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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by anne43

  1. My food tolerance varies with the day- my band is very fickle - and one day I can eat everything -and the next everything gets stuck - my main foods I avoid are bread as in sandwiches or just bread- so sub sandwiches are out -and I do miss those -white chicken - unless really lubed up with a bunch of sauce- and salads - they used to be a never, no way food - which believe it or not I missed them -but lately I can have them if the lettuce is shredded and I use a lot of dressing...and eggs - scrambled or anyway - had a very bad stuck episode with eggs...foods I can almost always eat - steak, hamburger, crackers, anything soft or mushie, chicken nuggets that are processed - tortilla chips -

  2. Wow -you do seem to have a lot going on. I can offere a little advice - first off- it sounds like you could use a little medical help - anxiety attacks are brought on by a chemical imbalance - you are producing too much serotonin - and you produce even more when you become stressed or have anxiety -which makes it a vicious cycle -also - you sound pretty depressed. You may want to consider taking some antidepressant medication for a while - to get the chemicals turned around in your body - I too have anxiety attacks - suffered from them terribly for a while - finally my doc put me on zoloft - I took it for about 6 months - then was able to go off of it - and now I just take ativan prn(when needed) - to head off the attacks - I usually only need a few a month now - been doing this for about 20 years- it just seems to work for me - the zoloft got the chemicals turned around - the ativan keeps them from getting out of whack again. As for your other issues- every wife/mother goes through times like you are going through - and every marriage goes through a period like that too - I wouldn't be too hard on your dh - maybe you are not being very receptive - because you feel so unattractive - I know when I was at my highest weight - I couldn't even fake feeling sexy - and I too blamed him for not wanting me because I was fat - but here I was -griping at him all the time - dressing like a nun -and acting like a shrew - no wonder he didn't want me - and as for being a stay at home mom - god bless you honey - I teach and I stay home all summer - it is a thankless job - and would drive me nuts if I did it all the time -I can't wait to be back at work - it is soooo much easier being a working mom! Take heart - you are doing somthing for yourself and your family that will be the best thing you could do for them - getting yourself healthy - inside and out! And yes, come here and vent often -it does help! Hang in - Anne:smile2:

  3. I had my band 2 years ago -and my insurance covered it - we have since changed insurances and now my new insurance says it will cover nothing that has anything to do with wls or complications from it - I guess my worry it now what happens if I should ever have any complications and require more surgery or band removal? I really don't have enough money to cover thousands of dollars if I would need emergency surgery or even something small like a port revision - should this be a consideration for everyone who is getting the band - even when it is covered by insurance - that one day your insurance may change and anything arising from the band would not be covered? I guess I had never considered this - and wanted to be sure that everyone else does - I mean I knew I would have to pay for fills and such - but never considered the possibility that I may have to pay for a revision surgery. I don't as of now - and hopefully never would -but I have thought and worried about it.

  4. I had my band paid for by insurance - but we have since changed insurance companies and our new insurance says specifically it does not cover any surgery for obesity - now it covers all other dependancy problems - drug, alcohol, smoking - any other addiction -but it will not cover obesity - don't you think that is discrimination based on a person's weight - and don't you think a lawyer wouldn't have jumped all over this before now? I have always just wondered if anyone has ever tried to sue an insurance company for discrimination based on denial of benefits - :P

  5. My bf is in the same boat - she has been my biggest champion when it came to my decision to do this - she supported me and went to all my appts with me - we even drove through a horrific snow storm to get to one - and she had to go to the bathroom so bad and we were stuck on the freeway - all we could do was laugh and it just made her situation worse - we went through a lot - anyway - she even went through the 2 week liquid diet with me - all though she drew the line at doing the whole colon cleanse thing - lol - but as I lost weight - and she didnt - it has put a space in our friendship. We are still bf - and she still supports me, but I think she is envious because I could do the surgery (my insurance paid for it ) and hers won't. I have kept my surgery very private and only she and my husband know about it - no one else does - and it has been 2 years- she shared with me the other day it is frustrating for her - because her family (kids and hubby) are constantly holding me up to her and saying look how good I have done with my diet and why can't she do it - I guess I am a real hero to them - and she can't say a word because I have asked her not to tell anyone. I did remind her that this isn't an easy way out - in fact it is one of the hardest things I have ever done - but it made losing weight doable. I try not to talk about it too much - support her when I can - I know she has gained quite a bit this past year - and doens't seem to even try and do anything about it -although she says she wants to - it is sooo unfair that insurance companies can discriminate against overweight people...I guess all we can do is support and sympathize - as we know what it is like.... it does break my heart that I can't do more for her. Anne

  6. You are about to undergo a life altering event - it is only natural to be totally freaked out - I remember thinking on the way to the hospital that I still had time to change my mind - and physically putting my fist in my mouth to keep from yelling at my husband to stop and turn the car around - I am over 2 years out- down 70lbs -have about 30 to go - and I have never looked back and never had one regret - life is so much better- I feel better - I am more confidnent - and I know I could not have done this without this tool -I have tried umpteen million times before - I feel very lucky and fortunate that I was able to do this -and guess what - my life isn't soo different - sure I eat less then I did - but I can still have my favs in small amounts - I eat like a normal person now - I am a slower loser - but that is ok with me - I went from a size 22-24 to a 14w - and even those are getting too big - and to be honest, I don't exercise like I should - I am trying to change that and have begun walking with my dh to try and get the last 30lb off - but I still don't love exercise! good luck -it will all be good! Anne:thumbup:

  7. Breakfast - I made a quesidilla with low carb tortilla sprayed with pam spray -added feta cheese, 1 slice montery jack -a small campari Tomato and 2 slices turkey bacon - it was to die for - browned it in a pan -

    lunch - probably just some hummus and lf wheat thins- maybe a salad - and a banana-am trying to up my protein..

    dinner - not sure yet what I am in the mood for -need to up my Protein for sure....

    S - usually a glass of wine -

  8. I had a glass of wine 3 days after my surgery -afterall I was on a liquid diet - and wine is a liquid. :thumbdown: Anyway - I do drink with my band - I have a glass of red wine every night - some nights more- Ienjoy my wine - and red merlot or a dry wine is lower in sugar - it is my one treat I allow myself - I did have to adjust what I drank in the beginning as I wasn't eating much - and I was losing weight - so I couldn't tolerate what I used to be able to - woke up feeling not so hot a few times and got it figured out - I do try and stick to wine - although on occasion I will have a margarita or martini - those have too much sugar in them so I save them for special occasions... your weight loss may be a little slower -but this is a lifestyle not a diet - so don't do things that make you miserable. Anne

  9. For Breakfast -banana and coffee and active yogurt

    lunch - I made an incredible chicken bacon ranch salad- with campari tomatoes, grilled chicken, turkey bacon, cucumbers, beets and of lite ranch dressing - had extra time today so treated myself - oh yeah and feta cheese.< /p>

    dinner - not sure yet - probably some kind of chicken and maybe some grilled veggies -

    snack - hummus or hot peppers on low fat wheat thins

  10. wine is a part of my life - I do know that when I was a die hard adkins person -the adkins guru himself recommended a glass of a dry red wine a day and said that the people who followed that actually lost more weight then those that didn't. Now I don't know if he had any basis to say that - but it made me happy!:) I drink a glass (sometimes 2) of red merlot wine a day. It is my one treat and indulgance - I am not much of a sugar person, I try and make good choices throughout the day - and in the evening if I have done my exercise and ate well thorughout the day I have a glass of wine - and sit down and relax. You gotta do what you gotta do to enjoy life and live - one can't live on Protein Water for life! Cheers - btw my favorite wine is cheap chuck - or 2 buck chuck - which is actually called Charles Shaw and is only available at Trader Joes - an excellent wine - never gives me a headache - tastes better then most expensive wines - and I can get a case of it in Ohio for around 40$. Anne

  11. Hummus is a brown, creamy dip type of thing. It is kinda an acquired taste- but it is very good. Some people make it with lots of spice- like garlic or roasted red pepper or pine nuts - it has mediterrian undertones -with lemon and tahini in it - but it is kinda hard to describe the taste - it isn't spicy (hot) or sweet it has a very unique flavor- you can get a small tub of it at any grocery store - Sabre is the best brand - and you can eat it with crackers, veggies or tortilla chips - some people spread it on a peice of bread as in a sandwich spread - it is usually in with the spreadable cheeses and sour cream and feta cheese and chip dips. Hope that helped! Give it a try - a few times - and see if you like it - it is a little higher in fat (some brands) but very high in Fiber and Protein - so well worth it. Anne

  12. Most often it is not how much you are eating - but what you are eating - you may not be eating enough - but try upping your Protein - limiting your sugar and carbs to a bare minimum - and drink, drink drink lots of H20 - that may help - if you don't eat enough you won't lose weight - your body starts holding on for dear life - remember this is a lifetime journey - it doesn't happen overnight - so enjoy all the small nsv you are sure to be experienceing -and enjoy the ride down - it is all good - and you will have many stalls along the way - just take them as giving your body time to adjust - you will start losing again soon. Just make sure you aren't eating absently - or picking - or taking in liquid calories... write down for a day or 2 everything that goes in your mouth - and you may see any problems that are there - hang in t here Anne:smile2:

  13. I love hummus - it is my go to snack when I am hungry - and it hits the spot - soft tortillas almost always get stuck -so I use reduced fat wheat thins for my hummus - or I bake up my own crispy whole wheat tortillas by spraying them with pam spray and putting them in the oven for 10 miinutes or so - I usually buy my hummus from sam's - the sabre brand is the best - but when I make my own I use chick peas- 1can is good - micro them to soften them up for a minute or so, then puree them in food processor with about 1 tb of tahini paste (you can omit it if you want, adds calories but does give it some flavor - it is sesame paste, or you can use less if you want) then add lemon juice - about 1 tb and garlic (I like a lot of garlic- do as much as you like) and as you are processing all that add a stream of olive oil - maybe 1 TB or so - and process until it is smooth. You don't really need much oil - it just makes it smoother and creamier - sorry this isn't specific - but it is a matter of taste more then anything - oh yeah - add salt to taste too... play around with it and you will come up with the perfect adjusted seasonings for you. Enjoy! Anne:thumbup:

  14. I am on the run quite a bit so I do have fast food more then I should - I like the fresco taco from taco bell - lower fat version then their original - although it has to be on a hard shell - soft tortillas don't work for me. I also usually get nuggets at other places - if they aren't too breaded - arby's are too much breading- usually I get a kids meal and just have 4 nuggets and iced tea - somedays I will have a fry or 2 but more often then not they don't go down very welll. Wendy's has the easiest to eat chicken - it is very processed.... if I am really tight I stick with Soups. Even 2 years later I still get a Big Mac craving - but I tried it one time - thought just a bite or 2 and boy was that a mistake -won't make it again! Anne

  15. Hello - my name is Anne and I got the lapband on my 43 birthday - over 2 years ago. Dr. Chand was my doctor at the Cleveland Clinic - and he did a great job - I haven't had any problems - and have lost about 70lb. I need to lose about 100lb total to be at my goal weight - and I have been at a stall for the past 6 months or so - I have only ever had 2 fills, the last being over a year and a half ago. I still have good restriction - somedays too good -:) so I don't feel my stall is from lack of restriction - I still can only eat small amounts - but my choices haven't been the best and I have been picking on slider food - crackers and chips are my huge down fall - I am determined to get it back on track this summer and want to lose 10lbs by Sept when I go back to school. I am a teacher - and have 3 children - am married 23 years tommorrow to a pretty awsome guy. We are both off all summer - and we enjoy going on our boat, camping and taking our kids to swim meets and softball and baseball games. We have 2 bearded collie dogs - who we love to death - and one cat we wish we didn't she isn't a bad cat - but older with litter box issues so she ends up living in the basement as she has ruined a few carpets. I came here as I know the one way to get back to basics and get back on track is to be accountable and talk and listen with others who are going through this. I have been a slow loser - which is ok with me - I know the 70lbs I lost are never coming back -and and if I take it slow and steady I will reach my goal eventually - I just am taking time to enjoy the journey - it has been a wonderful ride - many small nsv that just creep up on you - one thing I am trying to incorporate this summer is exercise - my dh and I have been walking every morning - for 45 minutes - this is a huge thing as I hate exercise and lost the 70lbs without any exercise at all....so hopefully we will continue! Looking forward to coming on here and sharing and learning! Huggs! Anne

  16. I have been banded about 7 weeks - after my first fill I started experiencing back pain - it is in the middle of my upper back - about where my band would be placed - it isn't horrible -just annoying - has anyone else had pain like this - I really don't think it is muscle related... or acid reflux related - as I take nexium... just wondering. I will probably contact my doc if it doesn't go away this week - but I hate to have to go all the way back up there if it is just something minor such as swelling... thanks Anne:help:

  17. I know what all you are going through -I thought I would die from 2 weeks of slim fast - I did 2 weeks of strictly slim fast - with the exception of 2 things... I did have a lettuce/cheese salad with diet dressing 1x per day - (small - couldn't believe how good a salad tasted after slim fast all day) and since my b-day and mother's day fell during that 2 week period, I took advantage and "Looked forward" to a splurge meal on those 2 days - I had my kids take me out to dinner on Mother's day and got steak - and I had a salad with it - (I tried not to blow it too bad) - and on my birthday which is also my DD birthday and we had a cookout - I ate what I wanted - as that was the day before my colon cleanse -and I figured I would be pooping all of it out the next day anyway... I lost 12lbs -and felt so much better - and it must have worked with my liver- as my doc said my surgery was "text book" - I am now a month out and able to eat some things again - I am down 23lbs - and feel great - is it tough -YES - is it worth it? MOre then I could say...since this is major surgery - I wanted to make sure I did everything possible to make it successful - and if that meant slim fast for 2 weeks - then I did. It did make it easer that my best friend volunteered to do the whole liquid diet with me - having a "buddy" sure helped - what a great best friend! She is overweight also -but opted for no surgery. Also, my DH is very supportive - and for the first week I just stayed the heck away from the kitchen...the first week is the toughest - by the second week it is a little easier... hang in there - you can and will survive it - and it will be sooo worth it! You can do anything for just 2 weeks - the pot of gold waits at the end! Anne

  18. I am also experiencing true physical hunger - last night was the worst... I ate a good lowfat high Protein dinner - but an hour later I was starved - and my son had a bunch of friends over and wanted me to go pick up pizza's and munchies - so being the good momma - I did but it about killed me! I had some soy crisps - and was ok - but it is getting harder and harder - can't wait until my first fill! Anne

  19. Hello everyone - I am in the same boat - only my surgery date is Tuesday - I have been doing the liquid pre op for 13 days - less yesterday - it was my DD birthday - and since mine is Tuesday - we celebrated both qnd had a party - I did eat some- as I figured being on the colon cleanse today I would be pooping out most of what I ate anyway...today I had to do the colon cleanse thing - ughhhh I had to drink to glasses of this nasty stuff - and since about noon I have been running to the bathroom. My hiney feels like it is on fire - so right now I am too preoccupied with that to be scared...but I was scared to death - and have been - I hate hosptials,and everything to do with them...this has been sooo hard - both emotionally and physically - I sure hope it is worth it. keep in touch - we can help each other through! AND ususally I am not so whiny... but it is hard to be positive when my fanny is flaming! Thanks for the great list - it had some great ideas on it I am printing it! Gotta be prepared! Did you mention chap stick? Someone

    else said it was a god send! Anne

  20. Hello everyone -I am new to this site- have been around a few others though- they are all so helpful! I will be having my surgery on

    tuesday - at Cleveland Clinic. Today i am doing the colon cleanse- not very fun...so I am holed up in my bedroom trying to keep busy and running to the bathroom every few minutes or so...I look forward to meeting everyone here- and hopefully joining many of you on the losing side soon! Actually with the pre-op liquid diet I have lost around 10lb already...Anne

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