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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by LovelyLaFleur

  1. I think there are several reasons some genetics I can only loose weight if I have a really strict diet no carbs milk high protien alot like the band diet. I was an outcast as a kid fat with stretch marks so, I felt different then the other kids and sexual abuse right before I got fat. :ater spousal abuse. I used the weight as a protection but, now I can stand up for myself and can deal with the new loss and hope that I can con't to do so

  2. Hi I hope that you're doing well. I'm doing alright a little hungry but, it's worth it:)

    My Dr. put me on a high Protein low fat diet right away and no carbs.

    *veggies, meat (chicken,pork, fish, eggs, lo-fat chess), squash and Beans are also okay.

    *3 liters of Water (one of the hardest things). *liquids : No caffeine no tea, crystal light.

    **NO bread, No milk, No carbonation

    On this portion I lost 7-8 pounds

    10-days before surgery **NO caffien your not supposed to drink it or herbal teas without after surgery so, my doctor said to quit now so I didn't get headaches while I was recovering.

    *Protein shakes made with Water x3 to equal 90grams make sure there is less than 6 grams of cabs.

    *Clear liquids: broth, juice 50/50 with water (there is a new Ocean Spray drink that has less than 5 carbs per serving and is alright so, you don't have to dilute it),

    *sugar free Popsicles, sugar free Jell-o

    **supplements start here too

    1,500 mg of liquid Calcium (Costco)

    3 children's chewable vitamins; Flintstones.

    (Because my labs came back I also started b-12 injections that I do at home once every 2 weeks and Vit D that I chew the liquid out (pre surg you can swallow the pill.

    Post-OP ***No caffien and no soda the carbonation can stretch the pouch and then it can bloat and be very painfull (I had a friend who suffered becasue, she tried)

    One week Clear Liquids (same as above)only try and get in 80 ounces My r. as me us 1ounce cups 10 at a time to help get it in and counted. and supplements

    Supplements change to

    4,500 mg of Calcium and

    4 children's chewable Vitamins

    Week Two Post-op

    Same supplements, same Clear Liquids and

    x2 Protein Shakes (60mg protein) made with only 3.5-4oz. of water. But, you can't drink anything 90 minutes prior to or after the shake. He said to absolutely not drink any pre-made ones, they have to much Fluid in them.

    *Continue to try and drink 3 liters of water but, really there is no time for that I'm just trying to do my best.

    Week 3

    Same as week 2 except you can have two ounces of pureed food (no drink 90 minutes before or after these either)

    Week 4-9 another oz of food and increase to soft foods

    Week 10 and on the three oz an be chicken, fish, hambergur, low-fat cheese etc.... But, never eat with the meals etc

    GOOD LUCK Alanee

  3. I was banded the 19th also. I've been on CL's and will start 60 grams of protien tomorrow with the CL's thank goodness, I was getting hungry yesterday and today as well. I'm getting dry I think that I need to try and push more fluids. Good Luck All.

    I get to star mushies 2oz a day only in another 3weeks.

  4. You don't get to be overnight in Hosp?

    I don't know I had a two hour drive and it was next day. I was so nauseated that I couldn't have made it the same day. But, you may not be like me (I also had my gallbladder out). What kind of car do you have if it's low to the ground rent another one van or suv that sit's up hirer. My port area has hurt so bad that I couldn't twist or sit on low surfaces, let alone get up fom one. Good Luck.

  5. I think that it really depends on the diet plan that goes with this. My Dr. has a really strict plan that goes with it. I think I will have a good sucesss If I stick with his plan!! He said that 70-90% in one year but, he has a really strict diet plan. If you want me to share it with you I can. Good Luck. You will loose more with by-pass becasue they by-pass a lot of your small intestine so the nutrition can not absorbe. With the band you can still absorb everything you put in you and digest it, that's why the diet is so important with the band. Good Luck

  6. <p>My friend had the lapband done she was 345 prior to surgery and she is tall. She is so dang thin now. I mean prob 140. she's prob 5'7. My doctor said that the taller you are the better success. and that A person typically only looses 70%excess weight with the band. and 90% with the by-pass. She choose the band becasue, her insurance didn't pay for the by-pass, It has worked well for her. She had it done 2years ago. But, </p> <p>Good luck with your choice.</p>

  7. I did the same thing the only advise that I cangive you is try and limit your self to eating all the protien you want and no to low carbs. I would go to a seafood buffet at least once a week and eat all of the food I wanted (Meat/Cheese) That way your still going to loose weight and eat a lot I really didn't care if it was low fat or not. GOOD LUCK You'll be fine. I thought that I was the only one to have the LMS (LAST MEAL SYNDROME)

  8. Yes, they are strict. But, I would go to your primary Dr. Who can refer you to a Surgen. I would also submit for Prior approval. WhenI did they wrote me a letter and told me step by step what was needed to qualify. Your on the right track. I know that my Dr. doesn't really like to do the banding if you over 50. GOD LUCK

  9. I thought about having weight loss surgery for at least 12 years signed up once and backed out. Now I'm self pay and in the last 5 years have really worked on my mental psychological stuff (underlying reasons I'm fat) and have decided that I deserve to be happier, thinner and buy cheap cute clothes. Take a inventory of the pros and cons and go from there

  10. I will get mine done soon. But, the menu's that my Dr. sent home with me are really strict for upto 10weeks post op. In fact he said no bread or milk for the rest of my life. and not to drink any fluids 30min before a meal and 60-90 minutes after a meal and then 3lt's of Water the rest of the time. The meals are 1oz of cream of wheat or puree vegi's x3 and x2 protien "mud" shakes. So, I'm not sure if the Dr. didn't give you such a diet or not?

  11. Life with my Significant Other (7years together) Has been interesting. He's a professional Body Builder and although he's been supportive of me and accepting it's been hard because, physically he's perfect to die for and I have felt inadequate (taking a tol on the relationship). When I broached the subject at first he said we can get it off together you don't need that, years later it hasn't helped and finally I just said, I need to get healthy and I won't leave you when I do. He's fine now. I think they can be afraid too.

    The second part take whom you will be most comfortable with on surgery day it's your day. I'm taking a friend. Good Luck

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