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Posts posted by VS-Fat-To-Fit-Girl

  1. I have had another girl pm me saying that he was "creepy" telling her she was beautiful and several other things. She can say it here if she likes but I think the moral here is to know if he says these things let him know right away it is unwanted..

    He did the same to me, but it could also have to do with more the cultural differences too. I didn't feel that he was saying it in a "creepy" kind of way though.. He told me I was beautiful, had beautiful eyes & would look even more amazing once the weight came off. There was another female doctor in the room too though, but I forgot her name. I think it may be that he just says these things to help with the patient's self confidence & to get them excited about losing the weight. I could see though how someone may mistake this for him hitting on them or something, but Idk, I just dont think he means any harm by it.

  2. I also had Dr. Fernando Garcia...

    Pre-op diet - They emailed me a pre-op diet to follow which I was to start 2 weeks prior to surgery (Protein shake for Breakfast, Protein Shake for lunch, small salad & Protein such as chicken for dinner, then 3 days prior start Clear liquids only)

    Post-op diet- They emailed me the post-op diet, but you can also look online for other ideas of what to eat & recipes to make

    Does the Doctor provide pain meds- yes, i was given medication to take for pain & also for gas

    Does the Dr./Nurse speak English clearly - Yes, the drs speak good English & most of the nurses speak good English (I didn't have any communication problems & I don't speak a lick of Spanish except for a few words I learned in highschool)

    Is there a TV and internet in the hospital.- Yes & yes - there are mostly spanish shows though which kinda sucked but every now and then an English speaking show would come on - the hotel has much more English speaking channels

    Do they give a leak test before leaving? Yes, I think it was one in surgery & then one the next day

    How were incisions closed? Will I need a follow up in the states to have something removed - i had staples, which they removed the day before we left & it didnt hurt at all.. Dr. Luna, his assisting dr came to take those out at the hotel..

    Everyone was very sweet & helpful.. Our driver, Samuel was great too. I hope this helps :)

  3. You know, I rarely post on here but I just have to say something. I think it's a little sad that you felt the need to make a post like this. I didn't have $13,000 or more to spend & my insurance doesn't happen to cover this procedure. I researched the heck out of going to MX and looked over hundreds of posts about people's experiences with their drs in MX. It really helped me to make my decision & to choose my doctor, especially when I was making such a big decision about not only having this surgery, but having it in a whole other country. Shame on you for trying to make people feel bad about sharing their experiences...

  4. I did it.. I'll admit it. I just had a food funeral :o

    Tomorrow is when I have to start my two week preop diet... Sooo I went & got my favorite meal - MEXICAN FOOD!! & I ate & ate &....

    Am I doomed to fail? Idk how I'm gonna make it through this two weeks... My whole world has revolved around FOOD.. When I wake up - I automatically think of what I'm gonna eat for breakfast.. at Breakfast I'm thinking about what I'm gonna have for lunch.. & at lunch, well you get the idea.... :/

    Am I the only person who lives this way? Ughh I've battled ALL my life with going up & down in my weight - & never have been able to keep it off... & its because of this darn thing inside me called a stomach. It never gets full! I've always had a hard time stopping when I eat. I always eat the WHOLE meal & THEN SOME... I almost never have left overs... Ughh - Please tell me this surgery is gonna help me with this never full feeling! Please tell me this surgery is gonna work. I know I will have to work at it - but please tell me this surgery is gonna help me get there.... to that skinny girl inside of me!

    lol okay I'm done with my rant - just had to get all that off my chest :)

  5. Okay, so i just have to share my excitement...

    It may not be much to y'all, but I'm super excited :) I have my date set for surgery April 27th in Mexico with Dr. Fernando Garcia & I put in my request for time off to my boss & wasn't sure if it would be approved or not. Well... she just approved it for me! :) Yay! So now I just have to hurry up & get my taxes done so I can afford all of this lol..

    I'm so happy this is all starting to come together :)

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