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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by dgoerlitz

  1. My doc says no straws and no soda - unless it is flat...ever. No biggie for me, except every once in awhile a soda sounds like it would be good. Straws...not so worried about. I've "accidentally" used one a couple of times with no problem. The issue is the air from a straw could give you gas. For the soda...the carbonation could cause your sleeve to stretch.

  2. Your sleeve is a tool, you still have to be diligent and track your food and pay attention to what you are putting in your mouth. Like RareGold 3000, I also use myfitness pal to track my food, my Water, and my exercise. It is EASY to just eat bad foods all day long. If I am tracking, I hold myself accountable and I make way better choices. I eat about 800 -900 calories a day, with 60-70 g Protein. Using a tracking tool makes it way easier for me to stay on track. It also validates the hard work I am doing when I go to the gym, do water aerobics, and walk.

  3. I still take 2 Senna S in the morning and 2 at night. Also...drink LOTS of water! Helps keep things moving. I am supposed to start using Mirilax instead of the Senna S, but I want to be home when I start using it, just in case it works well. Hopefully this weekend or next I will add the Mirilax to my regimen and start weaning myself off of the Senna S. That's the plan anyways... :)

  4. Yes...I am still on Protonix, otherwise I do have reflux still. Stalling early on is quite common. Be patient. Things will kick in. I have stalled twice...the first time being right around the dreaded 3 week mark. The second time, I was stuck for 3 weeks, but dropped a whole pants size in the meantime. I have been a little bit of a slow loser, but as of this morning I am down 82 lbs. overall and 68 since surgery, in just over 6 months. Never would have happened without the surgery. Remember, the surgery is not a miracle cure...it is a tool. You have to give your body a chance to catch up with what is going on. Again I will quote my doctor...this is a marathon, not a sprint.

  5. Be patient...this works! Everyone appears to go through the 3 week stall. I stalled then for almost 2 weeks...I was SO pissed! Then I stalled again around 3 months...but miraculously I dropped a whole pants size that time. I haven't been losing super fast, but I've lost almost as much as my husband, who had bypass nearly 3 months before I had my sleeve done. My doctor always says...this is a marathon - not a sprint. :D

  6. I make a version of this. I don't cook the zucchini ahead though. It is in the oven long enough to cook. I simply use my original recipe for lasagna and replace the noodles with zucchini. I slice the zucchini with my mandolin and then salt it and let it dry on paper towels for about 1/2 hr or so. Then follow all the other steps. It is SUPER delicious!

  7. I thought that I was going not be able to enjoy food too. Things have changed dramatically. I am becoming a "fuel" eater now. I go for the Protein and I don't mind a few bottles of Water everyday. Can I eat a cookie? Yup! Can I have a piece of birthday cake? Yup! Can I eat pretty much anything I want to - only in MUCH SMALLER portions? Yup! Sometimes I kind of wish I couldn't, and a lot of people can't, but I can. The only things I can't eat now are rice and Pasta. Rice actually makes me physically ill, and I am terrified that pasta will do the same so I just don't eat it. Fortunately I like to cook and I like to experiment a little in the kitchen. Now I make lasagna with zucchini instead of noodles, I eat spaghetti squash instead of spaghetti, and I have actually begun doing a little bit of baking with gluten free recipes and they are quite delicious. I think that perspective might be a part of your decision. It sounds a bit like you are mourning food. It happens to all of us. But rest assured...this too shall pass. I've likened my experience to a new adventure and an opportunity to be a better me and to find new ways to enjoy the food I still love so much! I don't regret my decision for one second, and would do it over again if I had to.

  8. I use my fitness pal and I track everything I eat. It causes me to decide if I am going to eat something bad or not. I don't justify anything...I can't....that's why I got where I was to begin with. The best thing I did though is right after surgery I went through my pantry, freezer, and refrigerator and threw away ALL the bad stuff. I simply got it out of the house and I don't buy it anymore. That's right...no more goldfish, no more chips ahoys, no more big glass of milk with every meal, no more candy, no more chips, no more ice cream.....none of it. If it is not in the house, I can't eat it, right? To curb my sweet tooth, I plan for a Protein bar...that way at least I am getting something from a sweet fix.

    I have also joined some blogs and recipe pages for bariatric patients and weight loss recipes. I focus on Protein. Not very exciting most of the time, but as long as I do well 99% of the time, I can afford a treat every now and then.

  9. My husband had the bypass at the end of September and I had the sleeve at the beginning of December. He is doing amazing...down 80ish pounds and off of nearly all his diabetes meds. I am down 74 pounds. It was...and still is...SO much easier for us to do this together! He went first, so he was a tremendous help the first few days when I was trying to figure out Protein Drinks and stuff like that. We had no problems with our insurance. It really helps us stay accountable too, since we are in this for the long haul and doing it together. At the same time, we are sharing very similar NSVs and really enjoying finding new things we can do together, and being able to do some of the things we used to do together again that we had stopped doing because of our weight.

  10. I view carbs as wasted space, so they are never my first choice. I focus on Protein first, and then veggies or fruit if I can fit them. I do occasionally eat bread and potatoes - but not very much. I can't eat rice...bad mojo there for me since surgery. I've been nervous about Pasta or noodles and have simply skipped them. I think you are doing fine by trying to eat normally, but in much smaller portions. As long as you are hitting your protein & Water you shouldn't worry about it. Do you have a calorie and exercise goal? Sometimes you just need to change things up when you hit a stall. Different types of protein, a change in your exercise routine...things like that.

  11. I take Biotin and I use a biotin & collagen or just a collagen Shampoo and conditioner everyday. Mine was coming out in handfulls, and on some days it still does. My doc told me to go down to one mulit-vitamin a day, but I went back up to 2 a day because I think it helps. They say it stops around the 6 month point. I'll be at 5 months tomorrow, so I hope they are right!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
