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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by DGNR8

  1. I appreciate the feedback, guys. I have been informed previously on the extensive damage and pain that acid can cause. This is why I take a Prevacid chewable daily and keep a bottle of Maalox with me at all times. This pain is something altogether different though. This isn't the stabbing or hot searing pain or burning that others have described. This is like being violently beaten in the stomach. Like being hit by a car... and it is severe enough that it has sent me into shock 3 times now.

  2. I am not currently taking any pain medications as my surgeon refuses to write any prescriptions for pain, so I'm forced to just live with it, which has made functioning normally extremely difficult. Nobody really understands the extent of my pain, not even my wife. It is an absolute fight to stay positive a lot of the time.

    I have tried many many different drink supplements, including Carnation Instant Breakfast, Myoplex and SEVERAL others. They all give me pain, but because of my particular sensitivity to regular liquids, they also make me quite sick.

    I am on a daily Prevacid chewable, which I take religiously in fear of those awful flare-ups because I don't know what causes them. What makes this situation worse is that my surgeon, who'm I don't care to ever return to, is a 4 hour drive from my home making it much more difficult to have anything done or get anyone else to treat me. Every doctor I see says "You need to follow up with your surgeon." Once they understand it isn't possible, they explain their hesitance about following HIS work.

  3. My name is Mikell Toms and I had my gastric sleeve procedure performed in early August of 2012. In the time since, I have lost about 130 pounds, having started at 475 pounds and at my most recent weigh-in registering at just over 345. I am eternally grateful for the weight that I've lost, but I struggle with whether it was the right decision.

    When I met my surgeon, Dr. W.Turton, I immediately took a disliking to him. He seemed disingenuous and sometimes even confused, interested more in flirting with my mother who accompanied me for support than in meeting or speaking with me. I was reassured, even pressured, into moving forward. Despite my reservations, I realized how badly I was in need of help and also how precious this opportunity was. With all the stresses of psychological and dietary evaluations behind us, and with the insurance company (BC/BS) firmly behind us, I went in nervous but resolute.

    Every day since has been difficult, though not in the way you'd expect.

    I knew the coming weeks post-op would be challenging. The liquid diet, the pain management, the struggle to understand and adjust to a new lifestyle... they were only a few of the things that I would face, but I was ready and eager to face them head on, balls out. I was set on making steady progress, which I did for the first several weeks. The wounds healed... but that seems to be where it stopped. Something that I'd noticed very early on was that my pain never went away. Though it would dull at times, the pain in my stomach post-op has stayed with me to this day, 5 months out. It is constant, always on and unrelenting. In addition to the pain, I developed many other problems. While the portion of your stomach responsible for secreting the hormone causing you to feel hunger is removed and You are expected to feel less hunger, my hunger went into hyper drive. Imagine the hungriest you've ever felt in your life, the gnashing, burningly nauseating feeling that twists and feels as though it penetrates your spine... that's how I feel every moment of every day, but with a steady pain on top. My hair falls out in hand fulls and my teeth are rotting out of my head, but at least we know why... I am always malnurished. Why? Because of another complication. I can barely eat.

    As of this posting, I have had about 8 thin slices of cucumber in the past 5 days. Any more and my pain becomes severe. I have developed these strange flare-ups that are so painful they send me into shock, and while I have had approx. 10 of these, twice they have sent me to the emergency room. I've had complete labs (blood work) drawn, over a dozen X-ray, a full CT scan, 2 barium swallows and several assorted tests done to determine the cause, but nothing is ever found. I was directed by the physician in the ER to contact my surgeon for a follow up and pain medication. When I did, the surgeon, who had already ignored my complaints of pain and an inability to eat, called me a liar and refused to contact the ER or the physician who cared for me. At this point it seems my only hope is an EGD, which I have an appointment for soon, but I must admit I do not have high hopes.

    I had this surgery in hopes that it would improve my quality of life, that I could be healthier, and that I could live happier. Since surgery I live with constant, crippling pain, horrifying flare-ups, a non-existant diet, teeth and hair falling out and a doctor who doesn't care. It was definitely not worth losing 2 shirt sizes.

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