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Everything posted by kiki1196

  1. This is just a rant so please don't blast me out of the water... I know that the sleeve is only a tool and I still have to make the choice to not eat "slider" foods or too many carbs, sugar, fats... If I had that kind of will power would I have even needed this surgery? Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for the restrictions the sleeve provides me, very much! However, as certain stresses have come up so has my desire for my comfort foods! How do I stop myself? What is there to replace the food? There is nothing physical to stop me from downing a bag of potato chips if they they can just "slide" through. I've done a lot of research and went into this as well informed as possible. I just didn't expect things to be so "normal" this early out. Again, this is just a rant to get it off my chest. Please don't roast me over an open fire about dealing with my food issues. I'm really trying!!
  2. kiki1196

    No will power!

    Thank you everyone for understanding!
  3. I would make sure the surgeon and the anesthesiologist knows what you've taken prior to surgery. I'd actually be more concerned about the gummy bears consumed less than 24 hours before surgery. Best of luck in your journey. Keep us posted.
  4. kiki1196

    Major nsv!

  5. kiki1196

    My wagon got a flat tire..

    Fix that tire and keep on truckin'
  6. I felt much the same way as you do. I made up my mind to do it so my family would stop worrying so much my many health issues. I knew I could do it pre-op. Then came post-op!! I went through major food withdrawals and mourned not eating everything in site. I would cry it was so bad! Then about 2-3 weeks post-op it started to ease a little bit. Now that I'm coming up on 6 weeks I don't mourn a thing! Most of my old foods actually sound disgusting to me. My point is, you will be ok with this new way of life. It's tough, just like kicking any addiction, but once that is over its fun and exciting eating new healthy foods. Remember, you will have your favorite foods again, if you want them. All in good time. As someone told me on here, what have those foods done for you? Made you fat and unhealthy! Why give them any more thought Good luck on your journey. You will find a lot of support here to get you through the tough times! All my best!
  7. kiki1196

    What was i thinking

    If it doesn't sit well this time, try again in a week or two. As long as you eat slowly. Eating too fast always gets me no matter what it is.
  8. kiki1196

    All Checked In

    Congratulations on the start of your new life!
  9. Cooked chicken breast in the crock pot, shredded it and poured buffalo sauce on top. So good!!
  10. kiki1196

    Today, i kissed myself! :$

    So happy for you! I've long hated myself for various reasons, one of them from letting myself get so fat and unhealthy. I can't wait to get rid of that monkey on my back and be able to forgive myself and be proud of how I treat my body, not ashamed. Thank you for your beautiful post!!
  11. kiki1196

    Best nsv so far!

    That is so great! I love to hear it!! Way to go Mama!!
  12. kiki1196

    Busy Weekend - Help

    I have an extremely busy weekend with sporadic access to a kitchen or being able to sit for a meal. What kind of foods are easy, portable and don't need refrigeration. I'm 5 weeks out and on regular foods. Any suggestions are appreciated.
  13. kiki1196

    Busy Weekend - Help

    Thanks Gemini. Your suggestions sound yummy but no coolers are allowed It's a bummer. I have a kitchen in my hotel room but will barely be there all weekend except for breakfast and late dinners.
  14. kiki1196

    Busy Weekend - Help

    Thanks Laura! Great ideas, perfect for what I need.
  15. kiki1196

    Questions plz

    It's not your fault!! You just had major surgery! Give your body and mind a chance to heal and adjust. As others have said, just concentrate on liquids and protein. You WILL feel better soon. You basically had a whole (well 85%) organ removed!! Relax, you will be ok and feel more like eating soon.
  16. At only 5 weeks out I have to admit I've had my doubts about my decision. However, as everyone says, it gets better everyday so I have hope I will be just in love with my sleeve as most. Being in a current stall doesn't help but I'm not letting it depress me. I'm staying on track and believe the people who say it WILL break
  17. kiki1196

    Feels like a hit by a bus

    They can give you something for the nausea. Take the meds offered to you, they are worth it. Each day gets better and better, have faith. As for the driving, you can drive when you are no longer on narcotic pain meds and are able to look over your shoulder (to check your blind spot) without pain. I took about a week or week and a half. Others go back to driving sooner. All depends on your meds and how you feel. Hang in there! You will feel great soon!
  18. Congrats on your NSVS! Those feel just as good as seeing the scale move down. So happy for you!
  19. kiki1196

    infected incisions

    I'm 4 weeks post op as well and yesterday I pulled out a bit of suture line from one of my incisions! It was so creepy!! I didn't get an infection but it was still weird Hope you heal up fast!!
  20. We have the same surgery date and I am always so hungry as well. Nothing seems to keep me full for long, 1-2 hours max! I'm searching through different threads to try and find an answer but I haven't found any yet. I'm trying so hard to stay below 800 calories but I'm starving!
  21. kiki1196


    Friends of mine have a three year old and newborn twins and are managing pretty well with a lot of family help. I would be pulling my own hair out Two is good so they always have a sparing partner... I mean buddie
  22. kiki1196


    I agree with Laura, 2 is a good number and I, personally wouldn't have any more. If you don't stay right on top of them they can be messy little creatures but still a lot of fun.
  23. kiki1196

    Sooooooo frustrated!

    Congrats! Be well and keep us posted on your progress.
  24. Congrats!! It feels good doesn't it?!?!
  25. kiki1196

    Bickering on threads

    I agree that reading the bickering just stresses me out! Then I want to eat!

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