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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by busybeingme

  1. busybeingme

    PCOS sisterhood.

  2. busybeingme

    I survived! ! {°;°} !

    That's great!
  3. busybeingme

    Maryland Support Groups?

    Of course! We would love to hear your story and everything you went through and how your doing now... The group is very open. Our nutritionist runs the group and she has guest speakers... Feb we are having a personal trainer, march meeting a plastic surgeon is coming so we can discuss the ...Excess skin issue. I say come on! We are even thinking of adding additional meets per month as the group grows... We had a new person join us who had surgery at Johns Hopkins bay view.
  4. busybeingme

    Medical alert bracelets! GET THEM!

    Well that's good to know, my surgeon told us that the tube can puncture the stomach since it is not the same shape or size... But I guess everyone should remember to discuss with their own MD.
  5. busybeingme

    Medical alert bracelets! GET THEM!

    I found a web site: laurenshope.com. They have men's, ladies... Classic, fashion, necklaces, dog tags... To fit all budgets and tastes... I am going to order mine and my husbands from here...
  6. busybeingme

    PCOS sisterhood.

    Congrats in your 60lbs!! Well let's hope that things change...
  7. busybeingme

    Question fot the Ladies

    This feed has made my morning!! I love all the responses! Just to chime in... Short or shaven... Long and combed its all personal preference. For the modern gal I would go with short, groomed or shaven... For a more mature gal...more natural but maintained and clean! Good luck!! ????
  8. busybeingme

    This May Be Inappropriate, Forgive Me :)

    I'm so glad I found this feed... First I'm sitting here giggling... Second: I'm really excited to find this info out for men and women bc I'm having my sleeve done in march and my husband is having his done over the summer... Our sex life kinda sucks we both have low drives and we get winded.. (TMI) he has ED and I am so hoping that it goes away after surgery, bonus he will gain inches.. ????????
  9. busybeingme

    Anyone Not Tell Family Or Friends?

    *Hope this post does not offend anyone*... I am on the fence about this topic. I have only told select family members (brother, mother, husband, grandmother) and a very very select few friends. The ones who I know will give me positive support and so far except for one person the few have been positive. I will tell all my coworkers right before surgery, because I work night shift and we all eat together. They are starting to notice my change in food choices and portion sizes. I almost slipped in front of my whole shift one night at lunch and I just giggled... A few asked me was I having surgery was I ok.. And I just said with a strait face "ok... Here it is... I'm having a sex change operation. I want to have a penis just for a few days, then I'm having it reversed) everyone who knows me what a joker I am and just laughed.... I'm not ready to tell yet. It took me about 2 years to decide to have this done and my whole process from initial consult to surgery 3 months. I am 9 weeks from surgery.
  10. busybeingme

    Maryland Support Groups?

    Hi! I'm getting sleeved on march 20 and my doc is here at Anne Arundel medical center. (Anne arundel co) We have a support group here in the health science Pav. Once per month. Hope to see you.... If you go to the hosp. Main web site you will see a link for support groups put in bariatric it will pop up! I hope this info helps you out.
  11. busybeingme

    DC/MD/VA sleevers

    I live in Annapolis. Dr. Gandsas is doing my sleeve at Anne Arundel medical center on march 20. If you look in aahs.org there is a link for a support group that meets monthly in the health science Pav. It's free!!
  12. busybeingme

    surgery @ 8 am tomorrow.

    You are going to be great! Deep breath! You can do this your journey in life has taken you to this point... Tomorrow at 0800 you start the next journey a new life for you and your son. Hold trust in your surgeons hands and your OR team. Think happy and positive! Tomorrow night we will all be looking forward to hearing your tails of post op day 1!!
  13. Tomorrow (1-14) is my upper gi, abdominal u/s and first set of chest X-rays.... I will not lie I'm a little scared. I'm going alone. I know it's no big deal but I'm showing high anxiety and my stress eat wants to kick in. I am on a fat free diet for 24 hrs.. Normally no big deal but my stress response is making me crazy. This is just the first few steps in my process. I have a surgery date of march 20. I've already done my sleep study, started small plate living, limiting soda, no fast food... I have already started PT and tue is my first support group meeting. I kinda feel like I need a sponsor to talk me down or something...
  14. busybeingme

    The FLU!

    Rub Vicks on your feet, then put socks in before bed... Your cough will go away..not sure why it works but it does.
  15. busybeingme

    1st week

    In the past I did a Protein diet... And it is all liquid Proteins for a week or so... Getting through the first 3-5 days is the key. You body has to adjust and it will. Drink hot tea when you feel a headache. have a glass or real cold Water when your feeling a little hungry. Drink it slow... You can do it. Post surgical success depends on your pre surgical planning... You got this!!
  16. Hello! I am now 9 weeks until surgery and I'm getting a little nervous. I am 170 lbs over weight. I have been starting to go off of soda and caffeine. I am eating on smaller plates, and not using stars. I have been doing everything I am suppose to do. My Dr. Has a whole program we follow, that includes monthly visits to a nutritionist, weekly PT before and after, plus all the normal hoops. Our area also has monthly support group to attend. I enjoying reading everyone's stories and I'm real happy that I feel I am not alone on this journey.
  17. busybeingme

    We have to have a drain tube?

    I have been told that I will have a drain. It's to help pull fluid out of the wound, it helps to lesson the chance of infection.
  18. busybeingme

    Bariatric Surgery Do's And Don'ts

    This was so helpful for me. My surgery is march 20, 2013 and I'm getting a little nervous. I'm super excited but I know that this life changing.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
