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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by MegN

  1. My dr advanced too. I can handle the cottage cheese but only in really small doses....I don't get the cramps but I do get the rumbling and bubbles afterwards. How much are u trying to eat? If you don't mind my asking

    I was eating maybe a 1/4 of a cup or less. Today I ate slower, putting my spoon down between bites and really taking my time and I didn't have any discomfort...plus I ate less. I think it's easy for us to try to eat like we used to, too quickly, and not realize our bodes just aren't used to it.

    Good Luck!

  2. Hi everyone, I was sleeved Tuesday 2/12. My surgeon advanced my diet to a phase 2 which includes blended Soups, pudding, boiled and peeled potatoes, scrambled eggs, and cottage cheese. I have tried mashed potatoes and cottage cheese, but after a couple of bites I have a cramping sensation in my stomach that hurts. Does anyone else get this? A friend said that I might be eating to much or to fast...I haven't had food since, sticking with the Protein Shakes because I'm kind of scared to eat. Any input would help.

    Otherwise I feel pretty darn good, I'm down 20lbs since the start of the liquid diet to now! ^_^

  3. I've been on the liquid diet for about 10 days. No cheating. Down about 13lbs. I'm going stir crazy. I have had broth, cream Soup, Protein shakes, Malt-o-Meal, yogurt and everything in between that's not a solid. What about scrambled eggs? I can't see where a couple would hurt me. My surgery is Tuesday.

    Wow, your liquid diet is much better than mine was, all I could have was Protein, broth, and Jello. My liquid diet was only for a week and it was sooo tough for me, so I couldn't imagine 2 weeks worth! BUT, Tuesday is close by and I would try to tough it out, I know it's hard, but you don't want to risk it and think of it as a test of discipline and commitment to your new lifestyle...I laugh a little though because if we were all good at self discipline then we wouldn't be here. :P Regardless of the eggs, I wish you the best of luck on Tuesday!!!

  4. Do you think sodium is an issue in our liquid diets? I don't think that Protein has much. I started worrying about that and after a few days drank an ounce of Tomato juice sprinkled with a little salt.

    I would agree that we probably aren't getting the sodium we need. I was so focused on getting my Water and protein that I never had any broth which would have definitly would have helped. Now that my diet has been bumped up, I put crushed sea salt on my potatoes...and I'm drinking a ton more water. ;)

  5. I was sleeved 2/12, everything was going well...I was getting my Protein and fluids in, and felt better each day. On day 5 I noticed I started having palpitations (an irregular beat of the heart that happens every so often) and my heart would race at times. I thought, this is weird the last time I had experienced palpitations it was when I was doing extreme dieting and exercising. Post-op day 6 comes and I started getting ready for my first doctors appointment since surgery, as well as my first day of leaving the house, and wasn't feeling right. I had gone down the basement stairs and when I came back up I felt extremely short of breath and my heart was racing. I figured this was just fatigue from surgery and my body was feeling weak. By the time I got to the doctors office I felt horrible, I was sweaty, my heart was racing, and had that feeling of "not good". My heart rate was 120! My surgeon was immediately concerned that I had a leak, but I had no pain. After blood work, a Ekg, CT of the chest, abdomen and pelvis the conclusion was...dehydration. I was shocked, I hadn't had any nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or pain...I was getting in all of my fluids and Protein, how could this be?! I obviously was glad that it wasn't anything more serious, like a leak or my gallbladder, but it goes to show that everyone is different. Just because you are doing what you should be and meeting all the goals by your doctor, it doesn't necessarily mean that your body is satisified with that.

    Here is the shocker...I'm an ER nurse! I knew that tachycardia (fast heart rate) was a sign of dehydration, but I was reaching my Fluid goals and was urinating appropriately with light colored urine (yellow/dark urine is a sign of dehydration). But, my body wasn't satisfied with that...just goes to show everyone is different and you need to communicate with your doctor with all symptoms that you have. My surgeon had me stay over night at the hospital to receive some IV fluids and to watch my heart rate. The next day, today, I feel like a million bucks! So even if your doing everything right, keep any eye out for anything unusual, you know your body the best.

  6. Wow! You are totally rocking recovery! It feels so good to get back to normal. I am a registered nurse I'm a floor nurse on a surgical specialty unit. It too is absolute madness. I am really sad that this is my last week off work. I was definitely wondering the same thing you are. I may double up on my B12, haha! I do know that I will not be lifting over 15 lbs for a month. I'm thankful to be on that weight restriction, because as you know our jobs require lots of lifting and pulling. I return to work Feb. 25th. I'll keep you posted on how things go. :)

    I'm glad I have 1 more week off, I go back March 7th...so happy I have a great boss! I too am so glad that we have a weight restriction, with having such a less caloric intake I don't think I can do the lifting and pulling like you said. I'm sure you are going to do great, I'm kind of glad when we can get back into our routine and start burning more calories. Good luck!! :D

  7. Congrats rndani! I was sleeved 4 days ago and am starting to feel "normal" again, I'm still having air bubbles/stomach cramps when I drink at times, but each day is better. I'm 5'6 and started at 264 with 1 week of liquid diet, today I weighed and was suprised to see 245!! Luckily, I haven't had any nausea or vomiting and would like to keep it that way. I see my doctor on Monday and am excited to get my diet advanced, hopefully, it would be fantastic to have some texture/substance again.

    Just curious, with the title rndani...are you a nurse? I'm an ED RN and am nervous about going back to work. Naturally, I work in a busy chatoic environment and am worried about fatigue. It would be nice to know how other nurses deal with the sleeve and work. :)

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