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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by kat40223

  1. I don't feel those charts are very realistic. So many of us that have been overweight so long have to do what we are comfortable with. I don't know what is technically ideal for me at 5'5" but I can tell you I haven't seen that weight since Jr High School and I'm 38 now! I'm thinking 160-175 is about where I'll finally land and I'm currently at 255. I've lost 100 pounds so far and still have a long way to go. I also rode horses most of my childhood and will NEVER have small thighs! I'm ok with that though. I haven't honestly started exercising per say. I have a 5 month old puppy which has made me more active so that helps. I'll get there....it's all about the journey. Right now, I'm just super excited about Louisville Football season! I get to yell, act crazy and be an idiot. And, I can sit in the seats easier! Gonna be a great year!

  2. I don't feel those charts are very realistic. So many of us that have been overweight so long have to do what we are comfortable with. I don't know what is technically ideal for me at 5'5" but I can tell you I haven't seen that weight since Jr High School and I'm 38 now! I'm thinking 160-175 is about where I'll finally land and I'm currently at 255. I've lost 100 pounds so far and still have a long way to go. I also rode horses most of my childhood and will NEVER have small thighs! I'm ok with that though. I haven't honestly started exercising per say. I have a 5 month old puppy which has made me more active so that helps. I'll get there....it's all about the journey. Right now, I'm just super excited about Louisville Football season! I get to yell, act crazy and be an idiot. And, I can sit in the seats easier! Gonna be a great year!

  3. Patty,

    I manage a men's clothing store in retail too. I'm so exhausted by the time I get home, I could care less about exercising. I had two knee scopes last year to repair tears and clean up cartilage damage. My knees feel better, but definitely not even 80%. I can't do anything too strenuous. Walking is fine and other low impact things. I've always hated exercising. I am way more active than I was, just not as much as I should be I guess. I know I would lose a lot quicker if I exercised more. Has anyone else had extra skin issues yet? Mine is shrinking down but I'm sure I will hit a point when it's a problem. I'm more concerned about that corrective surgery than the sleeve surgery.

  4. I FINALLY have lost 100 pounds. I too can't decide where I want to end up. I started at 355 in a size 28 pant and I'm now 254 and a size 20 and sometimes 18. I have kept a pair of my old pants to put on when I'm having a challenging day. It really puts it in perspective how many inches I've lost. That's the one thing I wish I had done in the beginning, take measurements. I just got back from a store manager meeting for my region and I haven't seen most of these people since before my surgery. They were shocked how much I have lost. The weird thing is despite the size change, I still sometimes see the "old Katie" in the mirror. That's a big struggle at times. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm thinking I want to lose another 70 pounds but it's honestly been so long since I've been this weight, let alone under 200. I rode horses for many many years so I still have a lot of muscle in my legs. I'll never be petite.

  5. Great job! We've lost the same amount! I am also hoping to say 90 pounds by my 6 month date on the 19' date=' but even I don't make it, I'm thrilled, and I know you must be, too! Congratulations[/quote']

    I still want to lose like another 100 pounds. Maybe a little less than that. I started at 355 and I honestly can't even remember the last time I was where I am right now. Before 2001, I know that for sure. It feels good to get a lot of weight off. I still get pissed off at myself sometimes for letting it get so out of control. It's nice to know that we can eat more "normal" amounts of food and live. It always felt like my stomach was some kind of bottomless pitt. I have averaged out at what I consider a healthy rate but fast enough to keep my interest. I haven't killed myself doing crazy exercising but I have been ten times more active than I was before. I am taking steps as I am comfortable with doing so, not obsessing over weighing (I only weigh every two weeks or so), exercising increases as I lose and feel safe doing so, and I eat foods high in Protein but if I want a treat, I have a little treat. You still need to live a little, I just don't overdo it. I'm very happy with my new lifestyle.

  6. I weighed today and have lost 87 pounds since my December 3rd surgery. Was hoping for 100 by now but 3.7 pounds average per week is not too shabby. My new puppy has helped me get more active. I got a miniature dachshund and named her Lilly. She loves to go for walks which is great for me! Everyone keep the faith and stay focused :)

  7. I weighed today and I've lost 80 pounds since surgery on December 3. I feel like I should have lost more but when you average it out over the weeks, it's really great progress. I too am thinking about doing liquid for a few days or for Meal Replacements. A friend started the hormone replacement weight loss. Anyone ever try that? It goes against a lot of what we're taught so I'm just offering her support and not really advise.

  8. Had a checkup with my Bariatric today. Lost 5 more pounds since Monday thanks to pneumonia. That's 66 since surgery on December 3. They were very pleased with my progress. I have my 20 year high school reunion in June Father's Day weekend. My goal was to lose 100 pounds by then. Doesn't seem like that will be an impossible goal. I haven't seen most of them since graduating because I moved out of state and haven't lived in my home town since. Should be interesting.

  9. I am craving fruit and veggies!!! I am only allowed steamed veggies and i cannot stand those!!! Had a few slices of an orange and boy i wont do that again!

    What happened when you had orange? I haven't found anything that really disagrees with me. Kind of a bad thing. January and the beginning of February were different but I just eat way smaller portions now. I enjoyed some apple last night. I always have orange slice in my Water. Love it!

  10. This so funny because that's how I feel! My clothes are dragging and hitting the ground. The blouses that were busting are now so big that I wouldn't think of wearing them in public.

    I joke that about 20 of the 61 pounds that I lost was 100% ass, lol. I had a big 'ol ghetto booty. Now I'm getting closer to a cute booty! :)

  11. I have a funny success story. Know the maxi dress night gowns at lane bryant? Well, I bought several of them last year because they are so comfortable around the house. Since losing weight, 61 pounds since surgery on Dec 3, they keep geeting longer and longer. My pants are getting longer because my booty is getting smaller. It's just cool to notice the little things like that. It speaks volumes in each individuals success along the way. Perhaps I should consider getting some new night gowns that aren't a tripping hazard, lol!

  12. I know we are all dazzled/befuddled/annoyed/enthralled by the weight losses...the numbers oh how we watch the numbers on the scale. but I would like to humbly suggest we remember even if it's not perfect or falling off or we're stalled or we're making bad decisions or we're making great ones' date=' we all made a commitment to our health in doing this. So, tonight, i will not share a weight update.

    I will tell you I don't need to take a nap twice each weekend anymore.

    I am taking classes at the gym I never thought I could do and I am proudly doing my push-ups against the wall - and no one even cares!

    I am wearing clothes I never thought would go over my hips again.

    My son says my face is way prettier now.

    my Husband grabs my A. So did my mother :-)

    I can do things well into the night and not feel exhausted every day.

    I am smaller and I am healthier and even though I struggle to get through this, I am proud I did this.

    It is saving my life.

    We are all doing wonderfully and I am so happy to read the replies to our group.

    Good night December sleevers. You rock.[/quote']

    Very well put! We should all learn to keep things in perspective and remember why we went on this journey. I had my wake up call last year when my orthopedic surgeon told me after my FIRST knee scope of the year, I had to make changes. One would think hitting 300+ should have been a red flag, guess I needed a swift kick in the ass. I knew that at my age, which was 37 at the time, I had to take control back. When I was being taken back for surgery in December and I saw my mom and dad with tears in their eyes, I felt loved, valued and worth fighting for for the first time in years. We all have a lot to be proud of and we ALL hold worth in this world. This is an amazing forum to come to for support and a shoulder when needed. Love to all December sleevers!

  13. Hello Kat

    I too do know What you mean about standing on your feet all day..... I am also a retail store manager..... I work crazy shifts..... So getting a consistent exercise schedule is been very difficult.... I am entering week 11. Of my post surgery.... I did enroll myself into Gold's gym last week... I am going to try to commit myself to two days a week.... I have had a lot of plateaus....this week I have been 222.2 every day :( ..... Even though it's very slow I still have managed to lose 42 pounds since my surgery... Presurgery I lost 32 pounds. Altogether 74 pounds


    That's great Patty! I'm at a total of 56 pounds since surgery and didn't really lose much before. I had 2 knee scopes within 4 months of each other and 4 months of my sleeve surgery, also making it difficult to exercise. I only weigh every 2 weeks so I don't get frustrated. It seems like I average around 3 pounds a week. That would have never happened before so I'll take it!

  14. 56 lbs is great! Are you on prescription Vit D? I've been on it on and off for a few years I can never keep mine up to a normal level.

    I was told to just do otc. I could lose more if I consistently had energy and get more exercise in. I'm on my feet for work as a retail store manager so it's not like I just sit around.

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