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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by joeygirl

  1. joeygirl

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Well, I go in tomorrow for the big First Fill. I am really excite, and a little nervous too. I will let you all know how it went. Plus, I meet with the dietician for an hour after the fill. I have lots of questions to ask her. I just realized on Friday that I can eat most anything, unfortunately. I was being so cautious up until then. Couldn't take it anymore, so had a brat on a bun, and it went down fine, and was wonderful. Just had to chew good. I haven't tried any tougher meat, steak, chops, etc. I was hoping it wouldn't go down so easy. Haven't been losing much weight. I was eating probably less than 600 calories a day. Heard from someone at weight watchers that if you are eating less than 1000 calories a day it is really hard to loose weight. Your body goes into a starvation mode, and saves all the calories it can. So, I have been eating more regular the last 2 days, and it does feel good not to be hungry. I wonder how much weight they expect you to lose between the surgery and first fill. I am not going to hit 10, unless something wonderful happens during the night. I have no pain at all anymore, but can feel some pulling when I bend over. I have been trying to work a lot in the garden and yard lately, so I am doing a lot of bending. Anyway, good luck to all of you. Nice to keep reading about what everyone is going through. I will let you know how thing went after I get home tomorrow. Wish me luck.:omg:
  2. joeygirl

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Toni, so glad to hear the details of your first fill. Sounds easy enough. I go for mine in one week, July 2. I have been kind of anxious to hear what will happen. Did you talk to the Dr. at all, or just the technician? Good luck, hope the fullness feeling sticks with you.
  3. joeygirl

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Well, it has been 2 weeks and one day since banding. Overall, I am feeling great. Haven't had stomach pain in quite a few days. I still don't know if I have all my energy back yet, but close. I have been doing fine with the eating, and have not felt sick or felt like I have overeaten yet. I am in the mushies now, and really don't get all that hungry. I crave lots of things, but am not hungry. I have been keeping track of my calories the last few days, and it has been under 500 per day. OK, now I am going to bitch. I have only lost 4 lbs. since the surgery. I did much better on the preop diet, lost 17 lbs in 2 weeks, plus, I was eating much more. I can't figure out why I can't loose. I read all these posts of people loosing 15 or more pounds. What am I doing wrong. Is anyone else having this problem. I feel like another poster said, that I may never loose weight no matter how little I eat. I go back to see the dr. for the first time on July 2. I will have a fill then also. I am sure hoping that I will have lose some more in the next week and a half. They will probably think I have really been cheating on the diet. I HAVEN'T, I SWEAR. Any way, glad to hear most all of you are doing good. I read these posts 4 times a day, and feel like I know you all. I hope to hear from some of the June 1st banders when they have their first fill. Good night to all.
  4. joeygirl

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I got banded a week ago tomorrow, and I think I would be up to a road trip now. The pain from the stitches is mostly gone, so sitting isn't a big problem. The only pain I have any more, is when I do a lot bending over. Last night I even was able to sleep on my stomach and both sides with no trouble. I am still on liquids, and finding that it is so hard to go without the chewing. I would give anything for a chip, popcorn, pretzel. Anything crunchy and salty. Today I am going out of town with some friends. I think the main trouble will be finding something to eat on the road. I don't think I will want to sit in Red Lobster and watch everyone else eat my favorite foods. I will have them drop me off at a store nearby. Even most of the soups in restaurants are way to thick for me to eat yet. Anyhow, go on the road trip, watch your son, and have a good time. Just make sure to stop every few hours and walk a little. OH, by the way, I love mexican food also. I have a couple friends who were banded last year, and they all are able to eat mexican, just not as much. They all say the chips go down very easy, and did right fromt he start. Boy do I want chips and salsa now. Got to quit writing about food and go have a Soup to Go for breakfast.
  5. joeygirl

    June 2007 Bandsters

    The morning after the surgery, the nurses gave me my pills whole. They told me I did not have to crush them. I asked my Dr. when he came in to check on me, and he agreed. He said a pill, taken one at a time, would not cause any trouble. So I have been taking pills since Thursday and had no trouble. I try and make sure to drink a lot of water with it. Good luck to all the banders today. I will be thinking and praying for you.
  6. joeygirl

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I was able to take a shower the next morning after the surgery, in the hospital. I was so surprisied when the nurse came and asked if I wanted to take one, but I sure didn't argue. I only have to change the bandage on the port after showering. I would have been miserable to wait 48 hours. I am feeling ok, but still have lots of stomach pain and gas. I was able to start on soups, pudding, yogart and protien shakes today. Nothing really tastes good. I do love the popcicles. May just live on them for a few weeks. I have walked a lot the last 24 hours, around the store, and yard and house. Don't know if it is helping, but it does tire me out. I guess it has only been a little over 3 days since I got out of the OR. Seems like a lot longer. I seemed to gain almost 10 lbs. in the hospital. Still have 6 of it left to loose. Kind of maddening. I am hungry all the time, but when I try to eat or drink it is Yuck.... Oh well, it will get better.
  7. joeygirl

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Well, I too am home safe and sound. Still am having some pain. The hardest part for me is getting comfortable in bed. I was able to take a shower the next morning after the banding in the hospital. That felt wonderful. I have 5 scars also. I have been taking the lortab elixar to help sleep and that it does. It is a wonderful drug. I have not been hungary, but have eaten some broth, popsicles and jello. (Or should I say drank, not eaten). It is all going down fine. I do not miss the diet pop either like I thought I would. I did not give it up even though I was suppose to for the pre op diet. They said it had nothing really to do with the diet, it was just to get you used to not having carbonated bevarages. I figured I would just go cold turket, and it worked fine that way. Plus it made the pre op diet easier. I will be the first to admit that I cheated some days on the pre op. I was allowed 2 low carb shakes and a small meal of meat and veg. I did good during the weekdays, but was hard the two weekends. I had company over a lot, and when you cook for others and have chips, etc. sitting sitting around, it is so hard not to cheat. I did lose 15 lbs., and the surgeon and his nurse thought that was great. They never even knew what a cheater I was. So, if you are having trouble with the post op diet, don't be afraid to snack a little. It we could all follow diets to the t, than none of us would be in this situation. Now that I am home, I see ads on tv, etc, and it makes me want to eat those items, but I know I couldn't if I tried. Not drinking with a meal will be my hardest thing also. I was a big diet soda drinker with each meal. I think it will be worse when going out to eat. I have a friend who had a gastric bypass, and she always orders a drink, but never drinks it. Don't know if just having it sitting there makes her feel secure, but it seems like a waste to me. Medicine is kicking in, so will be off to bed. It is hard for me to lay in one position too long, but can't find any other way to sleep. I have to get up every few hours and move around a bit so that my back does not get to sore. Thanks for all the support. Hope all goes well for the banders today.
  8. joeygirl

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Well, I report to the hospital at 6:00 tomorrow morning. It is finally here. Hope everyone else has good luck tomorrow, and I will be praying for all of you. I won't be home the first night, but will let everyone know how I am doing on Thursday.
  9. joeygirl

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I think it just hit me tonight that I am really having the surgery in a little over 2 days. Not sure what time yet, but hope it is one of the earlier ones. I am starting to get pretty nervous. I was terrible about eating this weekend. It seems like I have no will power when hubby is around and eating normal. I had lost 10 lbs. but am scared to get on the scale in the morning. It has helped to read everyone else's experience. I haven't written, but have been reading for quite some time. HOpe all goes well for everyone tomorrow. Will be waiting to hear from everyone. Good luck.
  10. joeygirl

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Hi am new to these boards. Put me down for June 6. Have been on a high protien, low carb diet for a week now. Have to admit, have cheated a few times, but have still lost 5 lbs. I enjoy reading everyone else's experiences. Good luck to all.

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