone I know is aware I've had the surgery because I'm pretty much an open book. In general, I don't mind but sometimes when I'm having a difficult day I still feel like I have to be perky and positive. I'm only about 5 weeks out and some days my limited choices of 6 foods are not sitting well and I'm sick of it. I feel like I'm not allowed to say that I'm having a rough day because, "I did this to myself." As an external example, I'm doing great. I've lost 20 pounds in a little over 4 weeks and had lost 30 before surgery. But on the inside I feel like a bad example. I don't know what I have to lose by saying I'm having a bad day but I guess I just don't want to be judged. Just wondering if anyone else feels like this.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear that you had a melt down. I hear things can be a little rough sometimes. I'm only 4 weeks out so I know my time is coming.

    How exciting for you that you didn't turn to food in your need of comfort. That is really great. You are absolutely correct that you have come a long way in your journey. I only can hope that I'm as strong as you are when my time comes.

    Hugs from across the miles.

  3. Hi everyone! Having my sleeve done in Grand Rapids on Sept. 24th by Dr. Baker. Scared and excited at the same time, but so excited to start this journey...... Please pray for a safe surgery and recovery! Anyone else going this day???

    You'll love Dr. Baker. My mother had him for her surgery. I had him my EGD. He was great, really friendly. We had ours done in Petoskey though.

  4. How's everyone doing three weeks out?

    I'm doing pretty well. I'm 47 pounds down, 17 since surgery. Incisions are healing well and I can move pretty freely now. Most of the allowed foods are going down okay but a couple are still problematic. Cottage cheese still hurts and if I don't thin my oatmeal and refried Beans they hurt. I'm looking forward to getting some other types of food though. The shakes are still quite a staple for me but I'm still not quite managing to get all the Protein and Water in.

  5. So I'm almost two weeks or from my sleeve and realized that when I would want to do something with friends or always seemed to revolve around food. We'd either meet for lunch, or dinner, or drinks, or Desserts. This isn't really an option at all, for now. Concerts in my area are few and far between and movies just really don't appeal to me. We've done walking at some different locations. Anybody have any ideas for other friend outings that don't involve food?

  6. Poor thing having to go home with a drain. And for that long- yuck! I'm only 10 days out and I still get tired pretty easily. Saw the doctor at 7 days out and she said that the tiredness is very normal! Your body is trying to heal and you realistically aren't eating that much to power your body.

    Now the pain, I was down on my pain by quite a bit by 4-5 days out. However, if you are trying to do too much too soon, it will likely slow down your healing process. I was lucky to just be able to sit at home with basically no responsibilities but myself, so that may be a huge difference.

  7. I think as long as you are getting up and walking several times a day I can't see the difference. My bed at the hospital was basically positioned just like my recliner at home is. Let me tell you getting out of a recliner is easier than trying to get out of those hospital beds with fresh abdominal incisions. For me, I had to get up and walk at least 4 times a day - even the day of my surgery. I also had two of the stomach Lovenox shots to help prevent clots. They also had those leg squeezy things on when I was in my bed for the first day. I think I was in good shape.

  8. Just me, but I would have told them "eff to the no!" on McDonald's. But that's just me. A month in according to my given meal plan would mean absolutely nothing from McDonald's except their bottled Water. I would think fried anything would absolutely kill your stomach at this point. It really hasn't even healed completely by that point. I'd hold off on the fast food, indefinitely!

  9. I just had my sleeve done 10 days ago. A couple days after surgery I was having icky smelling poops and farts but now I'm back to normal.

    My brother-in-law had the RNY and has the worst problems with not being able to eat certain things and dumping syndrome. He's years out from his surgery.

    Maybe they really mean it when they say Sheet in Sheet out?? :P

  10. How is everyone feeling one week out?

    I'm doing really well. Shockingly well actually. I thought I would be a sack of painful potatoes for much longer than I was. I was expecting c-section type pain and it was nothing close to that, at all. So I was thankful for that. Still not quite getting in all the requested Protein and Water but doc said that was really expected. I've only technically lost 6.5 pounds since surgery but if you add in the 8 pounds I GAINED while I was in the hospital, I've really lost 14.5 pounds. :P

  11. I'm all packed and ready to go for tomorrow. I'm working tonight just to keep my mind off things. I think the anxiety would new worse if I was just sitting at home waiting. I'm hoping I packed enough but not too much that I look like an over prepared pack mule :P luckily we live about 5 miles from the hospital so I'd I really need anything hubby can run home for me.

  12. Honestly, I'm not sure how the doctors manage this surgery without needing to open everyone up. Just operating by that tiny little camera seems really difficult. I've watched a lot of the surgeries on YouTube and I'm constantly amazed that they manage it with such precision.

    I wouldn't be too terribly upset if I had to go full open. I've had a c-section, it sucks but then again diabetes beating down my door sucks too :P

  13. The Psych evals are in place to make sure we are ready. This is a very emotional process, from the start until you are well past goal. They have to make sure that you are going to be able to handle the huge changes and possible emotional roadblocks that will surely come.

    I have Bipolar II and was granted clearance because I had been seeing a counselor all along and haven't had and "episode" in a year. I had also made many of the changes I knew would be coming like giving up soda, not drinking with meals, starting (slowly) to exercise and losing a small amount of weight. Also, I had to do the 6 month medical weight loss requirement so they could keep an eye on me during that time as well.

    I think when going through these evaluations you have to be realistic but also understand the angle they are asking the questions. Don't lie but obviously tailor your answers in a way that seem positive. Think of it like a job interview, you don't tell a potential employer that your worst trait is that you are always late. Again, I'm not saying to rig the game but you have to play it so follow their rules so you can get to goal.

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