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Posts posted by dgoerlitz

  1. Try little changes...walk your child to school and home each day. Get a pedometer. Go walk at the mall or on the high school track. If you have a dog, don't just put them outside to do their business...take them for a quick walk. Move move move. I am 8.5 months out, and exercise is absolutely key to my personal success. Also, I totally agree with Pookeyism...if you couldn't eat it at 3 months then get it out of the house. If I know something is in my house, I feel like I have to eat it...I crave it if I know it is there. If we have guests and I make food I normally wouldn't or if I buy soda or something, I send it home with them. Out of sight out of mind, right?

  2. Some of these more common topics can be found by searching on the key word. I know there is a lot of information out here. The week 3 stall is extremely common and will pass. I know it is frustrating...I questioned the surgery (since I had the choice of this or the bypass)...I questioned what on earth had I done to myself...I questioned my surgeon... Be patient...as I have posted out here several times...my doc keeps reminding me - this is a marathon NOT a sprint. You didn't get fat overnight, so give your body a chance to lose the weight over time so that you have a better chance of keeping it off permanently.

  3. My surgery was 12/10/12. As of this morning I am down 87 lbs! :D Not as fast as some, but not as slow as others, and hopeful that I will hit Onederland sometime in the next 2-3 weeks. I have been stuck for the past month and FINALLY last week broke the stall! I too have lost 1/2 - 1 whole shoe size, depending on the shoes. My hubby isn't thrilled of course, but it is what it is. I also got rid of ALL my old clothes - 15 garbage bags! Gave them to friends who will in turn share what they don't want with a local women's shelter, so I'm feeling even better about all of the wasted money on clothes over the years. I've walked two 5Ks this summer and have two more on my calendar. I've done a little bit of hiking, bought a bicycle, and have been doing Water aerobics religiously for three nights/week. The highlight of my summer will be on Labor Day, when I go up to the Mackinac Bridge and do the annual 5 mile walk across the bridge. I am super excited for that! We drove across the bridge last Labor Day, and knowing already when our surgeries were scheduled, I made a vow to walk the bridge this year. Can't wait!!! :D

  4. I track all the time. Why? Because Cookies and chips and fat and sugar-laden foods all fit! I can only eat about a cup of anything...but if it is a cup of ice cream with hot fudge and whipped cream, that is VERY different than a cup of greek yogurt, right? I need the accountability to myself. Also, since I use My Fitness Pal for tracking, I am able to monitor my Protein, Water, and exercise at the same time, so it is a win win in my case.

  5. Yup...rice, Pasta, and noodles...completely off the menu for me permanently. I had a REALLY bad experience with rice and am afraid the same/similar will happen with pasta or noodles, so I just skip them. Also, all of these things are empty calories. Since you need to focus on Protein might I suggest just sauce and meatballs? Or instead try spaghetti squash...it is delicious roasted with some marinara and a meatball or two. Also, I make lasagna using zucchini slices in place of the lasagna noodles...everything else the same. Also a delicious alternative.

  6. Great point RickM! I always try to pick where we are going to eat ahead of time, and ALWAYS go online and look at the menu if there is one before we go to eat so that I have a plan before I get there. I might change my mind based on daily specials, but I always have the fall back decision.

  7. See Bufflehead's response. At the beginning I went simple...soup, chili, mashed potatoes, that sort of thing. Breakfast is always an option, no matter what time of the day. An egg and some bacon are kind of staples at home too. I am 7 months out now and I usually order chicken...which I NEVER did before surgery. But I also go for fish...or steak if I am in the mood for red meat. I rarely eat hamburgers or hot dogs...nothing fried, if I can help it, and ALWAYS ask for a box right away. Choose your Protein first...don't worry about the sides. I try to not even get them when I can since I don't like wasting food. So like with bfast...one egg, bacon, NO hashbrowns or toast...although once in a while I will get an english muffin and eat half. For a dinner order, I might have chicken and whatever the veg of the day is, and NO potatoes, unless they have sweet potatoes. Lettuce isn't really kind to me, so I usually skip a salad, although I do eat cole slaw if they have it...but never the full portion...too filling...need room for Protein.< /p>

    I usually eat oatmeal with fruit in the morning; a cheese stick for a snack; coffee and Water all morning; leftovers, tuna salad, salmon salad, or turkey/chicken rollups for lunch; a Protein Bar for a p.m. snack (I usually need to for the extra protein to hit my target of 60-70 g/day); some kind of chicken, fish, or beef with a side veg for dinner; more coffee and Water throughout the rest of the day/evening.

    Hope this helps! :)

  8. I don't eat very slowly, but when I am full, I know it. I usually start hiccuping or I just feel uncomfortable. It also depends on the food. chicken usually does it for me...fills me right up. Avocado...not so much...kind of a slider food. And rice/pasta...fugetaboutit...I don't even try (had one bad incident and I am an experiential learner).

  9. Not sure what it is that you are talking about. My doctor gave me a binder when I went for the consultation. It had all the info in it from the types of med used during and after surgery, my eating plan for before/after surgery, recipes, workout tips, etc. I kept it with me the first 2 months and still go back to it occasionally for recipes.

  10. Just bought a new bicycle and have been hiking. Have also done 2 5k's so far this summer (I'm a walker due to back surgery) and have 2 more scheduled, as well as a bike hike. Also, just took some friends to a local tourist area and out-walked everyone in the group for the day! Best of all...I am at a loss about buying clothes. I don't know how to buy clothes not at a plus-sized store. I am really eager to practice, practice, practice though!

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