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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by dgoerlitz

  1. Also take Biotin - 10,000 mg per day. CVS sells a Biotin and collagen Shampoo & conditioner. Also, my hair started falling out about the time my doctor took me from 2 multi-vitamins a day down to 1 Multi-Vitamin a day (which happened to coincide with my 3 month check-up). I upped my multi-vitamin back to 2 per day, and that seems to have helped a little bit. I am still losing, but not as much. Aside from that, I think the only thing you can do is wait it out. I am at 4 months, 12 days and it has been like this for about a month. They say that it usually stops right around 6 months or so...I am hoping....

  2. Rice is my nemesis. Went to a Japanese steak house with friends a couple of weeks ago. Fell into bad habits of mindlessly eating while talking and ate more rice than I would have if I was paying attention like I should have been. OMG...I was SO SICK! :wacko: I didn't puke, but boy, just the right bump in the road on the way home and it would have been all over. Rice is the only food I have reacted this way to, so...I guess it's no more rice for me. No big deal though...I can still eat the meat and veggies, so I can still get an Asian fix if I want one. :)

  3. Is the point to be able to eat solid foods sooner? You really shouldn't rush the process...it can be a horrible experience to have a leak.

    Once you get on solid foods, you will get full. I am almost 4 months out and I can barely fit in 3/4 cup of anything, and there are several things that I just absolutely can't eat, like rice or Pasta. Denser foods fill you up, so maybe it is "head hunger"/boredom?

    If you go into this thinking you will fail, you will...it will be a self-fulfilling prophecy. The surgery is not a silver bullet, and it makes me sad that someone allowed you to think that it was. The surgery is a tool...and a pretty darn effective one if you can get past the emotional/psychological aspect of food.

    I am/was not an emotional eater, but I am/was a "foodie". I am simply finding other ways to enjoy food now. You still have to work at it with exercise and by saying no to some things. Can you eat a cookie? Sure. Should you eat a whole bag of them? NO...whether you had the surgery or not...it's just that now, you really need to say no so that you don't have to go under the knife again. Why would you put yourself through all of this if you weren't willing to do a little bit of work too? Not being critical...this is just how I think when I see the things that I really like that I can't eat anymore, like rice and Pasta and bread and Desserts. It is simply not worth it to me. I would much rather spend my money doing something fun...and a second surgery doesn't qualify.

  4. Ok...so I am a December 10, 2012 sleever. I am feeling great! I usually eat 5 times a day...about 2-3 hours in between...and only 3 of what I consider a "meal". I start my morning with a cheeze stick and a cup of coffee on the hour long ride to work. Around 9:00 - 9:30 I eat Breakfast - either home made plain yogurt with Special K Protein & a couple of peaches, or just some oatmeal. Around noon I eat lunch. That can vary but usually is based on chicken, tuna, or salmon. I have a snack around 3:00 - 3:30 - usually some home made plain yogurt with some PB2 mixed in, or a Muscle Milk Light bar. And then dinner whenever I get home. I drink Water, Decaf tea, and decaf coffee in between. I usually eat between 800 - 900 calories per day and between 60 - 70 g of protein. Seems to be working...although every now and then I have had to just eat "bad" for a day or two because I seem to get stuck. Eating a little more with a little bit of abandon on very rare occasions seems to jump start me back to losing.

  5. I asked a similar question the other day and fellow sleevers suggested PB2. Its a powdered Peanut Butter protien. You can mix it with protien shakes or in yogurt. I ordered it on Amazon and it has great reviews. Good luck!

    I bought some too this week. I haven't tried it yet though. I haven't had time to make yogurt, so I finally stopped this morning and picked up some Yoplait 2x greek vanilla honey yogurt to try it with. Can't wait til tomorrow! :D

  6. eggs, meat (tuna, salmon & chicken breast give you the most bang for your buck), Peanut Butter, cottage cheese, yogurt (greek is best)...these are all great sources of Protein. I haven't done it myself, but I've seen people talking about adding Protein Powder to their yogurt to boost the protein. Also, the Livestrong website has a pretty good basic list. There are LOTS of high protein meal cookbooks on Amazon, and as I mentioned in another post the other day, there is even a "Dummies" book for people who have had weight loss surgery. There are lots of tasty looking recipes in it.

  7. It only takes about 15 minutes or so to get the milk to temp and back down and mix in the starter. Once that's done, the rest happens on it's own. I usually do it right before I go to bed on a Saturday or Sunday night and then by the time I get up in the morning it is ready for the fridge. If I do it on Sunday night I can even take a jar to work with me Monday morning since it will be in the refrigerator most of the day.

  8. It will be so much easier since you are doing it together! My hubs had the bypass in Sept and I was sleeved in December. It was hard waiting for my own surgery; I felt bad eating regular food in front of him. Everything is SO much easier now that we are both doing the same thing. We support each other, workout together, and because he went first, he was able to help me figure out the first couple of weeks so I could get into a routine before I went back to work (he's retired). You won't regret it and you will definitely be glad to have a "buddy" to go through it with.

  9. So I am almost 3 months out and I am down 2 sizes. :D I haven't bought the newest size though cuz I've paid so much money for my current wardrobe and I am just being cheap. I've always had to shop at places like Lane Bryant, and I feel like I've wasted all that money! I keep having to pull up my jeans (it's annoying, but actually secretly feels great!) and my top is not shrinking quite as fast as my bottom and my legs are. I finally caved and bought new swim suit bottoms for Water aerobics, but I just can't bring myself to buy new tops yet because swimwear is so expensive.

    So...my plan is this weekend to start hitting up places like Goodwill and Salvation Army. If I am going to be dropping sizes this quickly, I am not spending a ton of money on clothes. When I get to my goal....I will definitely splurge, but in the meantime, resale shops are definitely on my horizon.

  10. interesting! how do you make yogurt? Im having trouble finding yogurt without sugar too, and the only other kind is the one with splenda which tastes awful.

    I actually went out and bought a yogurt maker. Mine makes 7, 7.5 oz. jars. You can do it without one, but I was a little nervous and figured a yogurt maker would work best for me. Essentially, you heat milk (I use 1%) to a particular temperature (don't remember for sure what it is), quick cool it back down to 110 degrees, add a starter (can be powdered or just a container of plain yogurt), pour into your jars/containers, put it in the machine and set it for 10 hours, and then refrigerate immediately. They recommend that you don't add any fruit or flavoring until after the yogurt sets, and it keeps for 10 days. You can look for recipes on the internet that don't use a machine...or get a machine. I like it better than what I get from the store, and if I make it plain, which I always do, I can use it for dips or dressings too.

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