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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by raggmopp68

  1. I haven't been on in while either, since surgery in March. The whole insurance game is a real drag! As for finding a doctor who takes medicare, seems they are all slowly shying away from it. Don't understand it, seems having medicare just doesn't pay sometimes. I wish you all the luck in this journey.

    Support from friends and family is soooo important to our success. Why are they not supportive of you in this endeavor? Seems a very selfish stance on their part, if you ask me. Proving them wrong may just be the way you will need to react to their negativity. Show everyone that you can be successful and happy and just fine with or without their support. Then when they need you support, be indifferent. Passive Aggressive, I know, but sometimes people just make me mad. It's easy for others to judge when it's not them that is going through the struggle. They just don't understand or don't want to. YOU ARE WORTH IT!!! Remember that. We have been living in a type of prison and we are ready to be free and enjoy life the best we can with the limitations of our illnesses. We no longer need the limitations of being overweight.

    I have only lost 40 pounds since March 28 and I admit I thought I could cheat the system a bit. I am now back on track and have lost 3 lbs in 3 days. Due to having MS and it's summer, I do not exercise like I'm supposed to, but as soon as it cools down, I have promised myself to get back into it. The hardest part of the whole thing for me.

    Just know that the only person that matters right now is YOU and forget about everyone else. You can do it!

  2. I agree, the waiting to finally get the surgery is hard. The day of was no big deal, the 24 hrs following, I felt pretty yucky. I'm 3 days post-op and feeling better each day. Am looking forward to full-liquids tomorrow. broth just isn't palatable, but I'm thinking creamy chicken Soup will be as well as the Protein Shakes, I really like them...as least I did before surgery. Good luck, and I just keep thinking "Nothing tastes as good as being thin and healthy feels"

  3. Well, here goes!! Still fighting a cold, praying for a clear chest x-ray at hospital. They say it's still on for 1:45 today. I am soooo ready for this. Just want to get on with the beginning of the rest of my life as a thin person, an active person, a happy person. See you on the other side :)

  4. Congratulations on your decision. I am close to your age and at a similar weight with a 13 year old. I had my surgery on December 26th and have almost lost 30 pounds. It is a life changing experience, and will be a challenge at first. You will be happy with the surgery, keep me posted on your progress. :-)

    Well, I see the doctor on Feb 21 to schedule the surgery, I have my psych exam this morning and will be so excited to finally be on the other side of this venture. It's Feb 15, how much have lost now? It's so great to watch everyone's progress and all of the positive feedback. Some not so positive, but mostly very encouraging. Be Well:)

  5. Seems that you all have one or more of the same issues. I don't have any of those, but I do have MS. My right leg has incredible tone which makes it very difficult to walk. I use a cane due to balance issues and falling often. I am terribly lucky to not have pain. I do have restless legs which is under control as long as I take my Mirapex. I refuse to take any of the MS therapies due to the side effects and the fact that they don't make any of the current symptoms go away.I can't wait for my surgery because carrying all this extra weight makes it even more difficult to move a round and it's exhausting. Thanks for this group.

  6. My name is Nicole, 45 yrs old, 250 lbs. My heaviest ever. I've struggled with my weight since my early 20's. I was diagnosed with MS in 2004 and since then have put on weight consistently. I kept telling myself "by my next birthday..." Well, many birthdays have come and gone. I started thinking about surgery a year and a half ago and my insurance would have paid for it, but the criteria was near to impossible to meet. I have since gained a terrific job with 'Cadillac' insurance that will cover it easily. The final straw was that my knees are shot, my mobility is like an 80 year old at times, I now have sleep apnea and have to use a CPAP.

    Portion Control has always been my enemy. My friends ask, "Why can't you just do the diet portion of the surgery without doing the surgery it self?" Because I obviously do not have that kind of will power. Knowing that if I overeat with the sleeve, 'dumping', 'pouch stretching', or any number of unpleasant things can happen will keep me in check. I have tried many diets...many times and I feel the sleeve is my last hope.

    My father is obese with diabetes, my grandmother was obese with diabetes and I'm built just like them both. I need to get a handle on this weight so that I can enjoy the second half of my life. I have wasted a lot of mine and my families time with being unable to do things like hiking (knee pain), Disneyland (too much walking), and going to the beach (not about to put on a suit). I have a 12 year old daughter who I know is not happy about my being tired all the time and unable to do the things her friend's mom's do with them.

    I have finally decided that it's time to get real about my weight and do something about it. The sleeve is for me and reading all of your stories has really helped solidify this decision.

    I'm 2 months away from surgery and can't wait to begin working on the new me.

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