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    NessaPooh reacted to BigDaddyJoe for a blog entry, I'm overweight! I'm overweight!   
    Subtitle: I'm no longer obese! I'm no longer obese!
    I never in my life thought I'd be so happy to utter these words! I weighed in this morning at 227.0. That calculates to a BMI of 29.9, and I'm no longer considered obese! I was 227.6 yesterday, so I knew it would be a matter of days.
    In less than 8 short weeks, I've moved from obese to overweight, have cut my blood pressure medication dosage in half, and stopped taking my prescription Prilosec. Next goals: I'm 3 lbs away from losing 50, getting off my BP med completely, and getting off my CPAP machine (AKA the medieval torture device). Another (perhaps less realistic) goal is to lose 7 lbs by May 13. May 13 is my 13th wedding anniversary, and I'd love to get down to the same weight I was then (220). It will be hard, because my weight loss has slowed this past week or so, but I know it's possible.
  2. Like
    NessaPooh reacted to RCN for a blog entry, Orientation 4/15/13   
    So my orientation for the Kaiser Permanente Options program was on Monday April 15, 2013. I had to take my youngest son because of a miscommunication with my husband on who was going to pick him up. Grrr... but regardless, I was able to make it on time.
    I am going towards choosing the vertical sleeve option which seems to be the most effective and less dangerous.
    I'm just really excited to start this process!!!
    - RCN
  3. Like
    NessaPooh reacted to DebDUtah for a blog entry, Frenemy to friend in less than 60 mins.....   
    I thought I should write a follow-up not only for those who are reading this but for continuity when I reflect back on this journey.
    Today I walked into a meeting with a physician who knew nothing about me, nothing about my choices and why I have made the choices I have and why this is the road I am taking. It was not a meeting I was looking forward to. But I took the position that I have a strong belief in which is, "Knowledge is Power". I had the knowledge so I had all the power. The dr. walked in and I made sure I was open pleasant and not defensive and open to what he had to say. He started off trying to talk to me about the bad choices I had made in my life (and yes those were his words). I didn't flinch I let him finish and then I went to town. I basically took this man to school (in a good way lol). My first question was if he was aware of the procedure I was wanting and if he had any experience with patient who wanted them. He said he knew of this "experimental" procedure and its risks. Well I knew right there by his answer he had no idea. So we talked for the better part of an hour and you know what, he had no idea what the sleeve was he thought it was a the DS Switch. After we talked he took my hand and told me that he wished that every patient he saw was as sure of what they wanted and needed in their life, and he said he would do whatever he could to help me succeed. WOW, I was blown away. From frenemy to friends just like that!
    Yet again another example that most of those opposed to us are just lacking the information that we already have. One step closer and I ready for every one of them, bring 'em on.
  4. Like
    NessaPooh reacted to BigDaddyJoe for a blog entry, Starting my pre-op diet   
    So, this morning I started my pre-op diet. I had an 8 oz. chocolate protein shake this morning, and mixed 16 oz. of a strawberry one to bring to work with me. I am trying all of the brands to see which ones I like best. So far, I've tried the vanilla from Costco, and the chocolate and strawberry are 2 different brands my wife picked up at Walgreens, I believe. I am doing the powdered protein, following the nutritionist's recommendations that it be made from whey isolate protein, and 3g or less of carbs. I liked the vanilla, and the chocolate this morning was pretty good too. I will be drinking the strawberry throughout the day today, but have yet to start that. My wife went out to the grocery store to pick up some other things for the diet (not that there are a lot of things to choose from!). I also brought a dannon light yogurt and a V8 juice with me to work. My wife said she picked me up some other 'surprises' at the grocery store for the start of my journey, but I've yet to see what those are.
    This afternoon, I have to go to my final nutritionist appointment, and to my primary/pulmonary doctor for my final pre-op test - a pulmonary stress test. Then that should be it for my pre-op clearances! Thank God my job is understanding about me leaving early or coming in late, and taking days off. I only plan on being out for 6 days (my surgery is on a Friday, plus the entire next week). Hopefully that will be enough. I do have the option of working from home if I'm still having issues when I'm due to go back.
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    NessaPooh reacted to nygurl for a blog entry, on the road..   
    As long of a journey I was expecting this to be....I'm on the way to the hospital right now for surgery.
    I'm excited, nervous, and scared all at the same time....and I'd kill for some breakfast lol. Yesterday was hard, only clear liquids. My Dr didn't provide me with any other preop diet...just to try and lose something and keep walking. I'm not sure how those folks on clear liquids for weeks on end do it!
    Surgery is scheduled for 9:30, I need to be there at 7:30...of course Michigan is dumping a nasty winter mix on us...so now I get to add worrying about being late to everything else...oh well, it's something else to focus on, right?!
    See ya on the flip side
  6. Like
    NessaPooh reacted to abridgie for a blog entry, New!   
    I'm so excited. I've lost 4 pants sizes. I'm fitting into jeans in my closet that i haven't warn in years! Spring break is in a few weeks and we are going to Disneyland can't wait to spend some time in sunny Southern California
  7. Like
    NessaPooh reacted to Lyra for a blog entry, Mirror Mirror On The Wall....Wow! Has It Really Been 10 Months?!?   
    It's been about 10 months since my surgery and I've lost 109.5 pounds total with about 30-40 more to go. It's...strange...being on the downswing of this rather amazing journey. Looking back over everything it's crazy to see how much life has changed in less than a year. I mean, I started out at 280+ pounds and plagued with constant exhaustion of all that extra weight on a 5'5 frame. Now I'm at 171.4 and I run 3+ miles at a time, zumba, kickbox, yoga and am looking into joining a climbing club. Some of the issues over the last 10 months have been harder to deal with than others. For example, I intellectually knew that my hair was probably going to thin but actually standing in the shower with practically hunks of my hair in my hand was....emotionally hard to deal with. For all of those who are just starting this process I highly, highly HIGHLY recommend using Bosley shampoo/conditioner/hair serum to help prevent loss and regrow hair. Expensive, yes, but worth it. It not only slowed the hair loss down but my hair is growing in thicker than ever!
    Another interesting aspect to deal with has been the body/mind disconect. It's just plan weird to go into a store and have no clue where to go or what to start trying on. Your body is melting away so fast (especially in the beginning) that its shocking and you feel like your mind says one thing, the mirror says another, and your body lost 5 lbs during the 2 minutes you were trying on pants and now you have to go back into the store and find a smaller size. Fun, sure, frustrating, definitely.
    In the beginning my weight loss was meteoric. It seemed the only thing I had to do was sneeze and I lost a pound. Once I hit 6 months, it started to slow and while that is sometimes frustrating I think it's also better mentally. I now have a chance to get to know my own body and to actually see where I'm losing weight. I measure inches lost once a month and it's been a great way to see that I'm still making progress even if the scale hasn't really moved. I basically take everything in 10 lb blocks and have little mini goals set to help keep my spirits up during stalls. Oh, and I also need to thank pneumonia. The 170's will always be The Pneumonia 10 since I pretty much zipped through them during 1 week. I finally went to the doctor thinking I had a bad ear infection/sinus infection and found out that I actually had that AND a bad case of pneumonia. Oops? While I wouldn't lie and say that I'm sorry that the 170s kinda just melted away from my fever and lack of interest in food, I would also have preferred not to have the plague. Gotta look on the bright side though, right? At least I now know why I've been so exhausted for the last week.
    So I'm in the bottom bit of the 170s and I can actually see what my body is going to look like. I've been overweight for so long and since before puberty finally let go of me that I'm not exactly sure what my body type is. Hourglass? Lean runner physique? Pear? Delicate southern blossom? Hunchback of Notre Dame? *amused*. Yet now when I look in the mirror I can actually see the line definition of where muscle ends and the layer of chub begins. I can tell that my legs/arms/face are thinning faster than my middle and that the last 20 lbs will all be in my stomach area. My mom carries weight the same way and so it's not that big of a surprise. I have a feeling that those last 20 will be the true "Battle of the Bulge" and will be both frustrating and delightful. I'm actally rather pleased that I think I'm going to get the body type I've always secretly wanted, which is more lean runner with enough feminine curves to be interesting but not be Jessica Rabbit. Both delicate and strong.
    My mind/body disconect has lessened over time and it's getting easier to know that this is me. That when I go out in public that people don't look at me and think "look at that fat girl". When I go to the doctors now I dont get the automatic "you are so obese you have to lose weight" talks from a doctor that is also oftentimes also overweight. (Yeah, anbody else ever notice the double standard of that?). I feel strong within myself and more confident every day. I've learned how to deal with what people say about my weight loss and how to deflect or disregard their comments. Its amazing how many people feel they have a right to comment on weight loss and tell you that it's either 'too fast to be healthy' or that 'you are turning into skin and bones and need to stop'. That last always makes me laugh because I look so thin in comparison to how I looked before, but it's still obvious that I'm carrying extra weight. My basic response to most questions on how I've managed to lose weight is that I had a "Lifeystle change". While I'm not ashamed about having had the surgery I also don't think it's every Tom, D.ick and Harry's business to know. I neither require, nor want, a casual aquiantance's judgement on my choices. And trust me, people have strong opinions one way or the other on having weight loss surgery. There are so many changes in my life that I want to make and this has helped give me the confidence to go after what I want. I want to look back in another year and be as amazed as I am now about how much life can change in a short amount of time.
    For everyone who is thinking about doing this...you will be amazed at how great life can become. I'm not going to lie and say that it was always easy, but it has been worth it and I would do it all over again.
  8. Like
    NessaPooh reacted to atPeace55 for a blog entry, Protein and Bariactric Surgery   
    What is protein and why is it so important? Protein is an essential part of life and it’s found in almost every part of our bodies. It makes up the enzymes that power many of the chemical reactions in the body and the important hemoglobin that carries oxygen in the blood. Appropriately, bariatric surgery or not, its classical meaning is “first importance.” Indeed, the protein heavy diet prescribed after surgery helps the body heal and regain its former strength.
    We’ve all had a sensation of being hungry shortly after a big meal. This is usually a result of eating emptier calories in the form of sugars and saturated fats and foods low in protein. Foods that are high in protein, such as chicken, beef and most beans, slow the movement of food from the stomach into the small intestine and reduce the blood sugar spikes that can be disruptive to the continuity of our day (and eventually cause insulin secretion problems).
    The result of eating a diet high in protein is that you will feel full sooner and stay full longer. Protein also has a secondary effect in that it forces your body to work harder to break down and digest the food you’ve eaten. This means that you’ll burn a few additional calories just by eating the right foods.
    The benefits of eating protein after bariatric surgery are huge. Not all protein is equal though, so check to make sure that what you are eating is a “complete protein,” which means it contains all the amino acids you need.
    So when planning meals after your surgery, make sure you have plenty of protein. You might find that you are not able to consume enough protein to satisfy your daily requirement in which case you speak to your dietitian about supplementing your diet with appropriate bariatric friendly protein shakes. No two people are the same, so stay in touch with your dietitian who will work to make sure you lose weight safely and receive the appropriate nutrition to remain healthy.
  9. Like
    NessaPooh reacted to NikNakMcCants for a blog entry, Appointment Tomorrow   
    I have an appointment tomorrow with my new bariatric surgeon. I have visited my physician and obtained a letter in support of revision surgery. I am also down 4lbs. I know it is not much but at this point I will take whatever I can. I am hoping that I do not have to go through another pysch eval. I am also hoping that my insurance company will take into consideration all of my success and then failure caused by my broken lapband. I am a little nervous and very excited. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I proceed quickly through this revision process.
  10. Like
    NessaPooh reacted to DivaNurse for a blog entry, T-minus 7 hours   
    T minus 7 hours and I am still awake, put a load of clothes in the washer. I am I don't know, I guess I should try and get some sleep. Imma try and lay down for a bit.. Life changes are a trip, good bad and indifference......IM READY
  11. Like
    NessaPooh got a reaction from Leonafire for a blog entry, Relationship Lost   
    I've only had a few fears about going though the whole VSG process, all of them were reserved for life after surgery. Was I going to lose my hair? Will I still be able to have a fun night out with friends? The dreaded loose skin...
    I didn't count on having my relationship go directly in the crapper and all before I even got the surgery.
    After nearly 6 years of seeing a self professed chubby chaser, I naively thought that what he'd be understanding about everything. That I was extremely unhappy about my size and needed this to change. His first response was one of assurance that I was sexy the way that I was and there was no need for me to change.
    Once he saw that was pretty serious about going though with this the reponse was increasingly negative. "You know I don't like skinny chicks" "I don't know how I'm going to feel about you after this" "I'm not going to be attracted to you". Oh silly me, I thought he loved me for me.
    Long story short, 3 weeks ago one evening after I had cooked one of his favorite meals, baked a cheesecake for him (I hate cheesecake) banged his brains out, ran his bath (all things I love doing for the guy I love) we get into a little joking tiff about certain moments where his behavior was a little off over the past year. At least it started as a joke, until he started acting defensive. Red flag. So I didn't fly off the handle, oh no, I calmly said "I'm tired of you treating me like I'm stupid" and walked out. He finishes up in the bath and comes out and says "OK, OK, I screwed some chick" "It wasn't anything, it was just sex"
    GTFO here with that BS.
    I can't say that I was shocked but I'm angry that I didn't follow my first mind when it was screaming at me.
    I'm frustrated that I have to go though this surgery alone now as well. I'm glad that I know now so I can stop wasting valuable time on someone who obviously did not value me enough to be honest, or better yet, to not creep around behind my back.
    I'm a little concerned that I'm not laying in bed in my PJ's with a bowl of ice cream (ok a few bowls of ice cream) or plotting some diabolical revenge senario. It's really unsual for me. Although I did briefly have the urge to throw my cat on his face and hope that his eyes where gouged out.
    Good riddance
  12. Like
    NessaPooh got a reaction from Leonafire for a blog entry, Relationship Lost   
    I've only had a few fears about going though the whole VSG process, all of them were reserved for life after surgery. Was I going to lose my hair? Will I still be able to have a fun night out with friends? The dreaded loose skin...
    I didn't count on having my relationship go directly in the crapper and all before I even got the surgery.
    After nearly 6 years of seeing a self professed chubby chaser, I naively thought that what he'd be understanding about everything. That I was extremely unhappy about my size and needed this to change. His first response was one of assurance that I was sexy the way that I was and there was no need for me to change.
    Once he saw that was pretty serious about going though with this the reponse was increasingly negative. "You know I don't like skinny chicks" "I don't know how I'm going to feel about you after this" "I'm not going to be attracted to you". Oh silly me, I thought he loved me for me.
    Long story short, 3 weeks ago one evening after I had cooked one of his favorite meals, baked a cheesecake for him (I hate cheesecake) banged his brains out, ran his bath (all things I love doing for the guy I love) we get into a little joking tiff about certain moments where his behavior was a little off over the past year. At least it started as a joke, until he started acting defensive. Red flag. So I didn't fly off the handle, oh no, I calmly said "I'm tired of you treating me like I'm stupid" and walked out. He finishes up in the bath and comes out and says "OK, OK, I screwed some chick" "It wasn't anything, it was just sex"
    GTFO here with that BS.
    I can't say that I was shocked but I'm angry that I didn't follow my first mind when it was screaming at me.
    I'm frustrated that I have to go though this surgery alone now as well. I'm glad that I know now so I can stop wasting valuable time on someone who obviously did not value me enough to be honest, or better yet, to not creep around behind my back.
    I'm a little concerned that I'm not laying in bed in my PJ's with a bowl of ice cream (ok a few bowls of ice cream) or plotting some diabolical revenge senario. It's really unsual for me. Although I did briefly have the urge to throw my cat on his face and hope that his eyes where gouged out.
    Good riddance

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