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Posts posted by mfoxworthy

  1. I'm 3 years out and had my RNY on July 2, 2013. Those hormones are the total PITS!!!! Just hang in there it does get better each and every day. I noticed you said you feel a little better today. I understand how hard the liquid diet is but...just think about this: you just had a major surgery. Your stomach has been messed with BIG TIME!!! Everything your team tells you is very important to follow for sure. It will be over before you know it. When I had my RNY I had to do 2 weeks of Protein drinks for my preop and 4 weeks of them for postop. And I was still afraid to eat!!! You CAN DO THIS!!!! YOU"VE GOT THIS!!! KMeep your eyes on the PRIZE!!!

    Thank you so much for the encouragement, i truly need it right now. I'm just so surprised that I'm having such a hard time. For some reason, I honestly thought I would breeze right through this. I'm taking your advice and I will keep my eye on the prize!!!!

  2. Hang in there! Your almost thru the pain part. I have had numerous surgeries and the first couple of days are the worst. Try and sip on your Water & keep your mouth moist with the swabs.... rest, rest and ask for more pain meds. They do not want your suffer. Check in tomorrow & let me know how you are doing ❤️

    Thank you so much. I'm a bit better today. I guess everyday get a bit easier, huh? I so want to be at the place where I can eat mushies. I'm so over this liquid diet. Thanks again for your kindness.

  3. @@mfoxworthy I'm sorry you're having difficulties. It is completely normal. Your hormones are all out of whack and contributing to the depression. Hopefully your pain improves soon. Stay hydrated - that's most important right now. It's definitely not the easy way out! Stay strong! I finally had mushy food today and it tasted so good. It'll all be worth it!

    Ah, mushy food, I absolutely can't wait. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement.

  4. Hi All,

    I just had my surgery 1 week and 1 day ago. I've been in quite a bit of pain and I'm quite depressed. I hear that this is perfectly normal, but I haven't seen anyone on this site mention it. I haven't had in solid food since October 4 and wont have any for another 3 weeks. I think it's strange that someone would say this is the easy way out, instead of losing weight the traditional way. This is honestly the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I'm sorry if I'm scaring anyone, because that is certainly not my intention, Does anyone have any words of wisdom for me?

  5. Hi All,

    I had my surgery on October 18th and have been doing relatively well. For some reason, week two I've been having a bit more pain than I expected. Is anyone else experiencing this?

    Good luck to all of you that have had your surgery or are about to. I know it will be life changing for me.

  6. My husband and I were planning a trip to Mexico next year, however it would be the month before my surgery. Does anyone know if it's okay to be in another country right before surgery? I plan on sending my surgeon a message on Monday, but I wanted to see if anyone on here knows anything about this. Thanks in advance.

    Sent from my SM-N920T using the BariatricPal App

    Hi there, it's funny because my husband and I went to Mexico exactly 3 weeks before my surgery. I checked with the hospital nurse and the doctor and they said it was no problem. Please check with your doctor to as they may have different requirements. Also, watch what you eat there as my hubby and I both had quite a bit of tummy trouble once we got back. Good luck to you.

  7. Hi all. Just had my bypass on Monday morning 10/17. Home now. Really bloated. Walking as much as I can. How are my October buddies doing

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    Hey there, I had my surgery on Tuesday, October 18th and I'm doing pretty darn well. I came home on Thursday and I've been out for two or three walks daily. My only concern is that I'm retaining a bunch of Fluid. I know this because my weight went up and not down. That was a bit discouraging.

    I hope all of your October surgeries went great.

  8. Hi All, I had my surgery on Tuesday, October 18th and feel pretty good. The soreness is subsiding and I'm able to walk outside with no problem. My question is... I lost 15 lbs. during the liquid diet before the surgery, they weighed me the day of surgery. However, since I've been home from the hospital (2 days) my weight has gone up by about 20 lbs. I'm still on a liquid diet and have stuck to it completely. I believe that a lot of it is Water weight, but does this seem strange to anyone else?

    I'm kind of freaking out a bit. What if I had the surgery and then I don't lose the weight. That's got to be impossible, right?

    Did that happen to anyone else?

  9. "A breeze", that's exactly what I'm hoping for. Thanks so much for the positive message. I need all the help I can get today. Were you as nervous as I am?

    The nurse at my registration told me to prepare to be nauseous. When I wake up, when I get up, when I lay down, when I move...nausea. I went in expecting it...and my recovery was a breeze aside from gas pains! You can do this!!!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    Jesus loves you!!!

  10. Wow James, you were up and around within two hours, that's amazing. I'm looking forward to being up and around tomorrow afternoon. Thanks for the good advice.

    Good luck on your surgery tomorrow. I remember waking up in the recovery room and walking back to my hospital room. I began walking two hours later and then every two hours around the clock. It was more difficult the first day because I had to drag around a pole with wheels that held all my I.V.s. in place They would unplug me from their electronic sensors and I would begin my walks with the pole. I was in the hospital for two days and got around 2 hours sleep the whole time. So try and get as much sleep as possible tonight.

  11. Thank you so much for your kind words. I needed that today :)

    I would guess sore and disorientated, just had hand surgery and that's how I felt. When I had my tubes tied I felt as big as a balloon from the CO2 in my tummy, next month it will be me asking, it will pass. You might even feel a little nauseous although I didn't with my hand. Anesthesia isn't the horror it once was, so you WILL BE fine. Today starts the better part of your healthy life and I believe you'll be fine. Your Rosey Pal

    Sent from my S55 using the BariatricPal App

  12. This is it, my last day of my old unhealthy life (except for the two week liquid diet). I'm excited to see what's in store for me next. While I didn't think in a million years I'd be able to stick to the liquid diet, I did an absolutely amazing job. I even had two weddings to attend these last two weekend and wasn't able to eat at either one of them, that was tough.

    Can anyone give me some feedback about how I will feel when I wake up. I'm not sure why, but that seems to be what I'm fixated on at the moment, just very very nervous.

    To all of you having surgery soon like me, I wish you the very best.


  13. Hi Pattycaketoo,

    I made some homemade chicken broth over the weekend and it was absolutely delicious. So much better than store bought. I took a whole chicken, covered it with Water, threw in carrots, celery, onions and some poultry herbs that the grocery store sells. Let it cook for a few hours and then strain out everything except for the broth. Amazing. Good luck to you. I started my liquid diet last Tuesday and it does get easier, I promise. This coming from someone who thought there is no way I can do this.

    Stay positive.

    So I'm on day 2. Yesterday was rough not knowing what to really expect. One thing I did realize though is how much I ate out of being bored. I'm disabled so I stay at home most of my time. Any suggestions on passing time? Any ideas how to make this broth taste better?

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  14. Kristen, stay strong. I'm with you, I'm not really hungry, just not used to NOT eating. It's going to be a tough two weekends for me, I have a wedding both weekends and won't be eating at either of them :( I will drink my shakes and someone said, keep my eye on the prize. Yes, I'm very emotional too.

    @@mfoxworthy I'm the same day - and started my liquid diet on Tuesday. It's rough - but I'm hanging in there. I'm not hungry at all - just a lot of head hunger and I'm "foggy". I can only have 4-5 shakes a day, 3 Snacks of either broth, sf popsicle or sf Jello. I can have unlimited celery (which has been saving me at night). I hope the weekend (long one) is as easy - I will just need to keep myself very busy. I'm getting a little emotional and nervous but I don't have any second thoughts at all.

  15. Hey there, I'm an October surgery buddy. My surgery is on Oct. 18 I just started my liquid diet on Tuesday. I have to say, I was dreading this part and didn't think I could do it. Guess what? I seem to managing just fine. Unfortunately, I hate the shakes, so I literally just suck them down quickly.

    I'm getting really nervous, but I'm sure that's perfectly normal. Have you had any second thoughts like maybe I can do this on my own?


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